Part eight

The games we play (Lee Joon fanfic)

"You need to eat more fruits! Our baby needs fruits." Joon said feeding me slices of apples that he cut up himself. 

"Yeah, but the baby is telling me it wants white chocolate!" I said pushing his hand away. "Ah." I said putting a hand on my stomach.

"What's wrong?!" Joon dropping the apple.

"Baby kicked." I said furrowing my eyebrows. He smiled and placed a hand on top of mine.

"Sweetie, don't kick mommy. You'll hurt her." He leaned in and lifted up my shirt and kissed it. "You should kick her because she wants to eat junk food all the time." I kicked his foot as he continued to laugh harder.


"Please, one more apple then I'll go get you some chocolate." He slowly brought the apple closer. "I promise." I sighed and opened my mouth. 

"Good girl." He said kissing my forehead. He rummaged through the drawers looking for white chocolate as I got up to answer the door.

"I'll get it." I said to him. "Oh.. Umma. Hello." I said surprised to see Joon's mom at the door. 

"Vanessa, my beautiful girl." She said wrapping me in her delicate arms and kissing me on both of my cheeks. "How is my grand baby?" She bent down and kissed my tummy. 

"Doing well, come have a seat." I said leading her in.

"Umma!" Joon said rushing to her and swinging her around. 

"Put me down, you'll ruin my hair, I just got it done." She said as he placed her lightly back on the ground. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head. 

"Why are you here?" Joon said now patting his mother's head.

"Doing my duty as a mother, and teaching her how to take care of her body." 

I glared at Joon, I told him not to tell anyone yet because I felt ashamed that I had gotten pregnant and I wasn't married yet. 

"Sorry, but I had to tell umma. She won't tell your mom, Nessa." Joon said batting his eyelashes at me. Like that will make me forgive him.

Joon's mom pushed him away and walked toward me. "Sweetie, it is okay to not be married yet, this is 2013, we can do whatever we want." She held my hands in her warm hands and patted it softly. 

Joon came from behind me and kissed my cheek. "See? Take care of her, I'll be home later." He said kissing his mother and then me again. 

Joon's mom lead me over to the couch and told me to stay put while she made some soup that was good for the intestines. It tasted like bitter medicine, but I drank it all.

"After you give birth are you going to go back to work, Vanessa?" She said crossing one leg over the other, sipping her tea. 

"Not right away, but I plan to go back some day. I love what I do, I'm not a stay at home mom type." 

"Ah.. you mean to tell me that you and Changsun are going to abandon the child?"

"No. No. I mean.."

"I understand you think your career is important,but sweetie, you're about to have a kid. You can't expect a kid to grow up with two parents who are never around, that isn't healthy. I am more than willing and happy to take care of the kid, but doesn't the child deserve to know its parents personally, not through a television screen?"

"Yes, that is true." I said thinking to myself about my own parents who only came home maybe twice a year when I was child. 

"Where is that child? He said he would be home by now." His mom said looking at her phone.

"This is typical, he is probably still filming or signing for fans."

"This is not right,he can't let his wife, I mean girlfriend, waiting." She picked up the phone and called him.  "He is on his way." She looked over at me and saw my blank stare.

"A lot to take in huh? This is what it feels like to be forced to grow up quickly." She pats my hand. "Nervous?"

"A little." I said smiling slightly at her.

"I'm home! Sorry!" Joon said putting his keys down and kissing both of us on the cheek. He kneeled down by me and rubbed my knee. "Are you ready?" I nod and we all trail out of the house into the car.


We sat together holding hands with Joon's hand on my little baby bump. 

"Vanessa Choi."

"Here." Joon and I said standing up together. We walk away from his mother and into the office. I undress and sit on the bed. 

"Are you nervous?"

"Yes." I said gripping his hand tightly. He kisses my hand and smiles sweetly at me.

"Mrs and Mr lee, hello. Are you ready to find out the gender?"

"Yes." I said laying back on the bed.

"Spread your legs a little more. Good. So you guys hoping for a boy or girl?" 

"I want a pretty little princess like her." Joon said smiling widely.

"I want a boy." I said to the doctor. "I bet a whole box of white chocolates it is a boy." 

"If it is I will dance around the office screaming, 'It's a boy!'" The doctor and I laugh as I see the first traces of our baby on the screen. 

"Oppa." I said clutching to his hand.

"It's our baby." He said tearing up. "Hello, little one." He waved to the screen. I slapped his arm as he wiped my tear. 

"Ah, here it is."

"What?What is?" Joon said squeezing my hand.

"It's a girl."

"OH HAPPY DAYS! YES YES YES!" He screaming jumping up and down.

"Nessa, we are going to have a sweet little girl who looks like you." He said kissing my lips gently as our tears flow together. 

"Umhm." I said unable to contain my tears.

"I'll leave you guys alone, I expect to see you in two weeks. Eat better food, okay?" 

"Yes." I said sitting up and dressing. 

"Umma, it's a girl." Joon said holding the picture out to his mom. She stared at it, taking in all the details. "She's beautiful." She began to tear up too. 

"Let's frame it and put it on our wall." Joon said holding my hand. I nodded and got into the car. 



"How about Jessica? I like that name."

"No, I want something cute."


"Lauren.. No."

"Megan or Aubrey" Joon continued to scroll down the page.

"Aubrey! I like it."

"Aubrey.. sounds perfect." 

"Ugh, I'm tired from all of this."

"Baby shopping tomorrow!"

"Again?" I said glaring at him.


"Fine, fine, she's your princess."

"And you're my queen. Now do me a favor, Queen, reach into my pocket and get my phone out." I roll my eyes and reach into it. 

"Nope, no phone."

"Really? What is it?" I pull it out and see a deep blue square box, my heart pounds in chest.

"Vanessa, I should have asked you long ago." He said taking the box out of my hand and opens it. "It isn't much but it is all I have." He takes the ring out. 

"Will you be my queen forever?" He said shyly smiling. I cover my mouth and nod unable to say a word as he slides the ring on my finger.

"Oppa." I said hugging him.

"You deserve the best." He said kissing my head. I hug him tightly as I felt my baby kick inside my stomach.

"Are you happy too Aubrey?" I said placing Joon's hand on my stomach.

"She's kicking." He said putting both hands on my stomach. "I'm the happiest guy on earth right now." 

"You better be." I said watching him look at my stomach like it was a million diamonds. 



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Hi guys! I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this .. so I might put this story on hold.


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Chapter 15: So sad! Why did Vanessa have to die?! Stupid Joon! Now he has to deal with his daughter and life on his own, when he could have had his fiancé by his side :( so sad!
I forgot to ask. Is part one missing? Or did you make part two the first chapter on purpose?
Chapter 9: Update soon please. So cute!
Dimple_Lady #4
Chapter 7: Please Update sooooooon :)
Chapter 4: In the first hapters you had fabuloud pictures! :o and i really like the story its soooo sweet ;)
Cant wait for an update!
ThebabyELF #6
Update soon, neh? =}
PinkEagle #7
I can't wait for the update!! Hwaiting!! <3 Joon *o*