An Option, to Let It Sail, or to Let It Sink

Will 'We' Ever Gonna Be 'Us'?

Sorry for the late updates,something with work stuffs,personal issues and bad net connections,thank you for those who took their time to remind me,now may i present you,chapter 11,enjoy,pardon for grammar errors and have a nice week ^^


Krystal’s PoV


From: Amber

Have you had your lunch yet? I already told the cafeteria section manager to prepare as much menu with meat as possible so you wouldn’t have any reason to skip it. I heard they have mango pudding too as today’s desserts. Eat all of them okay?


To: Amber

Okay.. How’s your parents?


From: Amber

Coast clear, mom a bit hysterical about my arm, but dad is cool, he helped me convincing her that I’m okay.


To: Amber

You better be okay and never to pull up another stunt like that or I’ll break it myself =.=


From: Amber

>.< okay I won’t, please have mercy on me T.T


To: Amber

We’ll see.. Have you had your lunch yet? What are you doing now?


From: Amber

I had, now I’m accompanying dad fishing at the beach dock near our house, honestly I’m not sure if there’s any fish here.. I miss you.. I’ll see you tonight?


To: Amber

I miss you too.. Have fun with your dad okay? And be careful


From: Amber

I will, don’t worry.. Love you Soojung-ah.. I’ll try to talk to them about me and Ally okay?


She’ll talk about her and Ally to her parents today..


Is this really happening?


What had happened between me and Amber since that night has got me thinking. I thought I already gave up on us, I never dare to hoped more about us knowing that it’d only gave me nothing but pain.


And then it happened..


She confessed, and here we are being all secretive like this because like it or not, she’s still engaged with Ally. I’m so scared of hoping that we will finally be together, but I can’t deny that I wanted us to be together. Even though it will hurt others in the process..


Do I really have a heart to hurt them? I want Amber for myself, but Ally..


Do I really have a heart to hurt her?


Does it really have to be Amber?


Do I have to only love her?


Why can’t my heart beats for someone else?


“Excuse me Director Jung? Permission to enter?”


“Kris? Hey, of course, come in”


“Thank you, you seems busy, I’ve been asking your secretary to dialed you up but you didn’t respond, so I decided to barged in, if you don’t mind?”


“Really? You did? Oh my gosh I’m sorry, did you wait long? I really didn’t realize it”


“Its okay Krys, chill, it wasn’t that long but it is important”


“Important? What is it? What can I help you?”


“Well, its really important, in fact I’ll really need your help for this.. Accompany me to eat lunch? I heard they got tasty mango pudding for desserts today, and I remembered you have an absurd craze over that fruit, so why don’t we go to the cafeteria and eat it all like it made only for you? I can pull some strings if you don’t want to compete with any mango diehard fan fellows out there”


Someone like Kris perhaps?


“Okay, wait for a bit, let me just turned off my laptop”


“Take your time, I’m not going anywhere”


Someone else but Amber..


Krystal’s End of PoV



No one’s PoV


Amber kept looking at her phone waiting a reply text from Krystal, zoning out while her minds wandered to the reasons of why Krystal didn’t reply her last text, questioning whether she doubt Amber’s words on going to talk about her reconsiderations about her engagement with Ally to Mr. and Mrs. Liu.


She was too busy zoning out she didn’t aware that she’s being watched by her own father who sat next to her on his foldable chair.


“If I could collect a dollar from your thoughts, I bet I’ll be a millionaire by now” Mr. Liu said, while checking his fishing rod.




He smiled at his youngest daughter “What’s the matter kid? You seems so off lately, I believe this isn’t the first time I ever saw you lost in your own thoughts, and don’t say its about work, because I bet with all of the fish in this ocean, its not even a bit about your projects or whatever considering work, right?” But Amber didn’t responds immediately, she mindlessly checking on her fishing rod instead, thinking about whether should she or not to start the topic she initially wanted to talk about.


Noticing her daughter’s hesitancies, Mr. Liu tried to ask once again “What is it kid?” with all his focus now, on Amber. He waited, and waited until finally, her daughter said something.


“Dad..” But somehow, he already know.


“Is it about you and Ally?” and he realized that his guesses hits a bullseye when Amber didn’t even denying it. He knew this would happen, somehow he just knew, and he sighed.


He was after all a bit disagreed when Amber and Ally decided to get engaged. Not because he was against their relationship, but its more to his own believe that if people are sure of something, they just have to do it, like him and his wife.


He was so sure that his wife is the one he quickly asked her to be his wife even though they hadn’t known each other for long. For him the fact that Amber decided to engage, looks more like a hesitation from her whether Ally is the one for her, or not, before it would eventually faltered apart. But then it was his logic, he couldn’t forced anyone else to follow and understands his logic, but looked at him and his wife now, still together and in love with each other enough no matter how many glitches they had during all of their years of marriage. But looked at his own daughter and his supposed to be future daughter in law.


Sometime he didn’t understand why do they have to delay their wedding day for so long. He questioned it, just like his wife did, but unlike his wife who accepts Ally’s and Amber’s busy schedules as their solid reasons, he believes its because of the hesitations that still clouded one of them if not both, minds. And it turns out that he’s right.


“Did you have an argument recently?” Mr. Liu tried to asked some basic questions because he didn’t want to quickly assumed that its because someone, on this matter, Amber, has a hesitations.


“We didn’t even have enough time for that” Amber sadly smiled.


“How’s the communication between you two?”


“Good, despite the time differences sometime, we managed it rather well?”


“Then what happened?”


Mr. Liu saw Amber fidgeted a bit before she slowly asked “What makes you sure, dad? What makes you sure that.. Mom, is the one for you? That you’ll spend your entire life with her? Not someone else, maybe?”


And by now, Mr. Liu sees something else behind his daughter’s hesitations, but he answered Amber’s questions without mentioning his suspicions, yet “What makes me sure? I have no doubts when I decided her to be my only one.. Somehow I just know.. Why kid? You have things that bothered you about this?”


“I.. I’m not sure..” Amber said


“You’re not sure about how are you feeling for her, or you are not sure that she’s the one for you?” asked Mr. Liu “Because not sure about your feeling for someone is different although similar with when you are not sure that that someone is the one for you” but Amber kept mum, so Mr. Liu decided to say the last part of his speech about Amber’s problem “If you are not sure about your feeling now for someone you’ve been in love with for years, you might just lost the sparks that used to be there because of some reasons like lack of time to spent together, but its not like it can not be fixed. Its more to the will, to fix it. However, if you’re not sure that someone you’re in a relationship with is the one for you.. Then, I’m afraid, there’s nothing to be fixed, because its never broken. Its just, it.”


Amber seems to be in a deep thought after she listened to what Mr. Liu said, while Mr. Liu seems to be torn in between wanting her daughter to fight for her relationships with Ally, or just dropped it when they still have time, although it means, he’ll need to bring his wife on a long vacation, to Europe maybe, and let her do some shopping spree on wherever they land to make her feel better, after all, his wife really hoped Amber and Ally could end up together, knowing that they had been together for so long. Its whether she really sees Ally as the one for their daughter, or because she’s just used with them being together throughout all of these years.


But as a father, someone who is considered as a person with more experiences in life, Mr. Liu feels like he’s obligated to say the words he’s about to say to his daughter “Don’t let your momentarily desires blinded your heart kid. Always aware of what we called as infatuations. Don’t let regrets in the past eats your chances to be happy with someone who loves you and you are supposed to love in the future”


And with those words her father said, Amber knew, she have to decide, sooner or later, between two options.


It is whether to let it sail, or to let it sink.

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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: 2022 and still waiting 🥲
Chapter 16: Is 6 years of waiting for this fic to finish, patient enough? Like, how much little bit more should we wait? Imma cry a river again
niconico12 #3
Chapter 16: 2021 fightin
oraaye #4
Chapter 16: awwkward!!! lol deym! what an amazing story author zz cant get enough! ill be waiting for the update. thank you
Chapter 16: Where is the ending?
Alerth #6
Is this the end?
AlbertCiero #7
Chapter 16: please finish the chapter soon. can't wait to see kryber's wedding. please update faster
TwinTurtles #8
Chapter 16: AWWWWWW OMG YOONA IS SO CUTE!! The big baby Sulli is too funny here! Man I loved this sequel. THANK YOU SO MUCH!