Oh, Sehun

Your Best Day Is Always Ahead




The EXO-M boys go back to the Korean dorm after three weeks of absence and get greeted by happy hugs and an extraordinary quantity of food cooked by Kyungsoo-plus a cake from Jongin who has decided to do something special for unknown reasons- to celebrate their comeback.


"Wow, we should miss for long more often." Jongdae exclaims with wide eyes and a giggling expression, wrapping an arm around Kyungsoo's stiff shoulders.

"What's with this cake?" Tao points out with wide eyes and the EXO-K members start smirking like crazy while eyeing Jongin with malice.

"Let's just say that someone was really missed." Baekhyun explains with a pretty amused smile. Everyone turn to look at Jongin as well and a loud "Aaa" of realization fills the air.

Jongin meets Luhan's eyes and they both immediately blush.


"Almost 25-years-old men acting cheesy like 15." Kris comments low-voiced while shaking his head, right before hitting Tao on his arm for the ridiculous sweet reaction he has had at the scene.


They sit down and eat all together, telling about their weeks and the things they have done as separate teams while continuously complimenting Kyungsoo for how better his cooking skills get every time.


Luhan has been pushed by Jongdae and Chanyeol to sit besides Jongin and he is trying hard to keep the thoughts that has tormented his mind for the last week inside. He doesn't want Jongin to feel some change in him, not after an entire month of surviving their kiss without any change at all. He leans close to the other as he would always do, look up at him adoringly when he laughs, smilingly accepting Jongin's slaps whenever he would laugh so much to need his usual punching bag.


When the cake is served Luhan can't help his giggles at Jongin's embarrassment as he gets teased by the others, his handsome face sending dead glares to the Beagle-line and a smirking Sehun in particular. 


"So you like baking now, Jongin?" Minseok asks innocently, at least to Luhan's ears, while devouring a slice and Jongin pouts.

"I'm into baking, okay? Always been." 

He is not completely sure, but Luhan thinks he has heard a 'More like into Chinese deers, but yeah' and goes on fire, finding shelter behind the slice of cake he is eating. 


He can't stop thinking about everything that has always been under his eyes and he has ignored; all of those attention Jongin reserved him and he has never fully appreciated. All of the kisses Jongin has wished to share with him, and he couldn't understand. 

He is lying in his bed, fully tormented, and doesn't manage to sleep well at all for the entire night. 


Deciding he has had enough of that sleeping and waking up that only tires him up more, Luhan gets out of his bed early in the morning, when not even the sun is fully set. He walks to the kitchen hoping to find Kyungsoo up as well, maybe cooking something delicious for breakfast, but find someone else on the couch instead.


He focuses his sleepy eyes on the figure and quickly recognizes it as Jongin, the realization making his heart beat faster immediately.

Jongin is a mess, sleepy eyes and tousled hair as he lies on the couch awkwardly, and he is lazily changing channels on the tv with a totally uninterested look. 


"Jongin." he calls sweetly, trying not to scare the boy. Jongin turns to him with his swollen, slightly wide eyes.

"Luhan, what are you doing up at this hour?"

"I could ask the same, couldn't I?" Luhan answers and lets out a little smile, making the other smile as well "Can I join you?" 

After a second of confusion Jongin nods, starting to remove his legs from the couch but Luhan stops him, a little flush on the face as he starts to lie down besides him. He sends Jongin a shy smile and tries to ignore the little shock on his face, managing in his attempt when Jongin suddenly wraps an arm around him and pulls him close. Luhan relaxes in his hug, lying his head on the other's arm and sensing Jongin's heartbeat through his back. 


It's the most beautiful feeling ever. 


They quietly pretend to watch television while cuddling, Jongin leaving some light pinches on Luhan's tummy and waist, Luhan giggling silently, answering back with gentle slaps that would lead them both to laugh. Jongin takes advantage of one of Luhan's reactions to his tease to have him turned towards him completely and catch his eyes, locking them together. 


They look at each other, unable to breath, bodies never been so close and noses almost brushing. Jongin lets a soft hand pose on Luhan's cheek, slowly going down in a caress and Luhan suddenly push himself up to meet Jongin's full lips in a longed kiss. 


Aside from lasting a little longer, this one is not any different from their first kiss. It's hesitant and delicate, an encounter of lips that shyly get to know each other while the bodies shiver and long for more. They separate slowly, eyes looking at the other's lips with intensity, and Jongin leaves hot touches on Luhan's body with a wandering hand that bring Luhan to look up at him, at his eyes. They are intense, dark, lustful and Luhan loses his breath. 

He can finally see it, that look in Jongin's eyes as they look at him and it makes him feel so alive. He wants more, more of the sensation of Jongin's desire to have him. The only sight of it makes him go crazier than any thought has ever done. 


"I missed you." 


Jongin's voice is low and hot, so y to Luhan's ears that it makes him heat up in very unconventional ways. He breathes then, looking for Jongin's lips to pull him down for another kiss-




The two of them almost jump for the fright as Sehun's sleepy voice breaks the silence of the room. Jongin has to hold Luhan not to let him fall from the couch and Luhan holds strong onto him, heart running crazily.


Sehun apparently doesn't care or notice about their terrified and breathless expressions because he walks towards them unstably, pulling Luhan's arm as soon as he reaches the couch. 


"Come practice with me, please?" the younger boy asks without stopping rubbing his eyes "I have problems with the choreography for SMTown. Please?" 


Jongin glares at him deadly like he has never done despite Sehun's usual annoying behavior, unable to believe what is happening in the first place.

Luhan gets dragged along before he can even manage to recover his breath properly and Sehun doesn't greet Jongin as he leaves the dining room, leaving the older boy to stare. 


He catches Luhan's mortified eyes and lifts his hands up in defeat. They greet each other with an unsatisfied, longing gaze before the maknae and his favorite hyung disappear in their room. 


Jongin stays still, incredulous something so unbelievable has really happened. Luhan was there, under his body, kissing him and wanting him in ways Jongin has never thought he could, and Sehun walked in like nothing ever happened and took him away. He shakes his head, holding back the instinct to punch something and runs a hand in his hair. He glances down at his pants and growls quietly.


Aware or not of what he has just done, Oh Sehun has signed his death sentence.






"You were embarrassing to look at." 


Sehun lifts his head up from his hamburger and meets a quite apparently disinterested Jongin standing on his right, weight on a leg and eyes focused on his phone.


"Excuse me?" 

The older boy does't move from his position. "Your performance for 'DJ got us falling in love'."

Sehun frowns. "What are you trying to say?"

"That you were embarrassing to look at." Jongin states again "Bored and boring. Kyungsoo danced better than you. No, Chanyeol did." 

"Why are you criticizing me so harshly all of sudden?" Sehun asks, a little weirded out by the older's behavior.

"As a bandmate and a hyung, I should correct you when you do wrong, shouldn't I?" 

The younger ponders for a moment, starting to panic and looking around the airport to find some well-known faces to come in his rescue but finding none.

"I guess you should. Still, you sounds.. angry."

Jongin finally looks up from his phone, sending Sehun a completely flat look. "I'm just stating a fact. Work harder, maknae. You shouldn't let your hyung down."

"I worked damn hard for that performance!" the boy protests "I even asked Luhan-hyung to help me and-Oh." 


Jongin raises a knowingly eyebrow and Sehun bites his lips at the sudden realization.


"Sorry," he begins, worried "I was half asleep, you know.. I didn't really connect things. Also, in my defense, I should say it was incredibly inappropriate of you to make out on the couch. Anyone could have seen and-"

He immediately regrets his words as Jongin's eyes gets thin, glittering so dangerously he really panics now. 


Before the older can make some juice out of him Luhan unconsciously comes in his rescue, jumping happily to Jongin's side to grab his attention and the boy's expression enlightens so quickly at his sight Sehun rolls his eyes.


"Jongin, come with me? I want you to see something." Luhan says joyfully "What were you two doing by the way?"

"Having some mature conversation." the other hurries to answer, sending Sehun a killer glare and the younger nods vividly.

"With Sehun?" Luhan jokes, sticking his tongue out to the boy "Impressive."


Great, Sehun thinks, almost killed by one and mocked but the other. This doesn't seem to be his best day at all. 


Jongin smirks and leaves him as if nothing has happened, while Luhan smiles before excusing themselves and taking Jongin's arm to grab him away to check some store.


Sehun observes as Jongin seems to ask Luhan if his bag is too heavy and eventually takes it to carry it himself, bringing Luhan to smile gratefully but discreetly-they are at the airport after all-and once again rolls his eyes. He goes back to his hamburger with less appetite than ever.


"What is that you need me to see?" Jongin asks meanwhile, a little amused by Luhan's excitement. 

He doesn't get any answer but a lively smile and he sighs, following until Luhan stops in a store and shows him two phone covers standing one besides another on a stand. Jongin curiously observes them and notices that they are both white and simple except for a little picture in delicate lines portraying a deer on one cover and a bear on the other. 


He is not really sure, but he feels an embarrassed smile forming on his lips.


"This is such a cute coincidence, isn't it?" Luhan exclaims, smiling cutely "I thought of us immediately."

Jongin smiles, too. He knows the fans have created this picture of him being a bear because of his strange love towards teddy bears, and he is shocked Luhan could think of something like this completely out of the blue. 


"Let's buy them." Luhan brightly exclaims.

Jongin doesn't manage to hold his adoring smile back when Luhan starts to show off his best aegyo to him, somehow managing to look even more angelic and cuter than ever and that knocks him down completely. 


"Stop it." he pleads, to stop his need to pull Luhan in a tight hug. The other stops, pouting a little at Jongin's continue giggles and starting to feel a little stupid. Jongin shakes his head in defeat before taking the two covers to the cash desk,making Luhan smile again.


"This is getting serious, isn't it?" He asks with a thoughtful grin as he observes Luhan opening his box "Aegyo to make me buy things."

Luhan giggles but doesn't answer, only hitting his arm playfully. Then he blinks a bit, startled, at Jongin stealing the cover with the deer from his hands, to put it on his phone. Jongin then gives him the one with the bear, his expression extremely embarrassed and apparently uncaring, and Luhan can't hold a shy smile back.


There really is no need to say anything anymore.





17th chapter today, as promised!!!!

That little Kailu moment made me die... I'm so happy honestly *-*

What do you all think? 

Let me know~<3


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<3 beautifuuuuul thank you
Chapter 20: I knew it was an old fic but I was glad had I chance to found and read it, thankz for this beautiful fic,., thankz for writen the sweetest KaiLu moments here,. KaiLu = <3
Chapter 20: There are a lot of things I really liked about this story, I can't name them all without dropping hints regarding the story; but mostly let me start with how I love that Jongin is Kyungsoo's hyung. lol
ToriDubu #4
Chapter 20: OMG this was beautiful!! I'm crying omg /sobs
Autor-nim i need to thank you for a such sweet fic! KaiLu is my OTP and ive enjoyed every chapter! ;-;
<3 ;u;
Chapter 20: A very beautiful and touching story, love! Thank you so much for sharing this! :'D I giggled and dreamily sighed so many times~ <3 This story is so full of promising happiness that my eyes get watery from time to time. Thank you again! You're beautiful and amazing! More power to you! :'3 xoxo
Chapter 20: This was a nice lukai story. I loved the ending the most where Kai's daughter finally called him appa. That seriously pulled at my cold heart. Great job :)
clairenoona_887 #7
Chapter 20: aw aw aw.. amazing story!!
jongin being young Appa, and it's so touched 'bout Jongin's family life.
and some cheesy n romantic moment of kaiLu I really really loved it, esp when they're spend time together with Yonsu it such a great family..
I imagine that really happened in real /slap/
kekkke.. just kidding ^^V
it's humorous when the other member teasing KaiLu, made a bet and the lube gifted from beagle line+huntao *LoL
Thank you author-ssi for writing this
beautiful story..
need more Kailu fict from you!! kekke
author Jjang!! :))
Chapter 8: oH MY FEELS EXPLODED IN THIS CHAPTER- I commented again i am so sorry omg i can't resist it's SO BEAUTIFUL I CRI EVRYTIEM
eine08 #9
Chapter 20: This is so beautiful! Thank you >_<