An Obstacles to Passed

Will 'We' Ever Gonna Be 'Us'?

Hi! I'd like to say,thank you for the upvotes,subs,comments and comment replies,even thank you for just dropping by and reading this,it is much appreciated,its been fun reading your comments and replying too ^^ oh although i feel embarrassed about this,but i recently make twitter acc for this acc,its @Volkswa_Gen so if you'd like to add me in your list or vice versa,just let me know,i might going to give some hints of progress of the stories i'm making or just spazzing there,or do nothing at all,i'm not sure yet..But only if you'd like to add me,no pressure ^^ okay that's all for that,now without further ado,i present you,Chapter 15,sorry for the grammar errors,please do enjoy it like i did ^^



“Wh..What?” Mrs. Liu said after she dropped her fork on her plate, clearly in shocked after she heard what Amber said “Dear please tell me that you didn’t just hear what I heard?” she looked at her husband, desperately wants him to tell her that she misheard things. But when her husband, Mr. Liu only sighed while rubbing her palm on her back in circular motion, to make her calmer, she realized it, its real. Her daughter just told her that she wanted to call off her engagement with Ally.


“I’m sorry mom, but we’ve been thinking about this for awhile, and we’ve come to a decision that we couldn’t continue this anymore. And personally, it would be really selfish of us, if we let this continue, while we know that we don’t want it anymore” Amber said calmly.


“B.. But why? I thought you two went well, if its about how busy you two can be, I thought you said its okay? And I’m sure you both can get a way out of this whatever situation that leads you to this?” Mrs. Liu said in panic “I’m sure there’s another way, you two can take a time up, but breaking up, does it really necessary?”


“Yes mom” Amber said “It isn’t time up that we both need, its separation. We both know we couldn’t do this anymore” aware that Ally is staring at her, confused but glad? “Our happiness now, isn’t when we are together as an item”


Mrs. Liu couldn’t say anything. Like its always been mentioned before, she couldn’t wait to have Ally as her daughter in law. She really likes Ally and she appreciates how Ally can be loyal to Amber and bear with all of Amber’s ups and downs. She believes that Ally could take care of Amber well. And when the dream she’s been hoping suddenly stopped right there, she confused.


“B..But..” Mrs. Liu about to say something when Mr. Liu took over.


“Dear, they have made their decision” Mr. Liu said as she looked at his wife eyes, then she turn her attention to both her daughter and her supposed to be future daughter in law “I believe both of you already discussed about this?” Amber gave him a firm full of determination look, while Ally said nothing, quietly staring at her fidgeting fingers on her lap.


Amber suddenly held her Ally’s hand “We believe this is the best for both of us. We don’t ask you to accept our decision right away. But we do hope you can understand why”


“Is there someone else?” Mrs. Liu suddenly asked, catching Ally off guard as she snapped her head to look at Mrs. Liu who looked at the both of them, suspicious. Mr. Liu looked at Amber, because from their few last conversations, he somehow could get the idea that there might be someone else in Amber’s heart and mind. “There’s got to be something or someone that makes you two like this right? Amber? Ally?”


Amber’s jaw tightened. She doesn’t plan to reveal anything. She just wanted to tell her parents that she’s calling off the engagement. Although her mom suspicions is true, she doesn’t plan to put anyone in anyone else bad side. Not Ally, not Kris, especially not Krystal, in her parents or anyone bad side. But facing the question now, it got her speechless.


Then Mr. Liu came to save the day “Does it matter dear?” he said “They have made their decision.. Now I know we might not like their decision, it might be hard for us to accepts it, but if they already said that they will be far more happier as friends, there’s nothing else we could do, but to understand them, be on their side and look after them, but never forced our opinion just because we thought it would make them happier, because in the end, its only them who will know which one that could make them really happy or not, we could only hope and pray that they’ll live their life well” and Mr. Liu ends it with a smile to Mrs. Liu.


Mr. Liu’s words hit both Amber and Ally hard, but Ally got it harder she started to cry, Amber hold Ally’s hand tighter, and Ally hold it tight too, she looked at Amber and smiled, this time, a more sincere and relieved one. Its enough for Amber.


Amber and Ally is at their apartment parking lot now, after they have to get through an awkward lunch with a sulking Mrs. Liu, but thank goodness, there’s Mr. Liu. Amber turns off her car engine when her phone vibrate in her jeans pocket, he took it out and checked an incoming message when Ally suddenly said “I’m sorry..”


Amber looked at her confused.


“I’m sorry that it get to be like this” Ally said “If only I had more courage and less being a , I wouldn’t end up hurting everyone much..”


“Don’t worry about mom, she’ll come around, I’ll make sure of it” Amber smiled a simple toothless smile “But your family..”


“Don’t worry about them, I’ll make sure of it” Ally smiled.


There’s a comfortable silence when both of them just smiled in relieve at each other. They have to admit that it has been awhile since they felt comfortable with each other like this. They have been forcing themselves too much for the past few years. Crazy isn’t it? This time, they have to be stop being a fool and do things they should have done from the beginning, things they knew would make them happier. And it reminds Amber to Kris.


“Have you tried to contact him?” asked Amber


Ally’s smile faltered, and her forced smile returns “I didn’t”




“I just don’t?” she smiled at Amber.


“He gave me his resignation letter” said Amber “He told me that he’ll move to another country once we settled our company matters, and he won’t come back. He said he’ll never show his face again in front of me, especially you..” waiting for Ally’s reaction, but Ally just staring at Amber’s car dashboard, saying nothing “He deactivates his phone number, only letting me contacting his lawyer, but I could asked his lawyer where he’s been hiding Al, I could..”


A lone tear dropped from Ally’s eyes, Amber sighed and slowly reach Ally to hug her tight as she silently sobbed in Amber’s shoulder “Lets stop being fool here shall we? Lets stop being a martyr and sacrifice for something we know would make us more far than the happiness we hope we’d get, through it..”


“I love you..” whispered Ally and it made Amber smiled


“And I love you too..” Amber said as she cupped Ally’s face, wiping Ally’s tears with Amber’s thumb “But we both know, it’s a different kind of love now..” she smiled at Ally “He loves you, he thought you loves me more, but for the past few days, we both know, even if you do still love me like you’ve always been, its in a different amount, compared to how much you love him.. And I believe I’m losing, am I right?”


And all Ally could do for now is to hug Amber tight, no matter how awkward their hugging position can be. But the next day, she’s on a mission.


Amber helped Ally to put a duffel bag in Ally’s car back seat. They’ve been spending the night cuddling to each other on their bed, just talking, apologizing and talking again until both of them fell asleep, like close friends would do. They thought, it must be the first night since forever they could feel that comfortable with each other. No more lies, no more hidden acts, just being the good friends they once were. And when the morning comes, Amber already set everything even cooperating with Kris lawyer to help Ally’s mission worked well, and Ally already know Amber’s feeling to Krystal, and accepts it, although there’s a slight of pain when she knows Amber started to have feelings for Krystal even though she didn’t realize it until later, at the first time Amber met her. Yes, when she cried in a bus stop on that rainy evening.


“So you’d go to South Korea and claim her heart?” asked Ally casually when they’re both standing next to her car


“Depends on your mission, if it went well, then I could go in peace” said Amber cheekily “So you better get back with a pleasant result Agent Lee!”


“Aye captain!” saluted Ally as they started to laugh at their own weird antics “Wish me luck?” Ally asked nervously, not knowing what result she would get after seeing Kris later.


Amber pat her head gently “I wish for your happiness, tell him where your happiness and your biggest fear lays with, show him that you mean it, when you said you want him” and smiled


Ally hugged Amber tightly, kissed her cheek and they smiled to each other very brightly. The brightest smile they gave to each other after years has passed between them, especially after changes after changes with their feelings, their mind sets and basically them, happens.


“Now go, drive carefully, text me when you arrived, and tell Kris I want to see him next week in my office” Amber said as she opened the car door for Ally “Or, just take another week leave, but after that, spare me some time okay? I have a mission of my own”


“Roger that Amber” and as she ignited her car engine and start driving, maybe Amber’s right, is what’s been through in Ally’s mind, I love her.. But I can’t lose him.. I can’t lose Kris, I love him..


A few weeks later, around two months since Amber and Krystal’s goodbye..


“Hyuuung!!!” Amber just got tackled by her favorite cousin whom she hasn’t met for a long time already


“Sull!” Amber said chuckling and then coughing while tapping Sulli’s back lightly “Sul.. I can’t breathe.. Sul..”


“Oh! Oops, sorry hyung” said Sulli with her usual shining bright smiles “I’m just glad I could finally meet you again!” and very cheerfully


“Me too Sul, me too” Amber said as she looked around “Where’s Uncle and Aunt?”


“At home of course, I drove here by myself” Sulli said proudly


“You did?”


“Yes, now come on! I can’t wait to help you in our mission to get princes Soojung!” Sulli said as she excitedly dragged Amber to the airport parking lot.


It was a cute car, and from the color and all of the accessories inside, it does screams Sulli’s in all, but it wasn’t the bright pink color and the whole hello kitty thing that bothers her, it’s the fact that Sulli said she just got her license last week, after failing for many times already and she casually said she got it after she wailed so much to the point that she’s sure its part of the driving test too.


“I think my instructor thought with my determination for always coming back no matter how much I failed before, deserves me THIS!” she showed her driving license that has her picture who smiles brightly like she is now, to Amber.


Amber hesitantly asked Sulli “So have you been into an accident so far after you got your license?” while looking at her baby cousin doing all the standard procedure of driving a car.


“Nope” Sulli said cheerfully, which makes Amber so relieved, but Sulli hasn’t stopped talking yet “I just got my car yesterday, and I just drove it today, special for you hyung!”


Amber daringly asked “Have you been into any accident before you get your driving license?”


“Oh yeah!” Sulli said excitedly “I did, but never that bad, I just don’t understand why some of my instructor would act as if I made big mistakes” then pouts.. Then mumbled loudly “Oh wait which one is brake and accelerators?” with that, Amber gulped “Oh here it is! Silly Sulli” and with Sulli laughter echoed in the car, Amber tightened her seatbelt, hold on to anything and pray to God that she’ll still have chances to live before she start her mission to get Krystal back.


It was a smooth ride actually.. Probably because other cars decided to make ways for Sulli noticing how fast she drive, and she did it while singing, giggling and humming. So when they reached Sulli’s family home, Amber asked her uncle right away about where she could rent a car and she’d pay no matter how much it cost, and being an understanding uncle, especially with what Amber just been through, being drove around by Sulli, Mr.Choi gladly lend her one of his car.


And when Amber got a car, first step of the mission is about to start.


“Are you sure about this Sul?” asked Amber nervously


“Hyung, isn’t it supposed to be me who asked that? And yes, I’m sure, what’s more that would make someone believe your seriousness about your feeling than to meet their closest family member?” Sulli rolled her eyes “Unless you want to go straight to Uncle and Aunt Jung in Hong Kong.. But I’m afraid you wouldn’t survive in piece, you’ll get double beat if Jessica unnie found out that you didn’t bother to get her permission first before going to their daddy, after all, she’s Krystal’s guardian here” nod Sulli, satisfied with her knowledge about the Jung’s.


“Krystal is in her legal age, she doesn’t really need a guardian Sul” Amber said, but Sulli looked at her as if Amber tried to joke a not so funny joke.


“This is Krystal we’re talking about hyung, she’s the baby of her family, oh you should have seen how Jessica unnie punch this guy once because he unintentionally made Krystal cried, and then this one time Uncle Jung hanged this guy upside down in front of their family door gate because he caught him cheating behind Krystal’s back and they haven’t even dated yet” Sulli laughed, finding it amusing although Amber clearly not “Krystal got to be the calmest between them, got to admit that, but you know, she’s the baby, even though she told them to stop, they’d still find ways to fix things for her, she’s very much loved hyung”


“I.. I’m sure she is” said Amber, and although not sure she should feel glad, she’s glad that Sulli advice her to meet Jessica first before straight to Mr. Jung, imagine if Mr. Jung knows what she’s been causing. She hoped none of the Jung’s knows about it, and she’s sure that Krystal wouldn’t share much about it. But it soon becomes shattered when Sulli tell her something.


“And I think I’m sure they’ve already know about you, so that’s one advantage for you, no need for an awkward introduction and awkward interrogations about who are you, where do you live, what do you do, how did you know Krystal  and etcetra” and ends it with her bright smile, total opposite with Amber’s expressions.


And Sulli didn’t lie when she said all those things. No awkward introduction and awkward interrogations. Its just awkward. Amber sat alone in a three seats couch in Kwon’s family of three residences while Sulli happily played with Jessica’s three year old daughter, Krystal’s niece. Sulli looks so happy while Amber could only sat straight under Jessica’s intense stare who sat on another three seated couch across her in the same living room.


It wasn’t straight to this, at least not on the first few minutes of their very first encounter approximately an hour ago. Amber even had a chance to admire how beautiful Jessica is, not giving a single doubt that Krystal could grow up to be a gorgeous lady knowing how great their family genes are.


Until Sulli, excitedly and cheerfully introduced her to Jessica, as the one who made Krystal’s heart broke during their college years and made her hasn’t been able to moved on ever since. Within split seconds, Jessica’s warm smile gone, and changed to be a very cold and deadly stare. But like Sulli said when Jessica let them to come in, Amber should be grateful because usually, Jessica won’t hesitate to kick anyone out right away, and it could be ended nastily.


For an hour, contradictive with the atmosphere around Sulli and little Yoona, what’s happening between Amber and Jessica is nothing but a mental slaughter, as in Jessica, mentally slaughtered Amber, at least in Amber’s imagination, because she couldn’t guess what’s in the older girl mind with how expressionless her face is now. Jessica literally just sat on the couch, with one of her leg crossed above another, her hands folded in front of her, and stared at, the fidgeting and nervous Amber, very intensely.


Amber didn’t dare to start any conversation, and it doesn’t seem like Jessica would do any kinds of conversations with her at the moment. Not that she’s scared of Jessica, maybe, a little, but that isn’t the one that makes Amber hesitate on what to do. Its more to the fact that she knows she made mistakes to Krystal and from what Sulli said, Krystal’s family knows it, and Amber just simply doesn’t want to ruined the situations that already being ruined by herself. She wanted to have another chance from Krystal, and while at it, she wants to have Krystal’s family blessings too. Its just she doesn’t know where to start or what to do, and Sulli who supposed to help her, doesn’t being much of a help now.


And that was until someone opened the front door and said “Baby, I’m home..”


Amber assumed its probably Jessica’s wife, because little Yoona suddenly ran to the front door while yelling “Umma!”


“Here you are little baby, how’s today? Did you help mommy much?” Amber heard Jessica’s wife talked to their three year old daughter while walking to their direction “Oh? We have guest? Sica?”


“Yoona go play inside, Yul, come here” Jessica said curtly, and her wife could only confusedly looked at her wife and Amber.


“What’s going on here?” asked Yul, or Kwon Yuri, Jung Jessica legally wedded wife.


“Hand me your gun” said Jessica without breaking her stares on Amber. And yes, she just asked Yuri’s gun, because she’s Seoul’s police officer.


“What are you going to do with my gun?” Yuri asked suspiciously


“Just give me the damn gun” Jessica said as she glared at her wife opening one of her palm in front of Yuri.


But Yuri seems unaffected “Oh no I won’t missy until you tell me what’s going on here and who is this?” as she looked at Amber.


“You don’t need to know someone who is about to die” answered Jessica as she throw her glares at Amber, this time, it worked.


Yuri chuckled slowly and pat her wife head instead “Baby, lets stop the act and tell me what’s going on here? You wouldn’t even have a heart to hurt flies”


“Oh this one I will and I’ll surely enjoy it” said Jessica still in her murdered mood, but Yuri just smiled, shakes her head and stretched her hand towards Amber, offering a civilized way to introduced each other.


“Hi I’m Yuri, Kwon Yuri, I’m sure you’ve met my wife and our little daughter?” Yuri friendly said “And you are?”


Amber is about to introduce herself properly before once again she’d straight go to another person murder list when Sulli comes out from Yoona’s play room “Yuri unnie!”


“Sulli? You’re here too? How are you?” As they exchanged their friendly hug “Did you come alone? Waiting for Soojung?” asked Yuri, still very friendly.


“Yes” Sulli said “I’ve been playing with Yoona, and I am very fine thank you unnie, but no I didn’t come here alone, I’m with my hyung here” she point her finger at Amber “This is my hyung Amber Liu, she came here from L.A and yes we both waiting for Soojung”


“Oh?” Yuri’s face suddenly changed as if she tried to remember something “Amber Liu? That somehow sounds familiar, where did I hear that name before?” she asked Jessica, but this time, Jessica’s facial expression isn’t as scary as before in Amber’s eyes, in fact, it looked worried now, she even tried to block Yuri’s gun holster instead of taking it.


Then Sulli said “It’s the same person who broke Krystal’s heart during our college years unnie!” excitedly.. “The one that got Krystal sooo worked up and live her life as if there’s no more happiness around her and all she did is study and study and study? This is her, my hyung!” she presented Amber cheerfully.


And Amber swore she thought she saw Jessica gesturing her to run away. But its too late, because Yuri finally remembered. She gulped


“You are that punk? I’ll kill you!” and Yuri growled


“Yuri no!” Jessica tried to stop Yuri from taking her gun and shot Amber right at that moment. Well that’s Amber’s first barrier of obstacles that she must passed.


Yuri kept screaming about how she’ll kill Amber for making their baby sister sad and broken, Jessica kept screaming that Yuri needs to calm down, Sulli screamed hysterically because she couldn’t understand what’s going on, Amber begged Yuri to listen to her explanations before she killed her, little Yoona just stand not far from there watching her parents, her aunt’s friends and a new aunt she met being weird while eating her snack, a banana.


Until somebody barged in after that person closed the front door hard, then hastily walked in to where the craziness are then shout “Stop!” and that’s exactly what everybody did, even little Yoona stopped munching


“What’s the matter with you people?! Don’t you know that the whole neighborhood could hear you guys screaming like bunch of lunatic psycho maniac?! What the hell is going on here?! What the hell are you guys..” that’s when Krystal’s eyes, met Amber’s.


“Hi..” Amber said slowly.


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: 2022 and still waiting 🥲
Chapter 16: Is 6 years of waiting for this fic to finish, patient enough? Like, how much little bit more should we wait? Imma cry a river again
niconico12 #3
Chapter 16: 2021 fightin
oraaye #4
Chapter 16: awwkward!!! lol deym! what an amazing story author zz cant get enough! ill be waiting for the update. thank you
Chapter 16: Where is the ending?
Alerth #6
Is this the end?
AlbertCiero #7
Chapter 16: please finish the chapter soon. can't wait to see kryber's wedding. please update faster
TwinTurtles #8
Chapter 16: AWWWWWW OMG YOONA IS SO CUTE!! The big baby Sulli is too funny here! Man I loved this sequel. THANK YOU SO MUCH!