(Under Reconstruction)

Will 'We' Ever Gonna Be 'Us'?

Hi!My name is Genta,here,i'm using my favorite car brand as my username..Now you might find this weird,and i'm doing a very weird thing,but honestly,i'm not happy with the original chapter 16 that i've posted before.I admitted that i was in a rush to finished this fic,but my writer's block didn't give me any help,i just typed some then posted it.I only need to typed the epilogue then marked it completed,but somehow,i'm not satisfied.This fic means a lot to me,but the way i ended it didn't seems like it is.So,i was thinking of re-making this chapter and now as i typed this,i'm currently trying to re-write the end chapters of this fic.Hopefully,if i manage to do it well,I could at least sleeps in peace because i know i've finished this fic with a well deserved end,even at least for me.But most importantly,i hope,i really hope,that you my readers would enjoy it too as much as i would enjoy it.

Meanwhile,please be patient just a little bit longer ^^

Thank you

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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: 2022 and still waiting 🥲
Chapter 16: Is 6 years of waiting for this fic to finish, patient enough? Like, how much little bit more should we wait? Imma cry a river again
niconico12 #3
Chapter 16: 2021 fightin
oraaye #4
Chapter 16: awwkward!!! lol deym! what an amazing story author zz cant get enough! ill be waiting for the update. thank you
Chapter 16: Where is the ending?
Alerth #6
Is this the end?
AlbertCiero #7
Chapter 16: please finish the chapter soon. can't wait to see kryber's wedding. please update faster
TwinTurtles #8
Chapter 16: AWWWWWW OMG YOONA IS SO CUTE!! The big baby Sulli is too funny here! Man I loved this sequel. THANK YOU SO MUCH!