EXO's Ships

Your Best Day Is Always Ahead


Nothing really changed from that day.
Jongin, somehow, felt it was right. He liked the idea that even after a kiss nothing managed to change between Luhan and him.
It only meant their relationship was already perfect the way it was. 
Sure Luhan seemed to be a little bit more conscious about Jongin's feelings now. He would still blink a lot and look clueless whenever their bandmates-who also managed God-knows-how to sense that imperceptible touch of lips they shared-would tease them, but he now understood Jongin's soft touches and attentive looks, and that satisfied Jongin. A lot.
He also preferred to ignore some persistent questions that would often pop up in his mind annoyingly. What was there between them? What were they? Some of the boys would also ask sometimes, looking a bit concerned, but Jongin ignored.
Why should he care? They were together in their own way. They didn't need any label. 
"So, I came up with the results." 
The entire dining room turns towards a satisfied Baekhyun as he drops some papers on the room's table. They all roll their eyes accept for Chanyeol and Sehun who hurry to give the papers a look, Junmyeon trying to mask his curiosity with an uninterested expression for the sake of Kyungsoo's respect.
"Did you really spend your afternoon surfing the internet for something so stupid?" Kyungsoo asks while Baekhyun sends him a highly offended look.
"What are the most popular couples in our band is not something stupid, you jerk. Also, I think you should give a look."
Junmyeon can't hold it anymore at that point and rushes to Chanyeol and Sehun's side to sneak-peek at the papers. He so wants to see how popular Kyungsoo and him were as a couple, after all.
"What?" he yells then, horrified, as soon as he spots the number one "KaiSoo is the most popular couple in EXO?"
Jongin spills out his tea and Kyungsoo almost falls from the couch where he was comfortably lying at the leader's words.
"What did you just say?" the younger boy screams, alarmed, and hurries his way to the papers "This is insane."
"HunHan being the second is even more." Baekhyun points out knowingly.
Chanyeol pouty butts in "No, sorry. ChanBaek being the third is!"
"It's BaekYeol." the Baek to ChanBaek/BaekYeol protests. 
"It's definitely ChanBaek," the Chan hisses "I would top you anytime."
Meanwhile Jongin is still frozen by the HunHan thing. "What the hell is HunHan even supposed to mean?" he asks, a little bit pissed, maybe.
"It's  the couple name for Lulu-hyung and me." Sehun explains nonchalantly and gets a pillow in his face.
"You don't say!" 
He breathes, getting a laughing response from his bandmates. Kyungsoo is the only one looking serious and scary as usual, if not more.
"You obviously have messed up, Baekhyun." he states, shrugging "This makes no sense."
"Why? I love Luhan-hyung to death."
"No, you don't." Jongin protests, trowing another pillow to their maknae's stomach this time.
"Why am I paired up with Kim Jongin?" Kyungsoo insists meanwhile, ignoring Junmyeon's depressed expression as he has learnt their couple is not popular at all. 
Baekhyun shrugs firmly, "How am I supposed to know? These are facts! And there also are lots of photos, you know? Besides, Jongin-hyung, no offense but even LuMin is more popular that KaiLu."
"Are you serious?" Chanyeol asks, eyes wide, before studying the paper and bursting out laughing maliciously "Oh God, it's true."
"Of course it is," Baekhyun hisses "I have not messed up."
"Sure you haven't, Baekhyunie."
"Stop it. I won't let you name us ChanBaek for none of your ty aegyo."
"You are so cruel."
Jongin feels like vomiting.
Not that he cares much about this kind of stuff, but it somehow still disturbs him. A part of him feels happy his relationship with Luhan is not their fans' obsession, but another part feels strange. Why Kyungsoo? They don't really treat each other that nicely after all, and Jongin most of the times finds him incredibly annoying and the memories of how they got to meet each other would not help either. 
He decides to ignore Baekhyun and his speech about the importance of fan service and not letting fans down, and also decides to bring the topic on again before bed time. 
"Stop ignoring me, Kyungsoo."
The younger boy sends him a flat look from his bed. "Do you want me to sing you a lullaby?" 
Jongin rolls his eyes. "Come on. I know you are curious about it, too."
"I am not. It was Beakhyun's idea so I really couldn't care less." 
The awkward silence fallen on them only breaks when Jongin's phone rings shortly and Kyungsoo observes him quickly checking it, a big smile forming on his lips afterwards.
"God, you are so cheesy." he comments, still flatly, but Jongin is sure he's caught a glimpse of amusement as well. 
"It's Luhan."
The mocking-shocked look the younger sends him makes him roll his eyes. 
"I told him about the couple thing."
"You really did? Why?" 
He shrugs. "Wanted to hear his thoughts, I guess?"
Kyungsooo shakes his head helplessly before rolling his hand in a incitement to elaborate.
"He says it's funny, because we actually appear to be really close in front of cameras. He has noticed it, too." 
The younger ponders for a moment "Maybe because of.. you know."
"I think that, too."
None of them has to voice the painful thoughts of their first month as roommates. Thinking about it, Jongin has to admit no one got closer to him than Kyungsoo in that sense. He has taken care of him without even noticing, back then. Probably that somehow showed without them noticing.
"I also think that if Luhan-hyung promoted with us, you two would be more popular."
"I'm really not sure." Jongin shrugs "You know he mostly stick around Minseok-hyung and Sehun mostly sticks around him. I don't fit in this triangle."
"Sehun sticks to him because he is the first hyung he ever got close to." Kyungso specifies "Also I don't think you really mind, Jongin. You avoid Luhan-hyung often in front of cameras."
Jongin blushes, looking away from his roommate's intense eyes with a pouty face. 
"And I can understand why." Kyungsoo continues with nonchalance, making him blush even more.
"This conversation is getting annoying."
"You wanted to start it." 
They both rolls their eyes, laying down into their beds again afterwords. A few minutes of complete silence follow before any of them speak again.
"You really like him, don't you." 
Kyungsoo's voice comes out a little insecure to Jongin's ears and that makes him feel even more uncomfortable so he doesn't answer, hoping the younger would just forget about it and fall asleep.
"I can see it in your eyes." he doesn't stop though "You both look happy these days. It makes me happy, too."
Jongin tilts his head up slightly to catch Kyungsoo's embarrassed face for a second before both of them look away like criminals. 
Kyungsoo clears his throat poorly.
"Just figured you could need to hear these words."
This time nothing breaks their silence, air filled with thankfulness and embarrassment to cuddle them into sleep.
A sincere, low-voiced "Thank You" slips out from Jongin's lips before he falls asleep completely.
Luhan quite shares Jongin's point of view. He stays overseas for EXO-M promotions for long and still ponders everyday on wether to confess the whole thing to his two best friends because in all honesty, considering their idol status even a kiss with a girl would be a big deal, let alone with your male bandmate. Not that Jongin and him has had other kisses, but still.
He doesn't really find the courage nor the right words to open up though, so he just stays quiet, trying to live together with the idea that Minseok and Yixing both seemed to know something already on their own, and he wasn't being a good friend keeping such a secret from them.
The three of them are now walking down the streets in Hong Kong with Jongdae, checking street shops and doing some shopping taking advantage of their free time. Jongdae is looking for a present for his mother with Yixing's help with translations, Luhan and Minseok quietly walk around, the slightly younger one pointing out things and explaining interesting facts about the city to his Korean friends.
They wander a bit-Minseok buys a pair of cool shoes in an American shop-and only stop when Luhan seems to notice something interesting on a stand a few meters away from them: His mouth forms a O shape as an adoring sigh escapes from it and Minseok follows, weirded out, until Luhan is facing pair of shoes. Cute ones, Minseok thinks, except they are kids converse, pink and small, for little girls.
"Aren't they really pretty?" 
"And a bit small for you?" 
Despite his try, Luhan seems to be so absorbed in his thoughts that he doesn't answer. 
Yixing and Jongdae's voices get closer just then.
"Why is Luhan-hyung checking kids shoes out?" asks Yixing, very cautious, while sending a questioning look to Minseok who only shrugs.
"Hyung." Jongdae calls out, shaking Luhan's arm a little and the older boy sends them a smile.
"I want to buy them for Yeonsu. Wouldn't they be perfect for her?"
Sudden realization makes the other three mouth an "Ah.." in comprehension. 
"I should buy them, as her Christmas present."
"But Christmas is a month and a half away, hyung." Yixing points out innocently.
Luhan shrugs. "They are cute and cheap, I have to buy them."
The other boy nods, not really wanting to intervene anymore, and sends a quick look to Minseok before going back to being Jongdae's personal translator. Besides Luhan, Minseok tries to elaborate some sort of best friend's speech.
"Hey, Luhan. Listen."
Luhan looks innocently at him, eyes so happy an bright that words die in Minseok's throat immediately. He shakes his head then and Luhan frowns for a moment, taken aback, but quickly returns to his shopping joyfully. Minseok sighs.
They go back to their hotel quietly, Luhan waving his shopping bag energetically with a bright expression on his beautiful face and no one dares to bring the topic back again. 
It's not until Luhan is in his room chatting with Yixing and Minseok knocks on their door to brings them two cups of tea that Luhan feels the urge to open up. He gratefully looks at Minseok serving them and thinks he is not stupid, he knows his best friend has tried to say something in the evening, and he has gotten quite tired of his own carefulness. 
"We have kissed." he throws there, like he has just informed his friends he was hungry, and the two immediately look up at him with slightly bigger eyes.
He blushes, clearing his throat and avoiding their eyes. "He kissed me, at the wedding." he elaborates poorly, and waits.
Waits for his friends' reaction which for how much he has tried to imagine still hadn't taken any form in his mind. He is afraid they could be pissed, that they could not approve of such a thing among bandmates, everything. And Luhan is a little bit insecure now.
Minseok's heavy sigh breaks the silence. "About time, Luhan, eh?" 
Luhan shuts his eyes closed and blushes, closing in his shoulders as both his friends sit on his bed.
"So he did it? How was it? How did you feel?" 
He tries to find an appropriate answer for every question but he doesn't really find the strength to look up, nor the one to speak apparently.
"Hyung," Yixing shakes him a little "Don't be like that. You look like a scared puppy."
Luhan finally looks up, meeting two pairs of gentle yet curious eyes looking at him and he feels like a heavy rock has been raised from his chest. 
"He did," he shakily states, slowly opening up in a smile "It felt.. right. Just a little brush on my lips but.. it was beautiful."
"This is so romantic."
Luhan feels miserable. And stupid for having worried so much at this point.
"Really, Minseok?" 
"Come on," the boy mocks him "Luhan we have been teasing you two for years now."
"It's not the same!" Luhan protests vividly "That was for fun, this is real. I.. I really like him."
"And you haven't even kissed properly." it's the answer he gets.
Minseok turns to face Yixing and they both smirks. 
"Would you ever tell Jongin was that much of a romantic?"
"Hey guys, what are you all doing here?" Jongdae suddenly jumps in energetically and Luhan pales at Yixing's smooth answer.
"Jongin-hyung has kissed Luhan-hyung."
The younger Korean boy stays still for a moment before bursting out laughing. "About time!"
Luhan helplessly stares as his three friends close him in a circle on his bed and happily incites him to tell them more. He feels like wanting to disappear, not because he is not glad they have taken the thing in such a beautiful way, but because he feel so damn embarrassed and their shameless sentences only make the whole thing worst.
"A slight brush on the lips?" Jongdae frowns deeply "That's all? I though you had made out."
"What?" he pales again, stomach writhing dangerously.
"I thought Jongin was a y beast." Minseok thoughtfully says and Jongdae nods.
"He is! In fact, he eats Lulu-hyung up whenever he looks at him."
Luhan doesn't even try to express his shock anymore and just lets embarrassment take over his whole body. 
"He likes Luhan-hyung so much he is waiting patiently like a good puppy." Yixing says and Luhan quite loses his senses now.
He can't believe everything he is hearing and he is so red in the face he feels like having a fever. He also feels a strange heat moving him from the inside because he has never seen Jongin eating him up whenever he looks at him but his friends seem so convinced about it Luhan thinks it may be true and wonders:  has he really always been that helpless? 
And suddenly, he wants to see those things, too. He wants to see Jongin looking at him in way that are not conventional. He wants Jongin to show him he wants him.
The only thought makes him so embarrassed but longing at the same time that he has to fall down on his bed and bury his face in the pillow.
He can't even hear the three's noisy and shameless blabbering anymore for how much any thought of Jongin has now completely filled his mind. 
For the first time in his entire life, Luhan's mind gets a bit naughty.
He swears to himself he is not going to share a secret with his friends ever again.
Tadaaaaa~Fast updateXD I swear the next chapter is also coming soon, probably tomorrow :)
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<3 <3 <3
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<3 beautifuuuuul thank you
Chapter 20: I knew it was an old fic but I was glad had I chance to found and read it, thankz for this beautiful fic,., thankz for writen the sweetest KaiLu moments here,. KaiLu = <3
Chapter 20: There are a lot of things I really liked about this story, I can't name them all without dropping hints regarding the story; but mostly let me start with how I love that Jongin is Kyungsoo's hyung. lol
ToriDubu #4
Chapter 20: OMG this was beautiful!! I'm crying omg /sobs
Autor-nim i need to thank you for a such sweet fic! KaiLu is my OTP and ive enjoyed every chapter! ;-;
<3 ;u;
Chapter 20: A very beautiful and touching story, love! Thank you so much for sharing this! :'D I giggled and dreamily sighed so many times~ <3 This story is so full of promising happiness that my eyes get watery from time to time. Thank you again! You're beautiful and amazing! More power to you! :'3 xoxo
Chapter 20: This was a nice lukai story. I loved the ending the most where Kai's daughter finally called him appa. That seriously pulled at my cold heart. Great job :)
clairenoona_887 #7
Chapter 20: aw aw aw.. amazing story!!
jongin being young Appa, and it's so touched 'bout Jongin's family life.
and some cheesy n romantic moment of kaiLu I really really loved it, esp when they're spend time together with Yonsu it such a great family..
I imagine that really happened in real /slap/
kekkke.. just kidding ^^V
it's humorous when the other member teasing KaiLu, made a bet and the lube gifted from beagle line+huntao *LoL
Thank you author-ssi for writing this
beautiful story..
need more Kailu fict from you!! kekke
author Jjang!! :))
Chapter 8: oH MY FEELS EXPLODED IN THIS CHAPTER- I commented again i am so sorry omg i can't resist it's SO BEAUTIFUL I CRI EVRYTIEM
eine08 #9
Chapter 20: This is so beautiful! Thank you >_<