Part fourteen

The games we play (Lee Joon fanfic)

Please listen to this in a new tab while reading, thank you!



"Vanessa!" I screamed into the night,breathing heavily. I wiped the sweat that was clinging to my face as I turned to the other side of the bed. As always I woke up alone, she was still gone.

I brought my palm up to my face and slicked back my hair. Sighing as I got up to turn on the light. I looked around the room for my coffee cup, but instead my eyes landed on the boxes in corner. Her boxes, that was still in the corner. I quickly turned off the lights and head down stairs to get a drink of water. 

I slid my hand along the wall trying to find the kitchen light switch. My fingers ran over the switch turning on the lights. My eyes land on the little piece of fabric I see sticking out of a drawer. I walk over to the drawer to tuck the fabric in but my hands wouldn't move. It was our matching aprons that was always in this drawer. How could I forget..

"Chef Joon ! Which apron did you want to wear today?" 

"The blue one please." I said to her as she slipped a arm around my waist tying the apron to me. She always tied it with a double knot so I could never take it off by myself. 

I close the drawer as tears began to sting my eyes. I rummaged around the kitchen and got my cup of water. I turned off the kitchen light and sat down on the living room couch. I sighed to myself resting my head on the couch. 

"Where is that stupid remote." I said to myself sticking my hands around the crevices of the sofa. "Ah, that little girl, always hiding the remote." I said as I felt something big pass my finger tips. I pull it out dusting it off, it was my camcorder. 

My hands shook as I laid it down on my lap. I know what is in this camera, but I don't know if I could handle it. My fingers, uncontrollably flipped open the camera and pressed the play button.

"Mommy! Say hi!" I heard myself say from behind the camera.

"Hello appa." Vanessa said smiling up at me. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing my t-shirt, but she was the most beautiful woman to me. 

"Hello princess." I said zooming to her face. I smile to myself at my beautiful daughter.

"Umma, umma. What are you making for dinner tonight?" I said zooming to her face. She gave me her signature glare and frowned causing her dimples to show. My fingers ran over her face on the screen as the tears came rolling down my cheek.

"I don't call you Chef Joon for no reason." I laugh at her and she begins to laugh also. Most likely because my laugh was so ridiculous. 

"Stop laughing, it is so ridiculous." I smile at her answer. 

"You like it, I know."

She looks down at Aubrey in a loving way and looks back at me. 

"Of course, I love you, that's why I'm still here, pabo." She smiles at me her ring twinkling on her hand.

I slam the camera closed and set it down. I couldn't control my tears as the thoughts came rushing into mind. 



"Vanessa!" I screamed reaching for her hand. She ran toward the man with the gun blocking the shot. 

"Vanessa!" I screamed again as I saw her body crumpled on the floor. I got out my gun and shot at him. The noises coming out of my mouth were animal like. I shot him more than once, when I was sure he was dead, I knelt down by Vanessa's side. 

"Nessa, please, stay with me." I saw her eyes twitch, she was still responsive. I reach into my pocket for my phone dialing for the ambulance.

"They are coming soon. You can do it, stay with me." I held her cold hands in mine. I look at her eyes and my even my heart shudders at the look in her eyes. They were dead cold. 

"Think about our baby. What is she going to do without you?" I screamed shaking her. She was dead, I knew that, but I hoped that something in her was still alive, something would keep her going. 

"They're here, Vanessa. It's going to be okay, I promise." I whispered to her. "Over here! Help me! Hurry please!" I screamed to the people. 

"They're here, Vanessa." I repeated to her as I helped them lift her body up onto the stretcher. I lifted her lifeless hands and placed them onto the stretcher as I heard a clanking sound. I looked onto the floor at the object shining in the darkness. Her ring. I followed them into the back of the ambulance sitting by her side and staring at the ring. Despite the blood surrounding it, the ring was still shining. 

"She still has a pulse." The man said. I smiled at him and watched the monitor beep. With every beep it meant that she was fighting for her life, fighting for Aubrey and me. 

I held onto her hand and spoke to her hoping she would listen to me and know I was waiting for her when she got better. I looked at the man sitting on the opposite side of me as I watched her heart beat dance around the screen in a frantic motion. 

"Vanessa. Vanessa! Listen to me, you have to see Aubrey grow up. We have to get married. You waited so long for this, you can't leave me." I said to her. 

The man brought out the Defibrillator. "Let go of her." He said as he set it up. I let go reluctantly as I watched him place the device on her. Her body jolted but her heart beat began to fade. 

I felt my body slump as I watched her heart beat for the last time. It was over.

"I'm sorry." The man said silently. I didn't blame him, I only blamed myself for not protecting her. If I never got a loan, she never would have had to rescue me.  

I cleaned the ring off on my own bloody shirt and slipped the ring on her finger. The man left the car as I sobbed into her hands. 



I wipe the tears off my face and took in a deep breath. I stood up and turned off the lights and walked up the stairs leaning on the rail to steady myself. I peeked into my daughter's room and knelt by her side.

I tucked her hair away from her sleeping face. She had her mother's lips and eyes. "Umma, you'll watch over Aubrey tomorrow right? I know it is going to be hard going to Kindergarten, but you'll make sure she will make friends right? Umma, You'll watch over her and make sure she will grow up well right?" I kiss her forehead and wiped my tears. I stood up and walked out silently back to my room. 

I the light and walked over to the boxes. For more than five years I have not opened this box, but tonight, it felt like she was telling me herself to open it. 

I lifted up the flaps looking at the contents. The only thing that caught my eye was the picture frame of all of us. All smiling into the camera. I closed the box and walked back over to her side of the bed and set down the picture frame. 

I turned off the lights and got into bed and turned to my side. 

"Good night, sweetie." I said into the darkness and kissed my wedding ring.

And I swore I heard her say ,"Good night pabo appa."


Do you guys feel sad too? I feel sad saying good bye to my fictional charcter :( 

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Hi guys! I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this .. so I might put this story on hold.


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Chapter 15: So sad! Why did Vanessa have to die?! Stupid Joon! Now he has to deal with his daughter and life on his own, when he could have had his fiancé by his side :( so sad!
I forgot to ask. Is part one missing? Or did you make part two the first chapter on purpose?
Chapter 9: Update soon please. So cute!
Dimple_Lady #4
Chapter 7: Please Update sooooooon :)
Chapter 4: In the first hapters you had fabuloud pictures! :o and i really like the story its soooo sweet ;)
Cant wait for an update!
ThebabyELF #6
Update soon, neh? =}
PinkEagle #7
I can't wait for the update!! Hwaiting!! <3 Joon *o*