3. The start

Meeting you again

Hi Guys! Here is an update!! I'm updating fast right? Hehe I'm so proud of myself. Anyway the next update may take a little longer.... Sorry. Having exams this week. OTL ANWAY... Hope you enjoy the update! Sorry for the typo error! REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE COMMENT AND ENJOY! LOVE YOU GUYS:) 

Jonghyun's POV.

Jjong president? The last time I was called that name was.... way back in elementary school. Sung Yoon Mi? Yoon Mi was that girl back in Elementary school! The one I made an outcast. This can't be happening. This wasn't the reality I wanted. Things weren't meant to be like this.
"Yah. Jonghyun! Who exactly is she?" Minho asked. I told Minho everything. Everything about our past. How unclucky can I get? Yoon Mi, the first girl I was ever so attracted to, was the girl  I made an outcast in Elementary school. I don't know whether this is fate, letting us meet again after so many years. Or was it karma is make me suffer. No matter what, I like her. I like her a lot that its scaring me.
"You and her were elementary classmates? And you made her and outcast?" Minho asked in disbelief.
"Yeah.." I'm mumbled. "But I was young, childish and stupid. I thought teasing her was fun. Minho! You have to help me! I need to apologize to her." I begged. I had to somehow try to make things right,
"How am I suppose go help you?" Minho asked. "She hates you." he continued, rubbiing salt into my wounds.
"Arrange a meet up for me again! Please... I need to apologize." I pleaded.
"Fine. I'll try my best." 
"Thanks" I mumbled. 
Minho's POV.
Jonghyun kept groaning and sighing. Did this matter affect him that much? That's unusual. I mean like Yoon Mi is just a random girl het met again after so many years, they are practically stragers. Jonghyun was never this affected by a girl. not even after a break up. 
I pat his back and asked "Dude! Is this actually affecting you that much? That is so unlike you. You, Kim Jonghyun never gets worried about things like that."
"I know. But this situation is different." Jonghyun sighed.
"How is this different? You are never affected by girls. But you are reacting do badly to Yoon Mi. Why her?" I asked not really comprehending the situation.
He stare at me with a serious look. "I like her." 
"Jonghyun... You like every pretty girl." I laughed.
"Minho, what I am feeling towards her is different. I don't know why but I like her, I like her a lot. It's scaring me." He muttered. This can't be happening. Jonghyun is seriously liking a girl? I never thought this day would be possible. 
"There is nothing for you to fear about. There is nothing wrong in liking a girl. Don't worry. I'll arrange a date for you to apologize to Yoon Mi. Actually, I'll do it now." I told Jonghyun and gave him a comforting pat.
I picked up my phone and called Ji min.
"Hi. It's Minho"
"Ah.. Hi!!" 
"Have you got home?" I asked politely. 
"Yup. Thanks for caring!" I could hear the smile in Ji Min's voice.
"Did... Yoon Mi tell you about Jonghyun?" I asked hesitantly.
"Yeah. She did. I never knew the both of them would have such a bad past." Her voice dropped. 
"Jonghyun would really like to apologize to Yoon Mi. So... Can we arrange another meet up?" 
"I don't mind. I would want them to resolve the conflict between them too. But the problem is, Yoon Mi wouldn't want to me Jonghyun again. She would refuse to come."
"That's true.." I frowned. This is going to be harder than I thought. We both stayed in silence, thinking about how we could let the two of them meet up.
"I got it! I know what we could do. Although this plan would make Yoon Mi mad at me but it would definitely work!" she exclaimed. My heart fluttered at the tinge of cuteness in her voice as a smile creeped on to my face.
Jonghyun's POV
I looked at Minho talking to Ji Min on the phone. I can't really make out what he was saying. What if Yoon Mi doesn't want to meet up with me? Will we never see each other again? 
Just then I hear Minho saying "Thanks Ji Min. So we would meet tomorrow? 2pm?" Minho managed to ask Yoon Mi out? 
I looked up and saw Minho walking towards me with a smile. "She agreed?" I asked hesitantly. "No.. Yoon Mi don't want to see you again." Minho said with a straight face. "What?" I asked in disbelief. Didn't they just talk about meeting out tomorrow. "But Ji min has a plan for you 2 to meet up tomorrow. So we are meeting them at Starbucks tomorrow at 2pm.'" As soon as i heard that, a wave relieved hit me. Kim Jonghyun, now you just need to plan out a sincere apology and not mess it up, everything will work out. You will be fine.
The next day. Minho's POV.
I've never seen Jonghyun like that before. He was really fidgety since morning. Now here we are standing outside Starbucks. I pat his back "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Jonghyun nodded. He took a deep breath and went into Starbucks.
Ji Min's POV 
The plan was to ask Yoon Mi out for coffee without letting her know  Jonghyun is coming. My heart was pounding wildly as I chit chat with Yoon mi, waiting for Jonghyun and Minho to arrive, praying silently that Yoon MI wouldn't hate me for this.
Just then, from the corner of my eye. I saw them entering the cafe. Here it goes! Please Yoon Mi please don't be angry with me because of this. I'm doing this for your own good.. You can't hate him forever. If you do the bad memories from the past will just haunt you forever. 
Here comes Minho with Jonghyun walking behind him. "Hi Yoon Mi and Ji Min. Nice meeting you guys again." Minho greeted politely.
Yoon Mi smiled and said "Wow what a coincident to meet you here!" I guess she hasn't realized that Jonghyun is standing behind Minho.
"Emm... It.. wasn't a coincident. We came here because he had something to say to you." Minho stepped away revealing Jonghyun who found so much interest in his shoes, I'm serious he never looked up once. 
"I have nothing to talk to him about. So please leave" Yoon Mi changes to her cold tone. "Ji min! You knew about this didn't you? How could you?" the tinge of betryal in her voice was so obvious.
"Come on Yoon Mi. Just listen to him once. Everyone deserve a second chance right?"
Yoon Mi's POV
I looked at Ji Min's pleading eyes. I guess listening to her once wouldn't hurt right? I should trust her too, she is my best friend.
I sighed. "Fine! Just for this one." 
"Yay!" Ji mi cheered and hugged me. "What are you all waiting for sit down!" Ji min said enthusiastically.
Jonghyun grinned happily at me. I just rolled my eyes at him and said "So what do you want to say? Make it quick."
"I-I'm really sorry about what I did in the past Yoon Mi." I looked up and saw Jonghyun looking down not wanting to make eye contact with me.
What is he saying? This is so unlike him. This is not what he is suppose to say. Is this really that arrogant bastard I've known in the past? No no, Yoon Mi, you can't be soft on him.
"That's all?" I asked coldly.
I saw Jonghyun swallowed his saliva in nervousness. "Well, Erm Yeah. I'm really sorry an I hope you can forgive me. I was young and stupid then. I don't even know why I did that. I just really hope you can forgive me." 
Tsk. Not everything can be erased with a sorry. Especially not the amount of harm he gave me. It haunted me for almost my whole life.  I only managed to overcome in recently.
I was about to shout at him again but I looked to my right and saw Ji Min's pleading eyes. She was really hoping for me to forget about the past and forgive him.
I sighed. "Fine." I said reluctantly. Ji Min gave me a bright smile. I'm only doing this for Ji Min. Anyway I'm not going to meet him again why bother wasting my energy and time shouting at him.
"Really?!  Thank you!" He smiled and finally looked up.  
"Whatever" I said half-heartedly.
"Another thing, Yoon Mi I really like you. Will you be in a relationship with me?" Jonghyun asked looking straight into my eyes without hesitating.
Was he always that straightforward. Is he stupid or what, isn't the answer obvious and is this really the right time to ask? Of course I am not going to be in a relationship with him. I hate him to the core. I was all ready to reject him but something came into my mind.
If I am in a relationship with him, I can hurt his heart like how he hit me in the past. I can give him a taste of his own medicine.
I smirked. "Okay."
"Did you just agree?" Jonghyun asked in shock.
"Yeah" I said half heartedly again.
"Thank you so much!" Jonghyun cheered.
"But with conditions." I smirked.
"Conditions?!" Jonghyun gasped.
"Number 1: Our relationship is not like the normal boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. So don't expect skinship or lovey dovey moments" I started 
"Then what type of relationship are we in?" Jonghyun asked in confusion.
"Don't ask so much." I said coldly.  "Number 2: You have to fulfill my every wishes which means you have to do whatever I ask you to do."
"E-Everything...?" Jonghyun asked nervously.
"Why? You can't do it? Then let's forget it." I answered. I bet he wouldn't want to be in a relationship with me because if this condition. Who would want it do everything for another person? 
"I can! Anymore conditions?" Jonghyun said confidently.
What did he just say? Does he really want to date me so badly? 
"Jonghyun?! Are you sure? I mean you never did so much for a g-" Minho asked worriedly but got cut off by Jonghyun.
"Don't worry about me. I know what I am doing." Jonghyun replied.
"Number 3: You are not allowed to look for me if I did not give you the permission to. That's all" I finished up my conditions.
"Can't look for you without your permission? B-But that's a bit..." Jonghyun look at my eyes but I didn't change from my serious expression. "Fine! Fine! I agree! So you are in a relationship with me now?" Jonghyun asked excitedly.
I nodded half-heartedly. "Okay. If that's all, we should get going." I said and pulled Ji Min with me.
"WAIT!" Jonghyun stopped me. "Can I have your number to you know... Contact you?"
I sighed and grabbed his phone to key in my number. "Happy now? Now bye." I said obviously showing my annoyance.
"Thank you much Yoon Mi ah! Bye!" Jonghyun waved his hand enthusiastically at me. That was kinda a cute. Wait what? Did I just call that jerk cute?! I mentally slapped myself and pulled Ji Min with me towards the entrance of the cafe.
"Bye Ji Min! See you again soon!" Minho said in a deep attractive voice.
I saw Ji Min blushed and as she sweetly said "Bye! Hope to see you soon."
Outside the cafe, Ji Min stare at me in confusion. "What in the world are you doing? You said you hate Jonghyun and now you agree in being in a relationship with him? And whats with all those ridiculous conditions?" 
"Revenge" I said nonchalantly. I smirked as I thought of how it would feel to watch Jonghyun suffer.
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angel41195 #1
Chapter 17: Food time!
angel41195 #2
Chapter 16: Jonghyun is so adorable and he is making my feels overflow all ugly-like (TuT)
chekkuame #3
Chapter 16: LOL! I just started reading the chapter and Yoon Mi is already flicked on the forehead randomly. So funny! I like how he completely stopped walking just to do that. :P I will carry on reading now.
Aw, lovesick puppy Jjong is cute. I like how they are relaxed and messing around and playing with each other so much now. Things are changing! :3
chekkuame #4
Chapter 15: Of course I will support you even if you update slowly! I read it slowly too, so we match well. haha

Wah~ I love how Jonghyun never gets mad. I wish I could find someone like that, who would never feel the need to act angrily towards me. :) So I was expecting his character in your story not to be upset when Yoon Mi admitted that she was just taking revenge on him, but I wasn't expecting her mood to change so quickly from crying so hard to smiling when asked to. I guess she really was on a crazy rollercoaster of emotions in this chapter. haha And the ending is cute!
angel41195 #5
Chapter 15: They're off to a good start now! the next step: for Jjong and Yoon to finally get together!!
orangecreamcicle #6
Chapter 15: Yay new chapter!!!!
Thanks this was a cute chapter but you left it hanging !!!!!
I wanna know how the two are gonna be >~<
At least yoon mi and jonghyun get along now but I want them to date for reaaaaalz!
Can't wait for next update autor-nim ^^
chekkuame #7
Chapter 14: I didn't even notice that the guy's name changed! xP hehe... Ah, this chapter... I thought Jonghyun's aegyo was so cute at the start, but after finishing the chapter I'm reminded of how much I HATE bullying! (I despise any act of bullying as much as Onew loves chicken, to give you an idea.) Anyway, that ending part with the voices in her head was a clever way to end it, I think. I hope for more positive things in this story! :3
orangecreamcicle #8
Chapter 14: Oh no! :( why does there always have to be that b**ch who acts like the guy is hers!!! Pfft! ;(
Aw I feel bad for yoon mi! I hope jonghyun rescues her soon from her pain.
Anywho thxs for updating! Can't wait for the next update! ^^
orangecreamcicle #9
Chapter 13: OMG loving the story !!!! I just hope that yoon mi won't go against jonghyun and tell the school about his story ! Also I wonder if that girl who slapped yoon mi will be back again to be mean to her ?
chekkuame #10
Chapter 13: "After breakfast, Jonghyun took the initiative to walk me back home." hehe This sounded so much like Jonghyun when I read this (atleast in my imagination). What a cute chapter! Wahh I couldn't imagine working this much. Studying is enough alone. Maybe I'm just lazy... hahaha