Part six

The games we play (Lee Joon fanfic)

(Joon's view)

She sat across the table picking at her food. I take her hand in mine and rub my thumb across her smooth hand. 

"Are you okay?" I asked blowing warm air onto her cold hands.

"Do I look okay?" She asked back glaring at me.

"Well, well that is why I asked." I shuddered.


I stared at her unable to think of anything witty to say. I don't understand why she was being all cold to me since she came back from Milan.

"You sure?" I looked at her with concern she returned my gaze with an insincere smile.

"I'm sorry, Joon. I'm tired from the plane ride home." She said taking her hand out of mine and picking at the broccoli on her plate.

"I'm not really hungry." She said breaking the silence and getting up to scrape the food off of her plate and into the trash. She places the dish into the sink and kisses the top of my head as she walks by me and heads up the stairs. 

I wash the dish and quietly crept into our room. She was laying on the bed with the blanket wrapped around her. Her body moving up and down in rapid movements. I could hear the sound of her nose sniffling. 

I slipped on my sweater and approached her side of the bed. 


"Go away." She said turning to the other side of the bed.

"Did I do something wrong?" I said still kneeling by the bed. I wanted to give her space but I wanted so badly to hold her in my arms. She continued to sniff , "No." 

"Then what's wrong, baby?" I said gently asking her.

"Please don't call me that." She said into the sheets.

"W-w-w-why? Why! Are you breaking up with me?" I jumped onto the bed and wrestled the blanket away from her and pulling her toward me. "Stop playing games with me Vanessa. Tell me what is going on, I think I deserve to know." I held her face in between my hands. 

"You can't keep me here like this forever." She said trying to get out of my grip.

"I could tie your hands and feet down to the bed, but I could never tie your heart down." 

"Oppa.." She said trailing off. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before saying, "You'll hate me." She said quietly.

"I've been with you for two years, if I hated you I would have left you a long time ago." I held her hands in mine again. "Tell me, I promise I won't be mad. Unless you tell me you cheated on me." 

"I-I-I." She shuddered. "I won't be able to perform anymore." She started to tear up again.

"What's wrong? Did you hurt your leg?" I hugged her tightly from behind. "It's okay, you'll be able to perform again after therapy." I rested my head on her shoulder.

She continued to cry,but harder. I sat there comforting her and swaying her back and forth. "Oppa." She said as I wiped her tears.

"Hm?" I said tucking her a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm pregnant." I silently stared at her face, reading all of her emotions. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. 

"WOOOOO! I'M A DAD. I'M A DAD. You're not lying right?" I stopped jumping on the bed and leaned down to kiss her forehead. 

"No." She said with a big smile on her face. 

"I can't believe this. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know yet."

"Does it look like me?" 

"Joon." She said glaring at me.

"Sorry, sorry." I started dancing the Super junior dance. "I'm just to excited." I sang in the tune of the song. I wrapped my legs around her as I hugged her from behind and placed one hand on her tummy.

"Are you being good to mommy?" I spoke to my baby. "We are going to be parents." I said kissing her cheek and lacing my fingers through hers. I rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes. 


"Wait,but that means I won't be able to see my baby be born." 

"Oppa, let's worry about that when the time comes." 

"Yes, you're right, I should just cherish this wonderful moment." I closed my eyes and laid my head back on her shoulder. 

"Let's go shopping for the baby!" I said jumping up and pulling her off the bed with me.

"But we don't know if it is a girl or boy!" 

"Doesn't matter, we will shop for both! If it's a girl this time we can have another one until it is a boy." 

She laughs and kisses my cheek. 

"Wait, wait. You can't walk my precious babies cannot walk." I motioned for her to get on my back. She giggles and gets on. 

"Will you still carry me like this when I'm 50 pounds heavier?" 

"I'll carry you even if your 500 pounds heavier." 

"Rude!" She said smacking my back.

"I don't care, I'm a daddy." I said skipping around the house with her on my back.

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Hi guys! I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this .. so I might put this story on hold.


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Chapter 15: So sad! Why did Vanessa have to die?! Stupid Joon! Now he has to deal with his daughter and life on his own, when he could have had his fiancé by his side :( so sad!
I forgot to ask. Is part one missing? Or did you make part two the first chapter on purpose?
Chapter 9: Update soon please. So cute!
Dimple_Lady #4
Chapter 7: Please Update sooooooon :)
Chapter 4: In the first hapters you had fabuloud pictures! :o and i really like the story its soooo sweet ;)
Cant wait for an update!
ThebabyELF #6
Update soon, neh? =}
PinkEagle #7
I can't wait for the update!! Hwaiting!! <3 Joon *o*