Hiding feelings

2 boys who share 1 secret.

Seunghyuns POV:


"You all ready guys?" Jiyong asked. I nodded but it was all I could do but staring at him with his eyes gleaming like only his would when he was happy or exited and his hair getting finishing touches from an assistant for the concert. His beautiful blond hair, gleaming like silk. I had to refrain myself from running my hands through it all the time. It seemed so soft, just made to run your hands trough. Those were the best about Jiyong, those beautiful, silky blond locks that seemed soft as clouds and were gleaming like small rays of dawning sunlight.


Wow. Focus. I quickly looked around but it seemed that nobody had seen me staring at my gorgeous dragon. We were called to the stage and ran up when the music started. During the first few songs, in the corner of my eye I saw Jiyong glancing at me from time to time. During our standoff during haru haru Jiyong seemed really angry at me and it scared me. Had I done something wrong? Had I really angered him?


Back in our hotel after the concert GD asked if he could talk to me in private. Oh no. Here it comes. He's really angry at me. At my scared reaction his gaze softened and pleaded with puppy eyes he knew I couldn't resist. In my room in the suite, he started to pace around nervously, pulling at his precious hair, muttering in the beginning but in the end nearly screaming: "I-I... Give me a second. I-it is hard to say... Seunghyun I-I... Damn it! Why can't I just say it!" What was he trying to tell? "Jiyong, what's wrong? Did I do something? Are you angry at me?" he loosened his grip on his hair, looking at me as I said it. "What?! No, no, no. I'm not angry at you! You did nothing wrong." he assured me. "It's just... God I can't even say this, I'm such an idiot." He looked really lost, scared even. "well, actions say more that words right?" I tried to help.


He was now standing in front of me, just centimeters away. He gazed up into my eyes for a moment and I stared back. Lost in those eyes that I realized weren't black but a dark brown, like molten extra dark chocolate. Then he looked down at his shoes and shook his head. Suddenly he stood up on his tip toes, leveling our height difference, put a hand on my cheek sending shivers down my spine and making my skin tingle and then he kissed me full on my lips. He kissed me! It was a soft kiss, his lips, warm and soft like nothing else, barely touching mine. He smelled sweaty, but there was something else, something sweet, something only he could smell like.


Before I knew it he pulled back. Shock was probably written on my face. I tried to say something, something sweet maybe, but my brain wasn't functioning anymore. I could still feel the phantom sizzle of his lips on mine. I could taste him on my lips, warm and sweet like hot chocolate. I tried to do anything as my gorgeous dragon's face slowly began to sadden as I didn't react to his feelings, but that small kiss, that small brushing of lips had left me shell shocked, unable to move as he turned, tears in his eyes and left my room slamming the door.


The bang of the door was enough to shake me out of my numbness and I ran to the door, pulling it open. The others were in the small living room standing up to move towards GD's door. "I have this" I told them and opened his door just as a crash could be heard inside along with the sound of broken glass. I rushed to the bathroom where the sound had come from and softly opened the door.


It was dark inside. The mirror above the sink was broken, blood covering some of the sharp ends. The floor was covered in shards of the mirror. On the floor sitting against the bathtub was Jiyong. He had his knees pulled up to his chest, his elbows leaning on them. He was holding his head in his hands, one covered in blood, his body shaking with silent sobs. In the streak of light coming through the door opening his cheek was gleaming like it was wet, probably with tears.


I went to sit beside him, putting his head on my shoulder, holding him in a one-armed hug. "Kill me now. If you have any mercy, please kill me now. I don't want to live with this pain, I can't. Please just make it quick." the crying angel in my arms begged me and something in his voice told me he was serious. That he'd rather die now than continue living like this. "I can't. Not you. Any other person, even panda, I might be able to, but not you. Never you." I whispered in his ear.


He jumped away, probably not expecting me. "Seunghyun, I'm so, so sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. I-I should've just told you. I understand that you're disgusted by me and hate me. Really,I won't bother you anymore, I won't bother anyone anymore." he finished, picking up a rather big shard of glass, putting it to his neck and closing his eyes. "I don't want to live like this, knowing that I've hurt the one person I love the most. Goodbye cruel world, may there be peace after this life." Oh no!  "Jiyong, don't! Please don't." I begged him putting my hand on his hand holding the shard to his neck.


He let me pull the shard away from his neck and opened his eyes, showing to dark brown circles that once shone bright but were now dim, shattered and filled with endless pain. He asked one question: "why?" I couldn't tell him. This feeling wasn't explainable in words. I kissed him, hard and passionately, letting all my feelings soak into it, telling him just how much I needed him. Then he kissed me back, tangling his hands in my hair, making me moan against his lips as I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him as close as possible. We deepened the kiss and my tongue trailed his lower lip, begging for entrance. As he gave me just this, my hands  found their way into his hair and my god, it was soft. I tangled my hands is it, playing with the silky strands.


Finally we parted breathing heavy, struggling to get enough air. "just, don't kill yourself, okay?" "For you Seunghyun, everything." "I have one more question." he seemed confused, his eyebrows all scrunched up. "Jiyong, would you be my boyfriend?" He pulled me in a rib-crushing hug, filling me with a warm glow. "I'd have nothing else." he breathed in my ear.


"Finally!" someone shouted behind us. It was panda, standing in the door opening with Daesung and Yongbae. "we thought you'd never realize you love each other!" Yongbae exclaimed. We all laughed but suddenly something clicked in my mind. "Jiyong! Your hand!" and I pulled him up and took my first boyfriend to the nearest hospital.

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crown12 #1
Chapter 16: Plz update fast!! I can't wait for the next chapter! You rock! :') <3
Chapter 17: I can't wait!
Chapter 15: He's being discharged. Yay !
Hope nothing happens to him :(
Chapter 13: Ooh .. I thought they were gonna kidnap him :O
Plz be okay Jiyongah
Chapter 12: Oh no jiyong got kidnapped ?! T_T please update soon!!!!
Chapter 11: awww YAYY!! he agreed ^^
and HAPPY NEW YEAR !!...xx
Chapter 11: Aaaawww soo cute kekek and bte... Happy birthday hihi sorry its a little bit late... Love you~~
Chapter 10: aww ... happy birthdaii !! ^.^ xx
Chapter 10: Okay! I understand..