Part twenty

The games we play (Lee Joon fanfic)

She sat in her seat beside me, silently watching the streets as we drove on our way home.

"Have you been so busy that you forgot to feed yourself again?"

"No, I'm doing fine." 

"Joon, you have to remember to eat your fruits." 

"I will, only if you cut them for me." 

"Stubborn." She said reaching for my hand. Her hands were cold but warm against my skin, sending chills up my arm. 

"Do you miss me?"

"Every day Vanessa." 

"I shouldn't have come to see you. I'm sorry." 



"Don't you ever leave my side again, Vanessa. I only get to see you here in my memories. Take everything away from me, but please don't take this. I just want to spend these little moments with you."

She took my hands off the steering wheel as I watched the car drive itself. She lightly brushed her fingers across my cheeks, I held her hand to my face. She leaned closer but stopped, my lips yearned for her kiss. 

She looked at me with tears sparkling in her eyes.




I looked back at her with tired eyes,hoping she would relieve me of these endless sleepless nights. 

"Let go." She whispered, then disappeared before my eyes. My vision went dark as I searched for her in the darkness. 

"JOON!JOON!" I heard a voice said shaking me. I flinched and opened my eyes on time to swerve away from the oncoming car.

I parked over onto the side of the road. "Sorry." I said to Dani as I rested my head against the head rest. 

"What wrong?" She asked 

"Nothing, I'm sorry." I said squeezing my eyes shut as the pain in my forehead grew.

"Do you want me to drive?" Dani asked me.

"Let me go." Vanessa whispered into my ear

"No!" I screamed at Vanessa. "No." I said calmly with Dani. 

"Who is Vanessa?" Dani asked lightly touching my arm. I finch at her touch. 

"No one. Put back on your seat belt." I said to her as I drove back onto the road fighting my visions of Vanessa.


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Hi guys! I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this .. so I might put this story on hold.


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Chapter 15: So sad! Why did Vanessa have to die?! Stupid Joon! Now he has to deal with his daughter and life on his own, when he could have had his fiancé by his side :( so sad!
I forgot to ask. Is part one missing? Or did you make part two the first chapter on purpose?
Chapter 9: Update soon please. So cute!
Dimple_Lady #4
Chapter 7: Please Update sooooooon :)
Chapter 4: In the first hapters you had fabuloud pictures! :o and i really like the story its soooo sweet ;)
Cant wait for an update!
ThebabyELF #6
Update soon, neh? =}
PinkEagle #7
I can't wait for the update!! Hwaiting!! <3 Joon *o*