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Please Turn Around [Hiatus]
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Mrs. Oh and Gayeon had spend time together at the mall for quite long. Really long. They didn't miss a single store, stall, restraunt and boutique.

Gayeon isn't a shoppoholic but Mrs. Oh is. She is very hyper when shopping and that makes Gayeon to love her more. She is very funny. Mrs. Oh told Gayeon what Sehun likes and dislikes. She even said about her husband's

Soon the sun had set, they bith arrive in front of Acapella, where EXO and Gayeon lived. Gayeon thanked to her mother-in-law for invinting her to company her and was about to leave when Mrs. Oh called her back.

"What is it omoni?" She asked. Then she is welcomed by a hug from her.

"Gayeon-ah! You know I have know you for more than ten years and you know I love your like my own daughter right? So please don't ever lie to me again neh? It hurts me" the old lady said. Gayeon was stiff for a sec. How did she knew? Soon Gayeon sighed and hug her back.

"I'm sorry omoni! " Gayeon said. With that they both broke the hug. Mrs. Oh stared at her masked daughter-in-law and smiled. She cares her fake cheek.

"You should go in now! You look very tired. Thank you for today honey " Mrs. Oh said and Gayeon nodded. She told her to rest too and told the driver to drive safely. As she got out of the car, she waved at Mrs. Oh and wait for thw car to leave. As the vechile couldnt be seen anymore, Gayeon walk straight up to her room.

"COOK BY YOURSELF!!!" D.O shouted and went out from their dorm. They all blink for a moment. "This is your fault! " Kai crossed his arms and Xiumin scoffed. "Why is it me? It was you that finished the last totato wedge!" Xiumin yeld. "Well I.." Kai was cut by Tao's dama.

"It was all our fault. We always bullied him. " they all nodded and deep sighed.

"Guess we have to eat outside again huh?" Kris said and took out his wallet to see his money.

The panda saw Kris's wallet and grins. "Yay! Kris gege is treating us!!!" he shouted happily. Kris eyes wide. "No I am not!" After hearing his gege's answer, the panda pouted and does his killer aegyo. "Pwease~"

It took a while and finaly Krus defeated. They all had dinner near Acapella. And D.O? He is still in the building, at a place where he knew EXO wouldnt go.

"Tch! They never apriciate me. Who do they think am I? A housewife? Maid? Yah! I'm their main vocalist!! I'm their power!! I made our songs a

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[PTA] Sorry for not updating it.. I have to re-read because I forgot how the story goes orz OhMaiGod!!!


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Chapter 14: The story plot is so interesting. You know what, I would love if you update for the next chapter soon. Hwaiting ^^
Chapter 14: Author-nim, ppali update this story. I can't wait for it. ^^
Chapter 8: Sehun start to like her~ awe..~ author-nim, I'm waiting for the next chapter ^^ update it soon.
BeautifulOblivion #4
Chapter 8: you have like the best story everrr~~~~~ please update author nim !
Chapter 4: Nice ~ but,, I still want to know about the next chapter ^^ update it soon~
Chapter 3: Interesting story..keep it up ^^