A Dumb, A Dumber, and A Dumbest

Will 'We' Ever Gonna Be 'Us'?

I am a bit excited and sad,because this would end soon,had a little hard time finishing this chapter,but i'm glad i could finish this now and working on next chap ^^ one thing for sure,on next chapter to the end,hem..expect kryber?BUT i couldn't promise it'll be a sweet chapter though,kukukuku..By the way,just asking,should i write again once this end?I probably have new story ideas with kryber as the main character or SNSD RF as the main character,and might make it genderbender?Haven't decided yet,so,want to help me to decide? ^^ As for now, enjoy Chapter 14,thank you for the subscribes,upvotes,comments and also comment replies,its very fun to talk with you all,hehe,and last but not least,pardon for the grammar errors,i hope from this chapter, we could understand Kris and Ally's side of story,enjoy ^^


“Amber..” was what Ally said once she realized that someone has been witnessing her kissing Kris.


She pushed Kris away once she saw Amber, she jumped out of his car and tried to approach Amber to tell her that its not like what she thought, that she’s not kissing Kris. But who’s she trying to lie to? Even moron knows she’s so close to make out in Kris car. And the fact that Amber backed a little when she tried to reach her, sent a legit sign already, that whatever reasons she wanted Amber to believe, that she’s not kissing Kris, would be useless.


The next thing that happened was something she never felt ready to face, but has too. She told Kris to go home although he insisted to stay. She told him to leave her and Amber alone, worrying about what would happened to Amber and to Kris if they'd stay in the same room, and telling him that there are things she'd need to discuss with Amber.


“For how long?” she heard Amber asked her from across the table “For how long did these happened?” she asked again.


“Long..” is the only answer Ally could give out.


She heard Amber exhaled slowly. She didn’t know for how long did Amber been holding her breath, or why, or maybe she does know, but she’s too afraid to be right. She’s afraid to look at Amber’s face, she’s afraid of what would Amber said next, she’s afraid of everything about what will happen to them now.


“After, or before we engaged?” Amber asked again.


As the reality just hit her hard on how long she’s been hurting Amber, Ally hesitantly answered with “Before..” her voice cracked. She’s been hurting Amber that long, and Amber been nothing but a good lover for her, throughout all of this year that even Amber’s recent affair couldn’t even compared to her own sins.




Ally wants this interrogation to stop, she honestly wants it to stop.


“When did it start?” Amber rephrased her question


“During your time in Korea..” Ally answered meekly


And its as if Amber didn’t have enough reason to feel her world start crumbling down, reality just hit her harder. For all these time she’s been trying to do the right thing, its all turns out to be, complete useless. All of the guilt and pain she felt for being torn in between her promise to Ally and her love she thought was wrong for Krystal, its all just a waste of time.




“I don’t know..”


“You don’t know? You’ve lied to me throughout all of these years, cheating behind my back, with my bestfriend and you don’t even ing know why?!”


“I’m sorry..”


“Sorry?” Amber scoffed then chuckled bitterly then hit the table hard it startled Ally as she starts to let her tears falls down.


“I’m so sorry Amber.. I.. I..”


“Do you love him?” Amber tried to control her emotion once again


Ally looked at Amber and said “I love you..” instead


“That is not what I’m asking!” again Amber lose her cool for a moment, before she tried to control it once more with inhaling and exhaling loudly “Do you.. Love, him?”


“I didn’t.. At first..” said Ally between her sobs “I didn’t even tend to let it happen more than once, I didn’t tend to keep it this long”


“At first..?”


“Yes, at first..” Ally said


“What happened then?” asked Amber “If you didn’t love him before what makes you changed? If you didn’t tend to let it happen more than once before and didn’t tend to kept it this long then what? What makes you changed your mind?”


“Because you’ve changed!” said Ally “You’ve changed Amber.. Right after you came back from Seoul, you’ve changed, you’ve became someone I don’t know, you’re here, with me, but it seems like you are somewhere else, far away from me..”


“But that doesn’t mean you can do what you’ve been doing with Kris behind my back Ally! You have no reason to do that! I might change, but I’m here, I ing stay with you, I ing stay, god damn it!” Amber let her emotion took over when once again reality hits her hard about how useless all of hers especially Krystal’s sacrifices. Its all useless.


“I’m sorry..” again Ally could only regret what have had happen.


“Stop saying sorry!” shouts Amber “Just stop!..Okay? Stop.. Please..” she sat back on her chair and lay her back on the back rest, loudly sighed. Her head hurt, her heart numb, her whole body felt so tired she doesn’t know what else to do, to say, to think, to feel. Its just too much for her. She feels sick.


“Did you ask him to invest in my company?” Amber suddenly asked after some moment of no words between them.


“I..” Amber saw Ally being hesitate


“Do you, or do you not?”


“I did, but he honestly interested to your ideas, he really did”


“You can tell him to leave my company or I’ll be the one who take my leave” Amber said firmly


“You can’t do that, what about your inventions? And the contract you had with him, you’ll get yourself in trouble Amber, please don’t do that”


“That’s none of your concern Ally”


“It is if you’re going to ruin your future like this, please don’t do that Amber”


“Then what do you want me to do? To just let it be? He is supposed to be my bestfriend, Ally, he is supposed to be someone I trusted the most, other than myself, and what did he do? He back stabbed me by cheating with you! Now if you have another better idea than me and him taking separates way in business relations nicely and try not to show each other face ever again for our own good after that, then be my guess Ally, tell me, what’s your idea, what?”


And as expected, until Amber left her alone in their apartment living room, Ally still couldn’t come up with any better idea. In fact, she couldn’t even think of anything at the moment.


It soon became a sleepless night for the four of them. Amber stayed at the office that night, Krystal’s temporary office room to be exact. Kris spent the night at the bar gulping glasses of his alcohol servings. Ally lay on the bed with her eyes wide opened while playing with her engagement ring absentmindedly. And Krystal, she let her mind wanders at the dark night outside the plane.


When the morning comes, everyone at the office could feel the unusual atmosphere going on between their two bosses. By lunch time all of the employees already know that Amber been staying at the office, moving only to her own office room and hasn’t been out ever since, while Kris arrived with a very serious look, something that only familiar if it comes from Amber, not him. He came and walked straight into his office room and hasn’t been out ever since.


Once he gets in, he took a seat on his desk, swirling it around so now he’s facing the city scenery that the sky scrapper building has offered, part of the reason why he and Amber agree to build their office building at the area. Thinking about Amber, remind him of what happened last night, especially after he left Amber and Ally’s apartment. He was at the bar alone, looking at his glass of whiskey when Ally called him. She told him what Amber said, about either him or her, who walked out of the company they’ve expand together. Ally’s words kept replaying in his mind, that she begged him to do something to changed Amber’s mind.


“Why? If that’s what she wants, then I have no power to stop her” Kris said “If you’re worrying about I’ll filled a lawsuit against her, don’t, and if you’re worrying that she won’t get another chance in business, don’t, people in the industry practically will fight each other to get her to work with them or even begged her so they’d work under her” with an expressionless face. But in his mind, he felt the same feeling he used to have years ago, when he kind of lived alone in NYC, with no friends, and too busy with their own s, parents. Once again, he felt alone.


Amber was sitting on her desk, putting her elbows on it and clasp both of her palms under her nose and her thumbs on her chin, scanning his company contract regarding her position and Kris in the company. She’s been doing it for hours already, just sat, and reads it all over again. And she was in the middle of another round of re-reading it when there’s a knock at her office door.


“Come in”


“Excuse me President Liu, Vice President Wu wanted to see you” her secretary said.


Amber didn’t answer right away, but eventually ordered her secretary to let him in after some inner consideration she made, within a split seconds. And as soon as her secretary closed the door after letting Kris in, Amber and Kris stared at each other with an unreadable facial expression.


They didn’t speak for awhile, until Kris said “I don’t come here to say sorry for loving her because what I feel is sincere” Amber’s jaw tightened, but she didn’t say a thing “I don’t come here to stop you from kicking me out of our commitment for this company because that’s your rights” and he said it calmly, more calmly when he said “But I do feel sorry to made things end up like this to us”


Amber laid her back on her chair backrest, clasping her palms above her lap, watching Kris, but didn’t say anything.


Kris gulped, but he continue “I cherish our friendship Amber, but I love her so much, I love her even before she met you, even before she fell in love with you” a little bit desperate this time, but remain his calm posture “Don’t blame her on this because this is all my fault”


“, you” Amber said slowly, but menacingly and expressionlessly “If you cherish our friendship you wouldn’t kept this so long behind my back. If you love her as much as you said you are, you’d want her for yourself, instead of sharing it with others and sneaking behind someone she’s in relationship with. If you want me not to blame her, don’t worry, I don’t, and I don’t blame you either. I blamed myself, for being easily fooled by both of you right under my nose.”


“You don’t understand..” Kris mumbled


“I don’t? Which part that I missed to understand? The part where you ed our friendship up, or the part when you my girlfriend while I’m not around? Should I thank you for taking care of her when I couldn’t?” said Amber sarcastically


“You have no idea how hard it is to hold a feeling to someone when you know you shouldn’t Amber, you have no idea” Kris said through gritted teeth “You have no idea about the pain you’re feeling when you want something you couldn’t, and you don’t have any idea of the guilt I’m feeling when I’m doing something I know I should never started, but I couldn’t, because I don’t have enough power to stopped it, I can’t even if I wanted it, because I love her, I need her. Call it selfish, but you have no idea of living under the impression that you have a perfect life, while the fact is you’re not. You have no idea of being lonely Amber, that’s why you wouldn’t know how much you could suddenly turn to be a selfish jerk who would do anything as long as you got the one thing you ever wanted and wanted you back, for once.”


Amber looked at Kris who started to have tears b in his eyes, but her face remains expressionless. She understand what Kris feels, ironically, she somehow could feel that they both in a similar boat, similar situation, facing a similar dilemma. “Then why? Why did you both decide to keep it behind my back instead of just come clean? Why did you let me asked her to be my fiancée?”


“Because she loves you.. Ally loves you..” Kris smiled sadly “The only reason she agreed to have whatever relationship me and her had is because you’ve changed A.J, since you came back from Seoul, you’ve changed.. You should know that when you were in Seoul, me and Ally only got together once, and never again, then you asked her to be your fiancée.. Don’t you know how happy she was when you did?” Amber didn’t say anything but her expressions changed “She was so happy.. But then what happen Amber? Why bother asking her to be your fiancée if you’d only treat her as strangers afterward? Someone you’re obliged to be with?”


“It still doesn’t give you the rights to get in between us” Amber calmly said “You don’t know what I’ve been through..”


Kris caught Amber’s sadness, but he seems to get the wrong reason “I know, that’s why I’m here to tell you that I’ll resign from the company management. I’ll let you decide whether we’ll continue our cooperation or not. I’ll assure you that there will be no lawsuit and all your rights will return to you. I’ll only take the amount of capital I’ve invested in our early contract” he said “I’ll also leave the country, I wouldn’t show myself again in front of you. Especially Ally..” he did a little bow then left the office before Amber could react.


Kris walked back to his office, sit on his desk, sighed, took out his phone and start sending text.


To: Ally

I’ve made my decision, don’t worry anymore about Amber. Thank you for everything. Goodbye


And send it away. Funny isn’t it? That happens, when a dumb, a dumber, and a dumbest made choices in their life.


She received the text messages. Her hands felt cold. Her breath hitched. Her heart hurt. She sat down and cried.


Its been few days since the night Amber caught her fiancée cheating behind his back with their bestfriend. Its been few days too since the day Ally received Kris text messages. Things hasn’t been the same ever since. Kris already gave his resignation letter, he stopped going to the office, but he’s nowhere to be found. His phone died. He could only be contacted by his lawyer, through emails. As Kris said, he didn’t want to start a big drama fight about his rights in the company, his lawyer act more like his personal assistant, not even once talking about Kris rights. In fact, its his lawyer who came to Amber, giving his resignation letter. Amber took the letter, but she didn’t say anything. Kris lawyer told her they are ready whenever Amber wants to start to talk about the capital separation, but they have to get through him because Kris wanted to be alone for now. Amber accepted the info and understands it. But she couldn’t help but to feel sorry when she looked at how Ally been behaving since the last time they both met or heard anything from Kris.


Ally was sitting in the apartment living room couch, watching tv or more to looking at the tv screen when Amber said “My mom and dad invites us to have lunch with them today”


Ally looked at her, smiling a forced smile before she said “Okay” then turned her attention back to the tv, staring at it again. Amber could only look at her but said nothing.


A few hours after that, Amber is the one who sat in the apartment couch staring at tv screen expressionlessly, while waiting for Ally done preparing and comes out from their bedroom. Amber then took her phone out, stared at her phone screen for awhile then opens a text messaging apps, typing a text to someone, send it then put it back in her jeans pocket before looking at Ally who is now ready to go.


“Lets go” Ally said, again, smiling a forced smile. Amber smiled a little smile, before she stands and pull out her palm towards Ally, telling her to hold it. It surprised Ally a little from the way she stunned a bit when Amber did it, but then she smiled, a little not to forceful smile, and take Amber’s hand, holding it. Amber turns off the tv and they walk out of the apartment together, hand in hand.

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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 16: 2022 and still waiting 🥲
Chapter 16: Is 6 years of waiting for this fic to finish, patient enough? Like, how much little bit more should we wait? Imma cry a river again
niconico12 #3
Chapter 16: 2021 fightin
oraaye #4
Chapter 16: awwkward!!! lol deym! what an amazing story author zz cant get enough! ill be waiting for the update. thank you
Chapter 16: Where is the ending?
Alerth #6
Is this the end?
AlbertCiero #7
Chapter 16: please finish the chapter soon. can't wait to see kryber's wedding. please update faster
TwinTurtles #8
Chapter 16: AWWWWWW OMG YOONA IS SO CUTE!! The big baby Sulli is too funny here! Man I loved this sequel. THANK YOU SO MUCH!