Part twelve

The games we play (Lee Joon fanfic)

Click this link and listen to this as you read please.



I couldn’t find my voice or my strength as I looked down at the pool of blood cascading down my hands.

“Oppa. Joon oppa.” I managed to whisper as my lips quivered. “Oppa.” I said again as tears began forming. I wiped the blood from his face and tucked his hair back.

“Help him, please. If you save him, I’ll do anything.” I said turning around to the man standing behind me.

“What a pretty girl.” The man said sliding his rough fingers across my cheek. “Get him some help, and leave our number in his wallet. This game isn’t over yet.” He said commanding the other men to come over to me.

“And you.” He pointed at me, “Hurry before I change my mind.”

I looked down at him breathing hard and his blood soaking into my jeans. My lips quivered at that thought of letting him go, but I knew if I didn’t let him go, he would die here in my arms. If I couldn’t make it back home to Aubrey, he should be the one.

“Come back for me.” I whispered kissing his cold lips. I let the men take him and drag him out of my sight.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes.” I said looking back at him one last time.


(Four months ago)

“I’m doing well.  Are you and Aubrey doing okay?” Joon said through the phone. I put him on speaker phone as Aubrey got excited by the sound of Joon’s voice.

“Who is that? Is it appa?” I said to Aubrey. “Appa, Aubrey wants to talk to you. She misses you.” I said smiling at my beautiful daughter. She was almost 12 months old and she was beginning to look more like Joon.

“Princess! Do you miss me?” Aubrey giggled at the sound of her dad’s voice. “Nessa, was the money I sent home enough for rent and bills?”

“Yes appa, appa is working hard for us?”

“Every day I work is for you two.” I smiled at his answer. He had landed a role in a film that was being made in Switzerland, and has been gone for almost one week.

 “I have to go soon, but I will call you back later.” He said

 “I love you.”

“I love you , too.” He said his voice full of sorrow

 “Say bye to appa.” I said to Aubrey waving at the phone. She followed my hand motion and waved making sounds with .

“Love you princess!” Joon called into the phone

“Go away.” I said laughing as I hunging up on him. I looked over at my wedding dress that hung in the closet. In just five months we would be officially married.

“MummMum.” Aubrey said hanging onto my shirt. She was saying that she was hungry. I placed her on my hip and walked with her to the kitchen.

“Hungry?” I said laughing at her expression.

“MummMumm.” She said as I started filling the bottle with milk.

“Yes mum mum.” I held the bottle out to her as she reached her hand out to grab it. “Say thank you.” I said pulling my hand back, she tried to reach for the bottle but then realized that she needed to say thank you.

She mumbled a cute thank you and bowed. I kiss her head as I give her the bottle. I set her down on the couch and turn on the TV as the phone rang. “Stay on the couch, bree.” I said to her as I walked toward the phone. “Joon’s Manager” The screen read.

“Hello, how is the film going? Are you working hard?” I asked him.

“Oh. Film? I was going to ask Joon to film a drama series, but I see that he is busy. Tell him I said hello.”

“No. No! Wait. I thought you set up his audition and was going with him to Switzerland.”

“I haven’t talked to him since I spoke to you last. He just asked me to borrow some money last time.” Silence filled the air and my heart dropped in my stomach. Why would Joon lie to me? Is that where we are getting all the money from? From other people?

“Thanks.” I said hanging up the phone. My mind began to race, I picked up Aubrey and took her upstairs. I set her in her crib as I searched through Joon’s things. I went through all of his clothes and papers, one by one, looking for some clue as to what was going on.

“Loan agreement” The paper in my hand read. “200,000” My jaw dropped at the amount of money he had borrowed and the amount was due last month.

I sat on our bed blankly staring at the paper, he lied to me about making a movie, he lied about where the money was coming from, and he was taking loans behind my back. Tears started to form as I thought about how he was doing all of this for Aubrey and me.

I picked up the phone and dialed Joon’s number.

“Nessa, I’m busy.” He said in a low tone.

“Oppa, you don’t need to lie anymore. I know what is going on.”


“Where are you?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why not? If you don’t tell me I have no choice but to involve our parents, Joon.” He was silent. I sighed and wiped a tear running down my cheek. “Joon-ah, why didn’t you tell me? We are about to get married, we are going to spend the rest of our lives together. Why can’t you tell me that you needed help with money? Why did you have to get a loan, and such a big amount that is past due.”

“I really can’t explain to you right now, I’m in the middle of something really -”He got cut off and I heard murmurs in the background.

“Oppa?” I said into the phone.

“Bring the money to the address I text you from his phone.”

“Wait, wait!” I screamed into the phone as the line went dead. I dialed Joon’s number again, but the phone call was rejected.

“12pm, three days from now, at *********, or you can wait to receive your boyfriend’s body in the mail.”

I stare at the phone in disbelief, how can I get this kind of money? I quickly dialed Joon’s mom.

“Umma, could I drop Aubrey over at your house for a few days? Joon and I have a movie to film.”

“You guys found a job? Good! It will be no problem! When will you be here?”

“Thank you umma, we will be there in two hours.”

“See you guys then.” She hung up as I looked at my baby sleeping peacefully in her crib.

“I will bring daddy back.” I said to Aubrey kissing her head. I quickly packed Aubrey’s essentials and gathered all my valuable things to be sold.


“I’m here.” I texted to Joon’s number. I stood under the street light with a ring of light around me and surrounding the ring was pure darkness. I stood silently with the brief case of money shaking in my hand. I was 20,000 dollars short.

“Hand me the money first.” A voice said from within the darkness. I turned around looking for the direction the voice came from. A hand reached out from the left of me and a man came lurking from the shadows.

“What about my husband?” I asked impatiently.

“Let me count the money first!” He shouted taking the briefcase out of my hand. Another shadow appeared holding Joon. He was tied up and his face was bruised badly.

“Oppa.” I whispered, but Joon only glanced at me and looked back down in shame. I stared at Joon and cried silently as the man continued to count the money until he stopped and closed the brief case. I knew that he would be angry about the money. I was hoping for a miracle.

I watched him carefully as he smiled sinisterly at me. He nodded at the guy holding Joon, I felt my heart soar at the sight of seeing Joon being walked toward me.

“Umph.” Joon groaned as the men around us kicked and beat him.

“Stop! Please!” I begged trying to protect him, but I was also being kicked in the process.

“Move away.” Joon shouted at me as he grimaced in pain.

“Stop.” They stopped with the simple word of the man. They all moved back leaving Joon unconscious on the floor.

“Don’t mess with me, girl. Where is the rest of the money.” He said holding my head in place.

“I don’t have anymore.” I said looking into his eyes.

“Then you guys will sell drugs for me until you pay it off.” He said letting go of my face. I crawled over to Joon and tried to wake him.

“Oppa. Joon oppa.” I managed to whisper as my lips quivered. “Oppa.” I said again as tears began forming. I wiped the blood from his face and tucked his hair back.

“Help him, please. If you save him, I’ll do anything.” I said turning around to the man standing behind me.

“What a pretty girl.” The man said sliding his rough fingers across my cheek. “Get him some help, and leave our number in his wallet. This game isn’t over yet.” He said commanding the other men to come over to me.

“And you.” He pointed at me, “Hurry before I change my mind.”

I looked down at him breathing hard and his blood soaking into my jeans. My lips quivered at that thought of letting him go, but I knew if I didn’t let him go, he would die here in my arms. If I couldn’t make it back home to Aubrey, he should be the one.

“Come back for me.” I whispered kissing his cold lips. I let the men take him and drag him out of my sight.

“Let’s go.”


“Yes.” I said looking back at him one last time.

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Hi guys! I'm not sure if anyone is still reading this .. so I might put this story on hold.


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Chapter 15: So sad! Why did Vanessa have to die?! Stupid Joon! Now he has to deal with his daughter and life on his own, when he could have had his fiancé by his side :( so sad!
I forgot to ask. Is part one missing? Or did you make part two the first chapter on purpose?
Chapter 9: Update soon please. So cute!
Dimple_Lady #4
Chapter 7: Please Update sooooooon :)
Chapter 4: In the first hapters you had fabuloud pictures! :o and i really like the story its soooo sweet ;)
Cant wait for an update!
ThebabyELF #6
Update soon, neh? =}
PinkEagle #7
I can't wait for the update!! Hwaiting!! <3 Joon *o*