Christmas pt. 1

Your Best Day Is Always Ahead


EXO arrives at the end of the year with big hopes and expectations for the many Ceremony Awards it gets nominated for. 
The boys are given few days of break to reunite with families during holidays and before that, they exchange presents with one another. 
Jongin is quite satisfied with the hoodie his bandmates have bought him, except there is an unexpected writing on its tag and Jongin frowns as soon as he reads it. 
-There is another little present for you~Under your bed-
Although his bandmates apparently aren't giving him much attention even after his reading, Jongin gets up from his position on the floor to go and check his room in curiosity, wondering who could have been to buy him an additional present. He is quite sure it is Luhan, actually.
A second later he almost lets out a loud cry of desperation as he finds the infamous present under his bed, consisting of nothing but a bottle of expensive lube. There is another note for him to read and Jongin is not sure he wants to at that point, his face never been any redder in embarrassment and anger.
-Beagle-Line+Sehun+Tao . . . Don't thank us …  Marry Christmas, Hyung!-
Jongin decides the only reason why he is not going to kill his bandmates it's because it's Christmas and yeah, everyone is supposed to be nicer during Christmas.
They all greet goodbye for their days off, wishing a Marry Christmas to each member's family before they depart.
Luhan doesn't consider the idea of flying back to China with Tao, Yixing and Kris at all. What for after all? 
He asks manager-hyung for permission to stay in the dorm, frowning deeply when the older man refuses and tells him something unintelligible like "Don't be silly, Luhan. Pack your things." or similar. 
He does packs his things, although he doesn't understand what for since he has sold his apartment and is not going back to his homeland, thinking that maybe he would have stayed at the company during those days. Jongin comes in his rescue after almost everyone has left the dorm, a bright smile on his face.
"Aren't you done yet? We have to hurry up, Byul-noona has to go."
He stays there looking at Jongin, blinking, for long before the other hits him on the arm.
"Did you really think I'd let you alone? Stupid, you are coming home with Yeonsu and me."
Luhan blushes almost immediately and pretends to hit Jongin's shin to mask his embarrassment "When did you plan to tell me?"
Luhan shakes his head, accepting Jongin's help to finish his packing and smiling brightly as the boy teases him with grimaces. 
When they arrive home Byul and Dongho are waiting for them in the kitchen, while Yeonsu immediately jumps in Jongin's arms happily, yelling a "Welcome back, oppa!" and then jumping to Luhan to do the same.
Husband and wife spend a few minutes with them for a tea, chatting excitedly about their upcoming vacation in Saipan. Byul recommends Jongin of various things before she leaves, like for example to be extremely careful with kitchen and fire, and Jongin dismisses her with his eyes rolling. Yeonsu wishes the woman and Dongho to have fun, wrapped into Luhan's arms, and then they watch them leaving in Dongho's expensive car.
"Great thing they are going on a vacation," Luhan observes "Since they didn't have their honeymoon."
Jongin nods, thoughtful, and feels extremely guilty for that. If Yeonsu could have stayed with him, Byul would have not be forced to stay home after the wedding. 
She is having her chance now, although three months have passed already, so he should not think much about it. 
Later that day, Jongin eyes Luhan and Yeonsu eating gummy bears together and chuckles, suddenly wondering if they would somehow be able to leave the house during these vacation days. It is EXO's first Christmas as idols, and he doesn't know what he should expect if he ever wandered down the streets alone, without any safety guard. Still, he has no intention of staying home like a criminal during Christmas so, a bit hurried by the thought of a nice walk in the snow with Yeonsu and Luhan, he calls his manager.
"It's a bit risky." comes the man's voice from the other line "I mean, it would be the three of you only, right?"
"I don't know, Jongin. Try to act as natural as possible. I don't want you and Luhan to be caught in some scandal."
"I don't either, that's why I called," Jongins snorts "But I can't keep the kid home forever, you know." 
His manager stays silent for a while, taking a long pause to reason. "I will ask some representative to write a response if articles and photos break out. You can't feel obliged to stay at home and not enjoy a walk with a bandmate and your sister during Christmas."
Jongin smiles bitterly, "Thanks for understanding."
"Marry Christmas, Jongin." 
Jongin hopes, from the bottom of his heart, that there will be no need for that response to get published. 
Trying to free his mind from such idol-worries, he immediately asks Yeonsu to get dressed, informing they will be going out in a while.
Jongin notices Luhan's insecure expression at the news, that the boy hurries to evolve into a cautious questions as soon as the little girl leaves for her room.
"Will this be okay, Jongin?"
Jongin tries to pull off his most perfect poker face. "Don't you want to take a walk?"
"Of course I do, but-"
"Then just relax." Jongin cuts him quickly, sending a reassuring, little smile. Luhan hesitates for a moment before nodding.
All protected in warm clothes and big coats, the three of them leave for their snowy walk soon after. The city always seems more beautiful when adorned with Christmas lights and lot of masked people makes children laugh and play in the snow. 
Jongin and Luhan take Yeonsu to a petite café for a delicious hot chocolate and as sons as the three of them settle down, they get asked to take photos with EXO's fans noticing them and screaming in excitement and disbelief. It then happens so often it becomes a habit. Yeonsu never stops being very shy about it, and Jongin would pretty much prefer her not to be involved, but there is no way he can explain this to his fans, so he lets go. 
By the end of the night, when it's almost 10.30PM already and they are slowly and relaxingly walking home, Jongin breathes the cold air and enjoys the little performance pulled off by Luhan and Yeonsu who are singing a Christmas song loudly and childishly.
He turns around to gaze at the boy besides him as melts as he meets Luhan's smiling features.
He is beautiful, with his pale skin shining in the city's burning lights, a big wool hat covering the blondish hair that falls delicate on the big, innocent eyes. His expression as he sings is cute as ever, and Jongin loves those little wrinkles under Luhan's eyes as he laughs with Yeonsu wholeheartedly. 
He lets a gloved hand fly up to Luhan's shoulder to leave a soft touch, and Luhan turns to face him when the hand slowly slides down, in a long , to meet Luhan's hand. The boy looks intensely at him, caught in the gentle brushing of their hands before Jongin breaks apart with a regretful smile. 
They are in the middle of the street, in Seoul, after all. 
The next day they wake up at Yeonsu's loud screams of joy as it's Christmas Eve day.
Jongin gets up to make breakfast while the little girl slips into his futon, positioned right besides Luhan's one, to play morning cuddling (torture) games with the still sleepy blond. He shakes his head, feeling a bit sympathetic for Luhan in that moment. He was long used to it. 
He is about to call the two to inform breakfast is ready when his phone starts ringing shortly but continuously, making him raise an eyebrow in curiosity. 
Jongin then takes a look at the numerous texts he received, all from his bandmates but some also from other friends from SM. The texts revolved around the same topic; photos of Luhan and Yeonsu with him the previous night.
In a particular one they are smiling, cold but happy, and Luhan has his soft gaze fixed on Jongin as he carries Yeonsu on his shoulder. It's a beautiful photo, Jongin thinks, natural and innocent.
He coughs by himself, a bit embarrassed, but smirks at the same time while reading his friends' texts again:
-Hyung, what a beautiful family you have~-
They somehow manage to survive dinner. Yeonsu is not particularly excited by the little quantity of food Jongin and Luhan were able to cook, but it was still something and tasted good, so they all let it run. 
Luhan suggests to have a little Christmas-themed karaoke night before bed-time, and Yeonsu is pleased to accept because one, she loves listening to his two oppa singing and two, she attends Kindergarden, and no one knows Christmas songs better than kids in kindergarden. 
Jongin frustratedly accept Luhan's idea, since it's not that there was something better to do, but has to admit he was terrible on the subjects so he doesn't do much. He opts for comfortably enjoying Luhand and Yeonsu's performances instead, only getting into the mood with "Jingles Bell Rock", in which he does not only sing, but dances also. 
"Oppa, I should go to bed now, should't I?" 
Jongin glances at the clock on the wall, thoughtful. It is 10.30PM already. 
"Yes, Yeonsu. It's time to go I believe ."
The little girl quickly nods, hurrying to greet her two oppa goodnight before disappearing in her room at the speed of light.
"Wow." Luhan observes with wide eyes.
"Yeah, you know.. she takes the Santa Claus thing so seriously."
The two of them eyes at each other for a moment before laughing out loud. Jongin mimics to be less noisy with his hands soon after.
"We should be quiet from now on."
Luhan nods and gets into the kitchen to wash dishes. Half an hour later, Jongin cheeks Yeonsu's room, careful not to make any noise, to see if the little girls has fallen asleep already. As soon as he makes sure she has, he goes back to the living room where the Christmas tree stands bright, and sets Yeonsu's present right under it.
"What did she ask for?" Luhan asks him in a low voice. 
Jongin smiles. "A doll-house she was dying to have since last Christmas." he replies, getting bitter at the thought. 
He can't believe he can finally buy Yeonsu what she wants, and the feeling makes fireworks explode in his stomach. Luhan poses a soft hand on his back to express his support and Jongin thanks him with a timid smile. 
After a while, he observes Luhan bringing two cups of hot tea over and they both settle comfortable on the couch. They sit close, at the point that their elbows can touch as they drink, enjoying the silence. 
Luhan's phone ringing shortly breaks in and they both looks up at it, almost irritated for the interruption. Sharing silence was the most beautiful thing to do together, in both's opinion.
Jongin frowns, a little bit amused at Luhan's cheeks burning up as he checks his phone.
"What's that?" he asks then and Luhan immediately takes the phone away. "Hey, what is that."
"Nothing." Luhan stutters in vain, and Jongin thinks if he didn't have the cup of hot tea in his hand he would have already climbed over the other boy to start a fight. 
He then smiles, exclaiming a firm "Don't let me force you." that makes Luhan stick his tongue out at him.
But Luhan gives up anyway.
"Minseok sent me this." he confesses, showing his phone-screen to Jongin who has to cough to suppress his laughter "Why do you think this is so funny!"
It was not the photo itself being funny, the same Jongin has been sent on repetition that morning, nor Minseok's mocking message who was practically the same as the ones he received. It was Luhan's reaction.
"I received 25 of those message only this morning."
Luhan covers his mouth a second later with a horrified expression on his face and Jongin glares at him. He asks for forgiveness with sorrowful eyes, waiting in silence for any noise coming from Yeonsu's room, but nothing happens.
"What?" he then repeats, in a loud, embarrassed whispers and Jongin grins. "From who?"
"Oh God." Luhan takes a drink from his cup of tea, before glaring at him "Define 'everyone'."
Jongin smiles in a very worrying way, making Luhan already want to bury himself in the cold earth outside. 
He starts the list with nonchalance, staring teasingly at Luhan and ending up having the boy leaving his cup on the floor just to climb over him and try to suffocate him with a pillow. 
"It's not true that Yunho-hyungnim sent one, too!" Luhan loudly whispers again while Jongin struggles to contain his laughter and not to suffocate for real. 
"Just check my phone."
"I won't! He is terrible with technology. You are making fun of me."
"Just because your boy-crush is too obvious, Luhan."
"So you admit it?" 
Jongin stops the fight for a moment, biting his lips soon after. "Damn." 
For revenge, he pushes up strongly to reverse their position, ending on Luhan's lap and using a pillow to hit the other.
"Be quiet." Luhan scolds him between his laughter "Aren't you being too noisy?"
Jongin shakes his head and pinches the flesh of Luhan's hips "You are, but I can forgive you for that since you are an adorable mess." 
Their childish fight comes to an end as Jongin finds himself probably too excited over the fact that he is staying on Luhan's lap, rolling his hips and having the other rebelling under him with his shirt slightly over the flat stomach. As Luhan begs him to stop pinching, Jongin finds the thing to be nothing but thrilling. 
They take a long pause to recover their breaths, hands casually brushing together. When Jongin looks up to the clock, it says midnight it's not far away.
He observes curiously as Luhan suddenly gets up and disappears in Jongin's bedroom, coming back few seconds later with a shopping bag with a big, pink ribbon on it. He pales.
"You haven't bought me a present, have you?"
Luhan tilts his head up and blinks. "It's for Yeonsu." he explains and Jongin sighs in relief "Why?"
"Wait, did you buy Yeonsu a present?" 
"Of course I did." 
Jongin pauses for a moment, embarrassed. "I bought nothing for you." he says in such a little voice that Luhan has to send him a frowned look after having set the shopping bag under the Christmas Tree. 
"I said, I bought nothing for you." Jongin repeats, and Luhan melts as he walks towards him. 
"You didn't have to." 
He leans a hand to Jongin and Jongin takes it in his own immediately. Luhan helps him to get up from the couch, letting their eyes meet and making them both blush childishly.
"You don't have to buy me presents." Luhan repeats then, his voice obviously lowered as Jongin's body brushes his own. Jongin half-smiles, touching Luhan's cheek with a gentle finger. 
"You don't, either. I just want you here." 
"I am."
"I know."
And Jongin feels incredibly stupid at that. Luhan looks at him with deep, glittering eyes and the closeness of his body makes Jongin aware that such a moment couldn't have been more perfect to.. act. 
He would like to kiss Luhan passionately, gifting him with an unique Christmas present-his everything-, but every thought dies before getting concrete. He gulps, losing himself in Luhan's perfect features, and doesn't miss the way the boy's forehead frowns at his inactiveness. 
He wants to die, taken down by a hole in the floor that could make him disappear from this horrible situation. Luhan looks away a second later, biting his lips. He suggests them going to bed at that point and Jongin knows he has ruined a perfect moment.
But what can he do about it?
Luhan is like crystal in his eyes. He is afraid of touching him, bruising him, hurting him. How could he even explain something like.. this. 
"Luhan." he calls then in a moment of lucidity, that breaks apart as soon as the boy turns quickly around with expectant eyes. 
He gasps, several times, before shaking his head in defeat. Luhan stares at him, concerned, but Jongin prefers to rush in the bathroom to avoid it. 
When he enters his bedroom, minutes later, Luhan is already settled down on his futon. 
"Hey." he smiles shyly and Jongin answers with a even shyer greeting while walking towards him.
As soon as he lies down, Jongin feels his tiredness disappear, much to his annoyance, because now nothing will ever distract him from the hesitant Luhan lying right besides him, so close he could feel his breathing, his scent, his slightly shivering.
"Are you cold?" he asks then, immediately sending Luhan, who blushes, a concerned look. Luhan shakes his head, smiling reassuringly.
"I am not really sleepy, instead."
"You are also cold." Jongin states firmly, turning his body to face Luhan better. He is indeed shivering. Probably his pajamas was not warm enough for the cold of the night. 
Luhan is about to protests again when Jongin cuts him off before he can even start, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close to his body. Luhan stiffens, taken aback, and feels his body going on fire. Jongin apparently doesn't care because he is so absorbed into the warming hug he is gifting Luhan with and looks at him with insistence and concern. Luhan's body instinctively stops shivering, even if he still feel himself trembling, but for other reasons.
Jongin holds him, gentle, his hair casually and Luhan, despite his heart hammering in his chest, relaxes under his touches. 
He looks up to Jongin, hesitant and tired of wishing for more when Jongin obviously was afraid of giving him. He wonders why, and his mind fills with so many possibilities that he feels dizzy. And despite everything, Jongin wants him. 
He knows it.
Jongin observes him carefully, noticing with worry the defeated expression on his face and hurries a finger to leave soft touches on it.
"You are so beautiful, Luhan." he confesses, lost in this moment of open-hearted cuddles. He gazes Luhan's angelic face and surprised eyes and feels a smile forming on his lips.
"I am not beautiful. I'm manly." Luhan protests, smiling himself.
Jongin chuckles. "You are also beautiful. I would stay here forever, just to look at you."
At said words, Luhan looks at him like he has never done, and it's also the first time Jongin notices Luhan is not blushing. His eyes flashes in Jongin's one and Jongin feels his heartbeats stopping when Luhan speaks up, beautiful and low and so unbelievably confident.
"Wouldn't it be boring, to just stand there and look?"
And right then, Luhan kisses him. 
There are only two chapters left after this... I can't belive it ;_;
ALSO, the next chapter, the 19th, is like... mhm, -entirely XD 
So of course I will have to rate him differently from all the other chapters, and I hope you won't mind!
Thank you always for your support for my fic everyone <3
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<3 beautifuuuuul thank you
Chapter 20: I knew it was an old fic but I was glad had I chance to found and read it, thankz for this beautiful fic,., thankz for writen the sweetest KaiLu moments here,. KaiLu = <3
Chapter 20: There are a lot of things I really liked about this story, I can't name them all without dropping hints regarding the story; but mostly let me start with how I love that Jongin is Kyungsoo's hyung. lol
ToriDubu #4
Chapter 20: OMG this was beautiful!! I'm crying omg /sobs
Autor-nim i need to thank you for a such sweet fic! KaiLu is my OTP and ive enjoyed every chapter! ;-;
<3 ;u;
Chapter 20: A very beautiful and touching story, love! Thank you so much for sharing this! :'D I giggled and dreamily sighed so many times~ <3 This story is so full of promising happiness that my eyes get watery from time to time. Thank you again! You're beautiful and amazing! More power to you! :'3 xoxo
Chapter 20: This was a nice lukai story. I loved the ending the most where Kai's daughter finally called him appa. That seriously pulled at my cold heart. Great job :)
clairenoona_887 #7
Chapter 20: aw aw aw.. amazing story!!
jongin being young Appa, and it's so touched 'bout Jongin's family life.
and some cheesy n romantic moment of kaiLu I really really loved it, esp when they're spend time together with Yonsu it such a great family..
I imagine that really happened in real /slap/
kekkke.. just kidding ^^V
it's humorous when the other member teasing KaiLu, made a bet and the lube gifted from beagle line+huntao *LoL
Thank you author-ssi for writing this
beautiful story..
need more Kailu fict from you!! kekke
author Jjang!! :))
Chapter 8: oH MY FEELS EXPLODED IN THIS CHAPTER- I commented again i am so sorry omg i can't resist it's SO BEAUTIFUL I CRI EVRYTIEM
eine08 #9
Chapter 20: This is so beautiful! Thank you >_<