A Moment To Remember

Will 'We' Ever Gonna Be 'Us'?

Months have passed faster than I thought when Kris came to my lab in our office building earlier this morning to remind me that Kia Motor’s representative would be posted in our building as their temporarily office, while their real branch office is still under constructions. There’s a lot of things in my mind lately that I forgot that our company and Kia Motor’s cooperation procedures has reach the end of its preparation phase and now will start to operate sooner.


“Dude, why do you sounds surprised, I’ve already told you the details about each phases since months ago and their request to temporarily use one our office room as their main office while their own building still under constructions since last week”


“I know, I know, I’m sorry.. Its just, my mind was too preoccupied lately, the new machine we are trying to develop finds a dead end and I can’t seems to find out about what’s wrong with it, I made the calculations, I estimated it well, designed the frame perfectly, but it still not working as expected”


“Well, did you do what you always do whenever you face these kinds of situation?”


“Yes, I did, I did it all over and all over again, still, I can’t find the answer”


“Okay now that , really Am, but I need you to be up there, Kia’s VP will be here within thirty minutes and you’ll need to clean yourself up before you’ll meeting her”


That’s when my brain really freeze “Wa.. Wait, Kia’s VP?”


“Yeah, Krystal Jung? She will be their representative here until everything settles, and since I have a flight to Philadelphia to catch now, I’ll count on you to help her to get used with our building okay”


And it has been almost an hour that she’s here, in the same building at the same floor with me, sitting in her temporary office, across the hall from mine, but I still couldn’t find the courage to go there, knock the door and greet her like an old friend supposed to greet their fellow friend. Yes, it means I didn’t even welcomed her, I told my staff to do it on behalf me, because I’m still cleaning myself after being days working in our lab. Or so I told my staff to tell her that as a reason.


“I’m such a lame..” This is too frustrating. It wasn’t this hard before. We could talk for hours, laughed for hours, teased each other for hours, everything was easy before. Why couldn’t I come up with even a simple ‘hi’ to her now?


Even though of course.. Now its different from before..


Those are just a moment to remember..


Now.. Who am I kidding?


That was when my secretary knocked my door “Excuse me President Liu”


“Yes come in”


“President Liu, Ms. Jung would like to see you, she said she wanted to say thanks personally to you to let her stay in our office before her company’s office is ready, should I let her in or should I tell her to come again later?” and it was when my brain freeze for the second time of the day because of the same one reason


“K..Kryst? I mean, M..Ms. Jung?”


“Yes President Liu, Ms. Jung.. From Kia Motor’s? Should I tell her to come again later?”


My brain has temporarily shuts down itself.


“President.. Liu?”


“C.. Could you please tell her to wait for a bit?”


“Sure President Liu, excuse me”


Nervous, anxious, losing breath that’s what I felt. I was between on deciding to tell my secretary that I don’t want to be disturbed or just jumped off my window. But I’ll take back the second thought because somehow I know that fell from fifthy-third floor would make a lot of mess down there. So I made my decision.


“Luna” as I talked to my secretary through intercom, trying to sound as calm as I could “Please let Ms. Jung in, thank you”


And it needed only a few seconds when I heard Luna knocking on my door “Excuse me President Liu”


 “Yes, come in”


“President Liu, Ms. Jung is here”


“Ah yeah, let her in please”


I was trying to rearrange some papers I have on my desk to make it at least a bit tidier while trying to keep my breath as calm as possible when I heard my secretary Luna let Krystal’s in. I have never been this nervous for long. Its almost the same nervousness like long time ago when I was about to ask Ally to be my girlfriend, or similar anxiety like when I’m going to make my first business deal for the company, or..


“Good morning President Liu..” No, I’m wrong, it was different from both of those experiences. The nervousness and anxiousness I felt whenever I met her, is different.


I should consider to raised Luna’s payment for taking me back to reality or else, I would just gawking on how beautiful Krystal is in her working attire. “Is there anything else I could do President Liu?”


It’s a simple working woman kind of attire you would find as Executives in every company “Oh em.. What would you like to have to drink Kr.. Ms. Jung? Coffee? Tea?” but on her.. Its perfect..


“No thank you President Liu, I already had mine earlier”


“Coffee for me please Luna, thank you”


“Yes President Liu, excuse me”


We had few seconds of not speaking about anything at all when she finally started to say what she originally wanted to say by coming to my office. And I ended up staring at her..


“Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet you in your office President Liu, I understand that you must have a lot to do, so I better make this fast, because I don’t want to disturb anymore of your time.. I just want to say that, on behalf of my superiors and our company, we would like to thanked you for your generosity on having us here in your building and even letting us use one of the part of your building as our temporary office before our own is ready..” she’s so..


“And please rest assured that we would never forget your kindness, and we will show it with a full determination by working as hard as we can to make our business deal gives us expected results”




“Excuse me?”


“Good! I mean, good.. Excellent, great”


“Al..right.. Then.. That is all I wanted to say, so if you’ll excuse me President Liu, I will..”


“Krys..” I wanted to say something, anything, I wanted to ask how is she, I wanted know how was her life for the past years, how she have been doing, I wanted to know more about her, what happened in her life after I went back to L.A.. Did she get my letter? “I’m sorry I didn’t personally welcomed you earlier”


“Its understandable President Liu, I understand that you must have been a lot of more important things to do. But your staff already welcomed me and my staffs well earlier”


“No!” I wanted to say that she is important to me too, I wanted to say that.. “I Mean..” I wanted to say that I can’t read you expression Krys, I’m not sure whether you are happy to see me, or are you not? Am I the only one who felt this nervous? I hoped at least, let me see something that can make me sure that you’re happy to see me, please..


And that was when Luna came again to bring my coffee “Excuse me President Liu”


"Thanks Luna, you can go" Maybe i should reconsider the raise


“Well, if there’s nothing else you would like to say President Liu, I shall return to my office”


“W..Wait Kr.. I mean, Ms. Jung” I wanted to ask, why did you always called me that way ever since we met? Yes, I am that, but I am also just Amber, why did you make it seems like you wanted to draw a visible bold line between us?


“Forgive me if I’m late to say this, but congratulation.. President Liu.. For your engagement.. Excuse me..”


Or I should have known, it wasn’t her who draw the line..


Its me..






“Thank you everyone! I love you!” she said to the crowd, her fans, before she walked down to the backstage


“Great job girl!” everyone greeted her


“Thanks guys, all of you did a great job too, lets have a dinner out after this, dinners on me!” she said to them.


She walked towards her own changing room while welcoming each greets, and returning everyone congratulating hug on her way, and when she arrived, she’s greeted by a bouquet of flower and a smiling man.


“You came” she said, accepting the flowers, mesmerized by it


“I promised didn’t I?” he said, glad that what he brought made her happy “You were great up there”


“You saw?”


He nodded “A bit late because I got held up a bit, but I’m here when you were singing your third song”


“Thanks” she smiled as she admired the new bouquet of flower she got from him


“No problem..” he said looking “But.. Don’t I get something for keeping my promise? I don’t know.. Like.. Something?” as he walked closed to her


“Something?” she asked, oblivious to the man who slowly walked closer to her direction, and when she turns her back..


 “Like this..” he kissed her..

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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: 2022 and still waiting 🥲
Chapter 16: Is 6 years of waiting for this fic to finish, patient enough? Like, how much little bit more should we wait? Imma cry a river again
niconico12 #3
Chapter 16: 2021 fightin
oraaye #4
Chapter 16: awwkward!!! lol deym! what an amazing story author zz cant get enough! ill be waiting for the update. thank you
Chapter 16: Where is the ending?
Alerth #6
Is this the end?
AlbertCiero #7
Chapter 16: please finish the chapter soon. can't wait to see kryber's wedding. please update faster
TwinTurtles #8
Chapter 16: AWWWWWW OMG YOONA IS SO CUTE!! The big baby Sulli is too funny here! Man I loved this sequel. THANK YOU SO MUCH!