
Your Best Day Is Always Ahead




The night Luhan comes back to Seoul, Jongin calls him right before bed time to make sure everything went well. The older boy speaks nicely through the phone, excusing himself again for having their ice-cream day with Yeonsu postponed and revealing some details about the two new Chinese trainees. Then, he arranges a new meeting for two days after, as he knows their teachers will have a company meeting in the afternoon.


"How do you know all these things, really?" Jongin can't help asking. Luhan was like a cuter, older version of Sehun on that aspect. They both knew secrets about the company Jongin could not have clue about.

Luhan giggles from the other line. "I shall not reveal my source, Jongin."

"You guys are so ahead." 


The older boy chuckles and Jongin smiles, looking up to the dark sky of the night. "You should go to bed now."

"Yes. You go too, Jongin." Luhan agrees with a quite sleepy tone "Thank you for calling."

"Don't mention it." 


They hang up right after and Jongin falls asleep almost immediately. 


The next day he doesn't really manage to meet either of the boys. He knows Luhan has his upper-medium dance class with Minseok, and Junmyeon and Chanyeol are too busy working on their shakily dance skills. On the contrary and to his immense joy-ironically-Sehun is always there. 


"Your face is more annoying than usual, today." he nicely states when the boy shows up after lunch, his face a completely white painting.

"Thank you," Sehun growls, not even bothering to look up at him "I bet you would look the same if you had school and practice." 

Jongin tries to ignore the fact that Sehun manages to always sound so winy, to him, and shrugs. "You are not the only one." 

"I am the only one of this class so kudos to me." 


Jongin rolls his eyes. 


By the end of the day he walks towards the company's entrance with the younger boy, who is also heading home earlier because of homework, and they bump into a guy with an angelic expression on his face, dark hair and a toned body, who is standing still between two staff members, hands shaking nervously. He looked like a lost puppy, and both Jongin and Sehun feel the urge to bow their heads at him while passing nearby as a supportive sign. The boy blinks, weirded out, but bows back immediately, 90° degrees.


The two men from the staff notice Jongin and Sehun then, and one of them immediately calls Sehun informally to come over, proving once again to Jongin that the boy had to be some kind of ninja staff member himself.


"Sehun, come, come."


He follows the younger towards the little group, and the dumbfounded guy looks at them. 


The staff man pats Sehun's back lightly. "Sehun, this guy here is a new friend from China. He arrived yesterday, with Luhan. Boy, introduce yourself."

Immediately, the boy bows again. "I am Zhang Yixing, nice to meet you." 


Jongin's lips curve softly at the boy's cute pronunciation.  


Sehun bows himself. "I'm Oh Sehun. Welcome."

"Sehun, he is so scared since he only got to know Luhan and the other Chinese boy, so maybe you can take good care of him from now on?" the other man asks while sending a supportive look to Yixing.

"Of course. Don't worry, Yixing-sshi, you'll feel at ease in less than you think. How old are you?"  Sehun asks, careful with pronouncing his words slowly, not to confuse him.

The boy freezes for a moment, looking up as to recall something. His age, actually. "20" he then informs while smiling embarrassedly.

Sehun thumbs up at him. "Then you can treat me to Bubble Tea, since you're my hyung. We'll get along well."


From his position Jongin would like to face-palm but Sehun grabs him by his arm and brings him to face the Chinese boy, interrupting him.

"This friends here is Kim Jongin," Sehun introduces him and Jongin bows.

Yixing, again, bows himself and Jongin shakes his hands "Don't do this, really."


The two staff men then pipe up and one of them pats Yixing on his back. "See? We told you there were no reasons to be so scared. Luhan told you also, didn't he?" 

Yixing nods a bit, opening up into a grateful smile towards Jongin and Sehun. 


He seriously looked like a lost puppy, Jongin thinks while nodding along with the younger to make Yixing relax. He greets them a few minutes later, when Sehun offers to bring Yixing around for a little tour, but not before bowing to the Chinese boy and grabbing Sehun by his shirt and walking a few steps away.


"What about your homework?" he whispers and the younger boy rolls his eyes. 

"I just want to help. They-"

"30 minutes, Sehun. Then you go straight home."

"Why are you acting like my father now?" Sehun protests and Jongin glares at him "Okay, okay. I'll go home in 30 minutes. Promise."


Satisfied, Jongin lets go of him but mimics an -I'm watching you- before walking away, making Sehun snort. 






The next morning Jongin finally gets to meet Do Kyungsoo. Chanyeol had talked about him a lot, while Junmyeon seemed to be a little bit obsessed, especially regarding the boy's singing talent and cute face. Now that Jongin has been introduced to this singing class, the boy stays right in front of him, a flat expression on the quite good-looking face. He is rather small, especially compared to Chanyeol, but his wide, disinterested, dark eyes make him look scarier than Chanyeol could ever dream to be. Who did Junmyeon call cute again? 


"Nice to meet you." he greets with a hesitant smile.


Kyungsoo stares at him for a few seconds before smiling-actually, it looked more like a little grin- at him. "Nice to meet you, too." 


Jongin numbly observes as the boy turns away immediately after, exiting the class with nonchalance without a single word.


"Yeah, well," Chanyeol raises his shoulders, embarrassed "You have to get to know him a little better." 


Kyungsoo comes back some minutes later while vividly discussing with a brunette guy Jongin has never seen before and, judging from Chanyeol frowned expression, he is not the only one.


"Are you kidding? How was I supposed to know?" the brunette exclaims and he sounds exasperated.

"I told you. Damn it, Baekhyun-hyung, why don't you ever listen to me. We're screwed." 

"I hate you."  

Kyungsoo glares at the boy deadly just when Luhan quietly enters the room, and Jongin doesn't miss the way Kyungsoo's expression brightens at his sight.

"Hyung!" he greets with a wide smile, a sort of smile Jongin thought he would never see on that impenetrable face "Thank God you are here." 

Luhan greets him smiley and doesn't notice Jongin standing a few inches apart "What's wrong?"

"This idiot forgot our assignment at home," Kyungsoo briefly explains and the Baekhyun guy yells a -I didn't, you idiot, you told me it was for tomorrow!- 

He gets ignored, "Right, so. Hyung, could you please present your assignment today? I know you were supposed to bring it on Friday but-"

"Hey, relax." Luhan massages Kyunsoo's shoulders and sends both him and Baekhyun an amused look "I finished it on my way to China, so no problem."

"Really?" the two guys looks at him in pleased disbelief.

"You are the best." Kyungsoo states with a captured smile while Baekhyun nods, and Luhan blushes. 


Chanyeol coughs, tired of getting ignored.


Luhan turns to him to excuse himself, and then notices he is standing right besides a quiet and awkward Jongin.


"Jongin, what are you doing here?" he asks, shocked, while Chanyeol walks towards Kyungsoo and scolds him for not having introduced his new friend yet.

"Unbelievable, right? I was dragged out of class this morning and brought here."

Luhan smiles softly. "Are you nervous?"

"Of course I am. Singing? I never did this thing in my whole life, except maybe for lullabies for Yeonsu." 

"Talking about it, I can't wait for this afternoon." 

Jongin catches Luhan's sweet eyes and his worries for singing rolls away from his mind immediately. They get interrupted by Chanyeol, who is already dragging Baekhyun around like an old buddy, and places the brunette boy in front of Jongin's face.


"Hyung, meet our new friend. Byun Baekhyun."

Jongin greets the boy with a slight bow, "Kim Jongin."

"I know who you are, boy. They call you Asia's next big thing here, don't they?" the boys opens up into a confident smile and winks at him "This was before Byun Baekhyun arrived." 

Kyungsoo face-palms and Luhan giggles. Chanyeol stares, mesmerized.


"You can take that stupid title immediately, for me." 

Baekhyun giggles and wraps an arm around Luhan's waist. The older boy hits him lightly on the arm "You are such a bothering dongsaeng, Baekhyun."

"No, he is a curse," Kyungsoo butts in acidly "Not even a week since he came and I am already having nightmares." 

The brunette sticks his tongue out cutely. 


All of them take a seat as soon as the teacher arrives, followed by a boy Jongin recognizes as Yixing, and she immediately asks Jongin to come to the front to inform it's time for him to start studying singing as well.


"Luhan, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are our top vocalist right now, and I would like you to carefully observe their practice, to get some glimpse of how singing classes go. Of course you will start from the basis while they are way ahead, but I am sure you will find this useful."


Jongin nods silently, hands stretching in jitters, and the beautiful singing teacher then introduces Yixing, who is now waving and exchanging excited looks with Luhan in the background. "Our new friends from China will accompany us with the piano," she says and Yixing greets them with a deep bow.


"Chanyeol, come forward with the guitar please."



Jongin sits quietly on a chair in the bottom of the room, observing Chanyeol's fingers moving rapidly on the guitar and Yixing soft look as he tunes up the piano. Luhan sends him a quick smile before standing with the other two singers to warms up their voices.  


Kyungsoo is the first one to sing, and he leaves a deep impression on Jongin. He sings a soft english song and his pronunciation. His low, shooting yet strong voice fills up the air in the little room and Chanyeol stares at his best friend with a smile on his face while he plays along. His voice is so beautiful, Jongin thinks, getting goosebumps when Kyungsoo performs a particularly high note in a perfect tune, his face portraying the feeling of the song perfectly.


Chanyeol claps when he is done and the others imitate him immediately. Kyungsoo only offers a lopsided smile. 


Baekhyun stands up next, singing a rather old, immortal Korean song Jongin remembers his father used to love. He gets a bit emotional while listening to Baekhyun's soft, flawless voice and finds himself staring at the latter's cute face now turned emotional and sorrowful. Baekhyun hits his high note perfectly, the veins on his neck pulsing at the effort. When he is finished singing Jongin, Yixing and Chanyeol are all jaw-dropped, and he smiles satisfied.


"Teacher, how come I didn't know about him?" Chanyeol asks, incredulous and still unable to take his eyes off Baekhyun, who exchanges a grin with Kyungsoo besides him.

"You were struggling with dance too much, I suppose?" 

Jongin giggles at Chanyeol's pouty reaction. 


"Luhan, come." the teacher invites then, smiling adoringly at the boy as he stands in front of her "How are you today?" 

Luhan only nods, thankful and concentrates.

Jongin fixes his eyes on him.


Yixing starts playing, and Luhan's lashes shut close softly. 


He sings in Chinese, a soft, heart-breaking song that makes Jongin's mind go blank instantly.

Luhan's voice is probably one the most beautiful things he has ever heard. He has just listened to two amazing singers, but Luhan does not just amazes him. He gives Jongin feelings. His voice is raw, yet soft and shooting. It is rich, unique, a combination of powerful and incredibly beautiful.

Jongin is stunned.


Luhan sings softly, timidly, moving is hand at the melody of the music. Jongin can feel his insecureness despite the flawless singing and notices the others in the room are looking at him exactly like he is. Softly and caring.


When Luhan finishes he opens his eyes slowly, smiling mildly right after. He goes back to his seat and Kyungsoo massages his shoulder with an adoring smile.


"Nice job, Luhan. We are moving steps forward, aren't we." the teacher winks at him.


Luhan blushes and smiles, nervous, nodding at the woman's words. He gazes at Jongin who is still looking at him, silently, and bites his lips.


Luckily enough, the teacher informs it's now time for Kyungsoo and Baekhyun to present their assignment and when Luhan intervenes to tell he would like to present his own first and the woman declines his request in a matter of seconds, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun's faces go blank and pale and Chanyeol almost bursts out laughing. 


Jongin had never had so much fun since the first day he entered SM Entertainment. 






He waits for Luhan to come out from the building after calling Byul-noona to ask her to dress Yeonsu up for ice-cream.


"We'll be there in I think, 45 minutes. Yes, the pink dress.. no, noona, not the new one. The one from last year ,with cherries, you know her when she eats ice-cream." 


He hangs up and eyes the sky, enjoying the beautiful view of its blue. 

What a perfect day for a walk he thinks.

He starts quietly humming a tune that has been stuck into his mind since he heard it in dance class, and throws a look at the building's entry to catch any sight of Luhan but almost dies for the fright when Kyungsoo's unexpressive face bumps into his sight instead, prepotent, staring at him deeply.


"Where are you taking Luhan-hyung?" Kyungsoo speaks up immediately and shocks Jongin. He sounds so intense, his voice dark and low, too much for someone so small-looking.

"Excuse me?" 


The boy rolls his big eyes and fixes them on Jongin right after. Jongin is sure they display a glimpse of irritation.


"I asked you a question, Jongin-sshi."

Jongin frowns. "Why?"

The younger boy doesn't move or shows any reaction at all. He is so still that Jongin starts to feel sick. "Listen, seriously, why are you asking?"

Kyungsoo's eyes darken at his words and Jongin can't understand. He raises an eyebrow, questioningly, hopeful to receive an answer that could please him.


Few seconds pass before the shorter boy decides to speak again. "Luhan-hyung becomes attached to people easily, and most of the times suffers  because of it." 

He pause again, lifting his eyes away from Jongin's ones. "I have to make sure you are not harmful." 

"Why should I be."

"Because you stare at him like there's no tomorrow, Kim Jongin." Kyungsoo spills out matter-of-fact, making Jongin pale  "I've observed you closely today, and I've heard Luhan talking of you. He is attached to you already."

"I am, too." 


The fast question takes Jongin off guard. Kyungsoo frowns.

"Luhan-hyung in not a piece of meat, mind that. I hope my warning is clear."


Jongin doesn't know what's next, but he doesn't like it. Kyungsoo is devouring his soul with those wide eyes, judging him for something he couldn't even fully understand. What did he do wrong? 


"Stay away from him." 


Jongin is given no time to properly react at the words that he sees Luhan coming out from the building and running in their direction with a guilty smile. Kyungsoo sends the older boy a soft gaze.


"Sorry, I am a bit late." Jongin shakes his head "What are you two doing here?"

"Chatting randomly." Kyungsoo answers quickly and ignores the protest in Jongin's yes "Have fun." 


Luhan thanks Kyungsoo brightly, turning quickly to Jongin to catch his eyes. Jongin is still staring at Kyungsoo, though, feeling uneasiness growing all inside him as the boy sends him a last, warning glare. 


"Jongin, is something wrong?" 

Realizing he was ignoring Luhan, Jongin turns to the boy quickly, pulling off an embarrassed smile. 

"It's just that his eyes are so big, you know?" he fakes surprise and opens his eyes wide as to mimic Kyungsoo's ones "I still can't get over it." 

Luhan chuckles at his statement. "Yes, isn't he the cutest boy ever."


Jongin would have seriously used a completely different adjective. 






It doesn't take long for Jongin to forget about Kyungsoo's weird attitude and words. Few seconds with Yeonsu and Luhan were more than enough. 


His daughter had grown an unexplainable and strong affection for the blondish guy, probably since the day of the bracelet accident, and now that she has met him after quite a while she looks extremely happy. She walks between the two boys, holding hands with Jongin and staring at Luhan's beautiful face the whole time, mesmerized, as they chat. 


Jongin also notices a glimpse of happiness in Luhan's eyes, a kind of pleasure that hadn't been able to see in them since they first met.

They are eating ice-cream though and Yeonsu combines one of her disaster, so he decides to focus his attention on something else.


Completely unaware of said disaster, Yeonsu sits on a bench and spills out practically everything about their family while Luhan follows, careful, giggling here and there because of the baby's face conditions. 


"Do you work, too, oppa? Or are you still a student?" 

"I graduated a while ago. And I don't work. You do?" he then asks looking up to Jongin and Yeonsu doesn't let him speaking.

"He works a lot, because he takes care of Byul-unnie and me well." 


Luhan listens to Yeonsu's uncontrolled words discretely, noticing the concern and the uneasiness on Jongin's face as the child innocently conversed with him. He tries soon to change the topic of the conversation to put Jongin at ease. 


"Your oppa is really the best, you know? He is a star already in SM."

"Really?" the girl widens her eyes cutely.

Jongin blushes and sends Luhan a playful glare. "Don't say such things. It's embarrassing."

"Why, I'm just being honest." he teases.

"Aren't you famous also? You are so beautiful." Yeonsu asks and now it's Luhan's turn to blush.

"I am average. I sing and dance, but it's nothing special."

The little girl performs a teasing "eeeeeeeeh" and shakes her head "I don't believe you. Oppa, can I hear him singing?" she then asks Jongin and the boy grins, sending Luhan a teasing look "Just ask him, Yeonsu." 


Luhan's beautiful voice appears in his minds and Jongin smiles, sending the older boy a supportive look. Luhan would have never declined a request coming from a cute child like Yeonsu, so he blushes and clears his throat. 


His fists bump into one another as a clear sign of nervousness. He avoids Jongin's eyes as he starts singing.


Lying beside you, here in the dark

Feeling your heartbeat with mine

Softly you whisper, you're so sincere

How could our love be so blind

We sailed on together

We drifted apart

And here you are by my side


He stops and keeps his head down in embarrassment, while Yeonsu stare at him with 'O' shaped mouths. Jongin is once again stunned into silence.

When Luhan faces them he immediately bursts out laughing, awaking both father and daughter, at the sight of Yeonsu's ice-cream splattered, completely melted, on her dress. Jongin quickly turns towards her, sighing heavily when she wines about her own condition.


"You won your own record, Yeonsu. I'm at a loss for words." he states, looking for handkerchiefs.

"I'm sorry," Yeonsu pouts, begging for Jongin's sympathy "Oppa, I got so mesmerized by Luhan-oppa's singing that I didn't pay attention."

Luhan's eyes widen, and Jongin giggles at that "You did?" he asks amusedly "I got mesmerized, too."

He sends Luhan a stealthily, giggling look. He actually has to thank Yeonsu again for making the atmosphere lighter. Luhan's voice could move him so easily that he didn't really know how he would have explained it.


Luhan hides himself behind his still almost untouched ice-cream. "Thank you." 


Despite Yeonsu's completely ruined dress, they decide to take a walk after a while.  


The little girl still claims the spotlight for Luhan's eyes and Jongin is perfectly fine with it. He always enjoys Yeonsu's random tails about kindergarden or facts that have left an impression on her. Just like any other kid, she is curious, and Jongin adorea how talkative yet shy she could be. He stares at Luhan's face the whole time. His reactions were the most adorable thing ever, his innocent blinks and his attentive bambi-eyes towards Yeonsu made Jongin's mood fly to heaven.


Luhan was so pure.


He moved him in a way only Yeonsu ever did, made him wanting to protect the older inside his arms forever. He was afraid to even bother trying to understand why he felt that way.


Suddenly Kyungsoo's wearings pops up in his mind and Jongin's heart skips a beat. 


He refuses to think about it as they take Yeonsu at a nearby ball-pool, leaving the baby playing under their careful eyes as they stand close to each other. Yeonsu would occasionally call for them, waving her hands.


"She is adorable," Luhan tells him "Never seen such a beautiful child before. She looks like you so much." 

And it was true. Yeonsu resembled Jongin in almost everything, from their dark, soft hair to the smiling and youthful eyes and their full lips.  

Jongin giggles, embarrassed, when Luhan turns to face him with an uneasy expression. 

"I mean, you know-"

"Thank you." Jongin cuts him off, thankful and Luhan chuckles softly. 


He later on asks the older boy and Yeonsu to pose for a photo together, and Luhan takes Yeonsu in his arms. They hug, the kid's arms wrapped around Luhan's shoulders as they both smile angelically. 


Jongin doesn't care about how cheesy it is of him, but he makes the photo his new wallpaper.








Yeheee fast update! 

What do you think about the chapter? *-* Also.. chapter six is coming in a few as well ^^



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<3 beautifuuuuul thank you
Chapter 20: I knew it was an old fic but I was glad had I chance to found and read it, thankz for this beautiful fic,., thankz for writen the sweetest KaiLu moments here,. KaiLu = <3
Chapter 20: There are a lot of things I really liked about this story, I can't name them all without dropping hints regarding the story; but mostly let me start with how I love that Jongin is Kyungsoo's hyung. lol
ToriDubu #4
Chapter 20: OMG this was beautiful!! I'm crying omg /sobs
Autor-nim i need to thank you for a such sweet fic! KaiLu is my OTP and ive enjoyed every chapter! ;-;
<3 ;u;
Chapter 20: A very beautiful and touching story, love! Thank you so much for sharing this! :'D I giggled and dreamily sighed so many times~ <3 This story is so full of promising happiness that my eyes get watery from time to time. Thank you again! You're beautiful and amazing! More power to you! :'3 xoxo
Chapter 20: This was a nice lukai story. I loved the ending the most where Kai's daughter finally called him appa. That seriously pulled at my cold heart. Great job :)
clairenoona_887 #7
Chapter 20: aw aw aw.. amazing story!!
jongin being young Appa, and it's so touched 'bout Jongin's family life.
and some cheesy n romantic moment of kaiLu I really really loved it, esp when they're spend time together with Yonsu it such a great family..
I imagine that really happened in real /slap/
kekkke.. just kidding ^^V
it's humorous when the other member teasing KaiLu, made a bet and the lube gifted from beagle line+huntao *LoL
Thank you author-ssi for writing this
beautiful story..
need more Kailu fict from you!! kekke
author Jjang!! :))
Chapter 8: oH MY FEELS EXPLODED IN THIS CHAPTER- I commented again i am so sorry omg i can't resist it's SO BEAUTIFUL I CRI EVRYTIEM
eine08 #9
Chapter 20: This is so beautiful! Thank you >_<