The Bet

Your Best Day Is Always Ahead



Living with other eleven boys was something that led Jongin to deal and accept lots of strange and stupid things. First of all, his bandmates' dangerous imagination. 


He knew the others had been trying hard to discover whatever had happened between Luhan and him on Luhan's birthday,  what joyful occurrence had finally managed to bring Jongin back to life again after a month of nightmares, harshness and stress. He knew his bandmates were curious and willing to discover-let alone amused and satisfied with the whole thing-he just didn't expect this.


He had been noticing Sehun and Baekhyun behaving stranger than ever, the two teasing boys sending him knowingly glare while grinning in a pretty worrying way, meeting in one of their room each time, closing the door in something that for Jongin appeared to be nothing more that suspicious. 


Curiosity took over him so he waited, observed and made up a plan to find out what the two nightmares had been up to in the last few days. 


The perfect occasion occurred when Kyungsoo prepared some delicious cookies on a fine afternoon, leading all the boys to rush in the kitchen in a matter of seconds. Jongin noticed Baekhyun and Sehun running out from the latter's room, careful to close the door behind them-something Sehun would usually never do, really- and grinned, sure the timing was just flawless.


He distractedly asked Minseok to save some cookies for him as he had to rush to the bathroom, the older boy winking at him and reassuring there were no problems, and carefully moved to the leader and maknae's shared room.


Even the air smelled of stupidity and suspect.


Quickly looking around the partially messy room-Kyungsoo would help Junmyeon and Luhan to order their beds and stuff, but Sehun was miserably left alone in this battle-Jongin easily noticed a blue shoes-box lying on the Maknae's bed suspiciously. Taking it in his hands and opening it immediately, Jongin hoped he found the right thing.


And he did. 


The box contained money, a sum of at least 150.00 won, and a scribbled and messy piece of paper that Jongin hurried to translate. 


'KaiLu Bet' appeared to be the head of the script. 


Jongin frowned immediately, keeping his reading. 


'What happened on Xiao Lu Hyung's bday' it continued, and Jongin already started to feel his mind wanting to give up on his bandmates' stupidity, but the worst still had to happen. He read the bet's possibilities: Nothing, Kiss, Se-'


The noise of the room's door opening and the yell that followed had Jongin interrupted. "Hyung!" 

The boy turned around, eyes dangerously thin, to glare deadly at a startled and horrified Sehun. 


"Hyung, what are you doing here! Give it back."


Jongin stopped the younger boy's weak attempt to take the box back with a killer look. 

"" he hissed, pronouncing every word in a way that made Sehun shiver in horror.


"Just something for fun, give it back." the boy tried again after a loud swallow "Hyung, please."


Jongin firmly ignored him, glaring one last time before going back to his reading and leading Sehun to bite his nails nervously.


"?" Jongin almost screamed, making Sehun wanting to both bury himself rapidly and bursting out laughing "And it has seven bets also!" 

The younger boy closed in his shoulder, trying to explain " makes up for bad things, doesn't it?" 

"Close your mouth, Oh Sehun, or this stupid paper will end in your favorite hyung's hands in a second, I swear."

Jongin's threat was enough to have the boy fall silent quickly.  He continued:


"Jongin-hyung got healed by an Unicorn?" he read aloud, making such a dumbfounded face that Sehun had to chuckle. 

"Not hard to guess who bet on that." 

"Oh God." 


He frowned again then, "Who bet on 'Nothing'?" 

"I can't tell you, it's a professional se-" 

Jongin's killer glare made Sehun stop with a depressed, fearful expression "Kyungsoo-hyung."

"'They talked?'"

Reluctantly, Sehun answered again "Minseok-hyung. Hyung, you really should stop reading now."


But Jongin ignored him, of course, and Sehun seriously started fearing his own safety because the last bet was-




Jongin's scream was heard in the entire dorm, if not outside also. The other members observed dumbfounded the scene of Sehun grabbing Baekhyun's hand and screamingly running away from a fuming Jongin.


"What the hell! Don't run away from me, Oh Sehun, like I don't know it was Baekhyun!" 


The two creators of the infamous bet got quite a memorable punishment-shower with Tao for the next two weeks-while the two winners, Kyungsoo and Minseok, used the money received to buy Jongin a really expensive pair of shoes he had been wishing to have for long now, to have him pass over the entire thing quickly.


Luhan complimented on his new gift with a cute, blinking and clueless expression on his face. 






Jongin had to admit he did not really feel offended by the whole "Bet Thing" as considering it from an outer's prospective, it could have even been funny despite its overall stupidity. What really had him fuming with disappointment was the general idea that his bandmates considered something like with such careless minds.  


Jongin hadn't been living his ual life for years now and surely didn't think the first time he would actually face such a strong attraction again, it would be towards another man. Despite having accepted it by now, considering he had been hating up at Luhan's only sight for a year now, not in a billion years Jongin would think of it at something actually likely to happen, contrariwise to some of his bandmates.


Because the object of his frequent fantasies was Luhan, sweet and naive Luhan, a 23-years-old with such a pure and childish mind that not even once Jongin had managed to imagine thinking about the same things he frequently thought of, and with him, lots of other boys in the group. 

Also, Luhan was a man.

It was a torture.


Most of the times he got close to the other he would be stunned into silence and stomach writhing because of all the feelings and thoughts that disturbed him, all born from Luhan's body attractiveness, his milky skin, his stunning face, his soft lips and his beautiful, dreamy innocent eyes. 

And there came the slap. Some other annoying voice from his conscience would came up, scolding him from having such feelings towards both such an innocent-looking boy and, to make it worst, a bandmate.  


I can't control my feelings, he would have liked to answer. I can't control my body either, he would have also wanted to add. 


But he had to. Luhan was so into him, Jongin knew it, but he never thought Luhan could be into him in that way. He just looked so aual all the times, so blinking and sweet, free from all those dirty thoughts Jongin would think of. 


Just like an angel.


It made him go crazy. He would have never wanted Luhan to understand how dangerous it was for him to be close to the boy. He would have never wanted Luhan to reject him for something so.. wrong? Luhan considered him a part of his family, he loved Jongin with his whole heart, and that was it. Even if Jongin would suffer, pretty much whenever he would see Luhan sweating or simply feel him close, he wanted to never let it show. Whatever he could do, like avoiding the boy's hands or excessive closeness without being suspicious, he did it. 


"Sorry to disappoint you, hyung, but you are fooling yourself oh-so-much." 


Jongin growled silently, tired already of both Baekhyun's scoldings and the bike the younger boy forced him to ride. 


"Just because Lulu-hyung is so, so, so incredibly naive, it doesn't mean your frustration doesn't show to us normal human beings." 


"And it's also quite disturbing," Chanyeol added from his position beside Baekhyun, a few meters ahead.


Jongin thought he had fallen into such an evil trap from the Happy Virus Couple.


He did his best to ignore the comments and just kept on riding his bike, making Baekhyun grinning happily. 


"Why are you ignoring us?"

"Because your existence makes me want to kill myself."

"So harsh," the boy answered pouty, but obviously ironically "You just like to avoid the problem."

"What problem are you even talking about?"


Jongin glanced over Baekhyun as he shrugged from his bike.


"You think that just because you have decided to resist Luhan-hyung you can succeed."

"I don't know what you're talking about." he said quickly, hoping to put an end to the pointless and embarrassing conversation.

"Yeah, right." Baekhyun obviously insisted "Just be a man and admit it."


He frowned for a moment, accelerating his biking to place himself on Baekhyun's left side. 


"Admit what?" 

"Oh come on."

"Hyung, don't fool yourself," Chanyeol tried to help, making Baekhyun nod "Nobody is going to judge you."


"You two brought me here on purpose, didn't you."


The two shrugged, "Kinda, yeah."

"So hyung, be a man and admit it." Baekhyun exhorted again, a knowingly expression on the face that Jongin found so annoying.


"Admit what?" he repeated with a sigh, trying both to control his irritation and keep on riding without loosing his breath.

"That you want to have with Luhan-hyung."


Jongin had to thank a few Gods he managed not to just fall miserably on the ground with his damned bike at the younger's smooth words.


"Hyung!" Chanyeol spotted him dangerously wobbling, but Jongin resisted and glared deadly at the two.

"I hope you can fall down from your stupid bikes miserably, you idiots!"



Jongin ignored Chanyeol's protests and turned around with his bike to head back home without the boys, and shouted a "I'm sorry, Chanyeol. You signed your destiny when you chose that nightmare as your best friend." in return.


Baekhyun ignored him right away, keeping his racing as it nothing had happened and only shouting back a knowingly "You just can't be a man and accept your feelings." that left Jongin more annoyed than before. 


He ran back home while sending all the cursing he knew to a still giggling Baekhyun.


Back to the dorm, Jongin wanted to ignore his younger friend's words for his own sake, considering Jongin wasn't that much of a coward after all. He had admitted the whole thing to himself already-not that he was dull enough not to understand his own body's reaction after all- and the fact that he didn't want to simply shout it aloud didn't mean he was running away from it. Did it?

He glanced at his own reflection in the mirror, honestly admitting that he loved what he was looking at, and imagined Luhan standing right besides him, looking at him with pleased eyes. 


He sighed, quickly looking away and removing that hungry Luhan looking for his touches from his mind with a cold, iced shower.


Yixing sent him a smile as soon as he entered their room, where he could finally come back.


"Hyung, how are you?" 

Jongin nodded a positive answer before frowning at the language on the boy's bed. 

"We're flying off to China tomorrow. Three weeks of activities there, I'm so excited."


Right. Damn Baekhyung and Chanyeol for making him forget about it. He sighed. "Three weeks? Isn't that a little too much."

"I guess so? Manager-hyung said we have lots of Reality Shows to film." 

"I will sympathize with Jongdae and Minseok then. Still, three weeks is a long time."


Yixing smiled at him, "Will you miss me that much, hyung?"

Jongin looked up at him, a bit surprised, and saw the boy's innocent and angelic smile. He automatically opened up into an adoring one as well.

"I'll miss you a lot, yes." he couldn't help saying, and Yixing clapped happily before taking the luggage in his hands "Are you going somewhere?"

"Sleeping into Junmyeon's room with Jongdae. We miss our leader a bit, so Sehun is going to sleep with Baekhyun and Chanyeol for tonight."

"Ah, I see." he nodded, a bit weirded out "Well, I'll see you in three weeks then."


Yixing smiled cutely again and left the room soon after, leaving Jongin with a thoughtful expression. Kyungsoo's entrance woke him up by his trance.


"Hey, did you hear about the sleep-over in your favorite hyung's room?"

"Good evening to you, also." Kyungsoo snorted "And no. What?"

Jongin smirked. "Sleep-over. Yixing and Jongdae with Junmyeon. Why don't you join them?"

"Are you planning an adult-rated movies' night all by yourself, by any chance?" 


Jongin shifted his eyes, letting out an annoyed smile. "So funny. Whatever, never mind. Just thought you didn't want to share Junmyeon." 


He left Kyungsoo's snort behind and grinned, walking over to where Luhan was eating some of his beloved gummy bears. He rolled his eyes for a moment before calling for the boy's attention. 


He didn't even know what was that in his mind, but Luhan was going to leave for three weeks.. and Jongin didn't want his strange frustration to prevent him for spending time with him.


"You are going to kill your stomach with those." 

Luhan looked up at him with his blinking face, and smiled embarrassedly. "I love them too much." he tried to justify himself.

Jongin chuckled and slipped a hand on his shoulder, bowing down a little to meet the other's curious face.

"What about sleeping over with me tonight? I'm going to miss you."

He happily noticed the flush expanding rapidly on Luhan's face at his question and hold a satisfied smile back. 

"Are you sure, Jongin? Because we are leaving early in the morning, I don't want to wake you up."


Jongin immediately shook his head, gifting Luhan with a reassuring smile. "Just go asking Kyungsoo if it's okay with him."

Luhan nodded, so quickly and cutely that Jongin had to resist the urge to wrap him inside his arms. He then grinned by himself thinking of how smart and tricky it was of him to turn the table so effortlessly and followed Luhan silently, highly expecting his upcoming conversation with Kyungsoo.


He saw the two smiling at each other immediately, Kyungsoo giving Luhan that adoring smile he hardly showed to anybody else. 


"Would you mind me sleeping over tonight? Jongin asked me, since I'm leaving tomorrow." Luhan started with an adorable smile "I'm only concerned about the noise I could make in the morning, you know? So just tell me if it bothers you."

Jongin noticed Kyungsoo's face losing its colors as soon as his name was pronounced, and grinned. 


Now he only had to wait for Kyungsoo to over think about what Luhan would prefer, sending him an adoring big stare and a lovingly smile and Checkmate. 


"Jongin wants you to sleep over, hum?" Luhan nodded, and Kyungsoo reflected "I'm already going to sleep with Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun tonight. So you can just go and don't worry."


And there the adoring stare and the lovingly smile arrived. 

Jongin felt so satisfied. 


Luhan sent the younger a both grateful and embarrassed look and greeted him goodnight then. Jongin waited for Kyungsoo's dead glare to find him, hidden in the dark of the hallway, and again grinned amusedly at his killer look.


Kyungsoo's full lips moved into a "Behave well and remember you own me, stupid idiot.", and Jongin simply winked, making him roll his eyes.


It was only when Luhan moved into his room and Jongin found him, already in his ridiculously cute pajamas, waiting on his bed with a breath-taking smile that he felt like the biggest idiot in the world for putting himself against this so stupidly. 


Luhan patted on the bed, inviting him to join. "What do you want to do? Movie?"

Jongin sat besides him, telling himself to focus and not ruin their last night before three weeks of missing.

"Wouldn't it last too long? I'd prefer you to sleep tight for your flight." Luhan smiled at him softly "Would you like us to give a call home? Hopefully, Yeonsu will still be up."

"That's an awesome idea." Luhan accepted, nodding cutely and laying down completely on Jongin's bed.  


Yeonsu was still up, luckily, so the two got a chance to spend at least 30 minutes talking with her before greeting her goodnight.


"Oppa, I want to see you so bad." she told Jongin at one point, pouting from the other line.

"I miss you, too, Yeonsu." 

"Why don't you take her to have breakfast together?" Luhan suggested in a whisper at that point "Isn't your schedule empty until lunch?"

Jongin pondered on the boy's words for a moment while Yeonsu had started telling them how much she got upset over a boy at school for scaring a cat during their break and eventually agreed with Luhan.

"Yeonsu, what about going to have breakfast together tomorrow?" he interrupted her suddenly.

"But oppa, I have school."

"Before school. I miss you that much my love."


Luhan felt his heart soaring at the little father/daughter conversation. They were the most beautiful people he had ever met and honestly, he would have stayed there listening to their sweetest conversation through the phone for hours. He adjusted his elbow on the bed and his head on his hand, staring at Jongin's usually unreadable face now looking so sweet and couldn't help his lovingly smile. 


Jongin noticed him just then and evidently blushed, sticking his tongue out at him. They greeted Yeonsu, who thanked them both for their call, and as soon as Jongin hang up the phone he teased the other with a slight push.


"Don't stare at me like that again! It's embarrassing." 

"Like I can help it." Luhan tried to defend himself "You are so sweet sometimes I just can't."

Jongin rose an eyebrow playfully. "And other times?"

"Other times you are just quiet."

"Nothing else?"

Jongin's expectant eyes made Luhan laugh. "You are also handsome." he admitted and Jongin nodded, satisfied, receiving an elbow in his arm.

"You already lost your sweet charm." 

The other smirked slightly. "At least now you won't be staring at me." he teased, looking at the ceiling "Will you?"


He turned to Luhan's face with an amused smile, only to find him still staring at him with a little shy smile, his head shaking.

"I will."


Jongin's grin faded away quickly as he stared into Luhan's eyes, the boy's smile itself turning into a nervous stare into Jongin's intense eyes. Jongin forgot all of his good intentions because nothing of that moment could have him thinking he was making a mistake. 

He led a hand on Luhan's cheek and softly caressed it, slowly, sending a shiver to both their bodies.


The door of the room suddenly opening made them jump for the fright and they turned around to see noisy boys entering while laughing hard.


"Hyung, you have to see this!" Sehun's voice echoed, all amused and loud as he and Baekhyun dragged what looked like Chanyeol inside the room "You won't be able to contain you-"

The maknae cut himself abruptly as soon as his eyes, and the others' two ones, fell on the two awkward figures on Jongin's bed.


"This is embarrassing." Chanyeol stated and brought Luhan and Jongin to look up at him, dressed in a blue mini dress they had no idea where came from, earrings on his funny ears and a horrible make-up ruining his cute face "And in case you're wondering no, I'm not talking about myself."


Both Luhan and Jongin had to give up to their laughs at the celestial vision Chanyeol was.


"Tao! You were right, we shouldn't have entered." Baekhyun then shouted while looking at somewhere through the hallway. Jongin was sure he heard the young Chinese boy yelling a 'I told you' in return, followed by a 'Just leave them alone!" by Minseok. 

He felt his whole body going on fire.  He lifted his eyes up to Luhan as he chuckled , filling the air.


"I thought you would be too embarrassed to laugh at me!" Chanyeol protested and although Jongin agreed with him, in the end he grinned as well, letting Luhan rest completely on him for support.


"You two are so cheesy," Baekhyun made a face "Managing to act like that despite this."

"This what?" Jongin teased.


"Again, I'm pretty sure he is not referring to me." 


Luhan tried to control his laughter at Chanyeol's miserable attempt not to fall from his high-hills.


Sehun butted him with an annoyed face "Damn Jongin-hyung why aren't you rolling over this?" he asked, incredulous while pointing to a helpless Chanyeol.


"Why are you in these conditions, Chanyeolie?" Luhan asked then.

"Where did those clothes came from?" Jongin pointed out accusingly.

"His,or her,'s sister closet." informed a grinning Sehun, and Baekhyung joined him. 

"Which is great if you consider this prank was her idea since the start."


"So mean." Jongin commented poorly while sending a pitiful glance over to Chanyeol.


Suddenly all the other members showed up in the room to join the fun and Jongdae butted in happily while asking "So what's up? Chanyeol-noona won over KaiLu or vice versa?"

"Just ing exist my room and stop it with that couple name!" Jongin quickly ran over him and didn't miss a chance to kick some other easily guessable butts. 


"How did they convince you to do this?" Luhan asked soon after, helping Chanyeol to clean up but obviously not before a ridiculous amount oh photos were taken.

"They just asked me?"

"Oh god," the older boy sighed "You are such a helpless puppy, Chanyeol." 

The tall boy pouted and then closed his eyes to let Luhan clean them easily "So, where you two really doing something?"

Luhan rose an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean? We just called Yeonsu."

"That's all?"

"Why, what did you guys expect?" he sighed, exasperated.

Chanyeol only lift an eye open and shrugged, internally sending Jongin some supportive and sympathetic thoughts. Always-blinking, bambi-eyes, milky skin, beautiful and naive Luhan being his crush was really something to be sympathized for.


Luhan shrugged as well, letting their conversation slip quickly to another topic before he would greet Chanyeol goodnight.


He got back to his room and found Jongin already in, satisfied as he had gotten rid of his noisy dongsaeng. He smiled, a bit embarrassed but joyful.


"It took me a lot, sorry." he said casually, bringing Jongin to glance over him with one of his infamous poker faces. Luckily, Jongin smiled back at him a second later, already convinced to ignore the thoughts of what could have happened if Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun didn't enter their room.


"Are you getting ready for the night?" Jongin asked at one point as Luhan was busy uncovering Kyungsoo's bed. 

He nodded. "Aren't you sleepy yet?" 

Jongin nodded as well.


They stayed still and awkward for a few, Luhan pouting and Jongin fighting the contrasting voices of his conscience.


He wanted Luhan to sleep inside his arm for the night but not in a billion years he could have found the courage to ask something like that. He felt Luhan moving but didn't make in time to turn around to face him that the boy was already there, wrapping his arms around him.


"Goodnight then." he whispered. 

Jongin answered the hug hesitantly, but he didn't want Luhan to let go now. 

Since he knew he would have never been able to ask it aloud making a fool of himself any further, he just let his body speak for him, tightening the hold on the other's hands as they broke the hug. Luhan looked a little bit startled at first but followed quietly as Jongin slowly let them both fall back onto his bed.


Jongin woke up the morning after at his phone's alarm ringing trough the room. He rubbed his eyes lazily while tasting the absence of another body besides him with a hand. He eyed the deer photo frame instinctively and noticed a post-it wrapped on it. He immediately smiled, taking the paper and imagining the angelic smile Luhan's would offer him if he had been still there.  


You forgot your alarm for Yeonsu! What would you do without me? 

Eheh, just joking. Good morning, Jonginnie.







Aaaaand, double update :D 

So, I need something crack and fluff after chapter 12th.. what do you guys think? XD


Also, thank you always for reading and commenting <3

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<3 beautifuuuuul thank you
Chapter 20: I knew it was an old fic but I was glad had I chance to found and read it, thankz for this beautiful fic,., thankz for writen the sweetest KaiLu moments here,. KaiLu = <3
Chapter 20: There are a lot of things I really liked about this story, I can't name them all without dropping hints regarding the story; but mostly let me start with how I love that Jongin is Kyungsoo's hyung. lol
ToriDubu #4
Chapter 20: OMG this was beautiful!! I'm crying omg /sobs
Autor-nim i need to thank you for a such sweet fic! KaiLu is my OTP and ive enjoyed every chapter! ;-;
<3 ;u;
Chapter 20: A very beautiful and touching story, love! Thank you so much for sharing this! :'D I giggled and dreamily sighed so many times~ <3 This story is so full of promising happiness that my eyes get watery from time to time. Thank you again! You're beautiful and amazing! More power to you! :'3 xoxo
Chapter 20: This was a nice lukai story. I loved the ending the most where Kai's daughter finally called him appa. That seriously pulled at my cold heart. Great job :)
clairenoona_887 #7
Chapter 20: aw aw aw.. amazing story!!
jongin being young Appa, and it's so touched 'bout Jongin's family life.
and some cheesy n romantic moment of kaiLu I really really loved it, esp when they're spend time together with Yonsu it such a great family..
I imagine that really happened in real /slap/
kekkke.. just kidding ^^V
it's humorous when the other member teasing KaiLu, made a bet and the lube gifted from beagle line+huntao *LoL
Thank you author-ssi for writing this
beautiful story..
need more Kailu fict from you!! kekke
author Jjang!! :))
Chapter 8: oH MY FEELS EXPLODED IN THIS CHAPTER- I commented again i am so sorry omg i can't resist it's SO BEAUTIFUL I CRI EVRYTIEM
eine08 #9
Chapter 20: This is so beautiful! Thank you >_<