
Meeting you again

hello guys! Sorry for the late update I was really busy :( okay I hope this chapter is okay cause i was having a writer's block gosh! 

And I need to clarify something, I know that Yoon Mi's guy friend the one that she  went for his party in Busan, I know in the story his name was Dae Ho and dong Ho. His name is Dae Ho! My phone sometimes auto corrects an changes Dae to dong! 

And I realised how much typos I have in some of the old chapts! I would try to correct them soon! 

If u need to ask me about the story or like there is parts u don't understand just ask me alright? Thanks for reading!
The following Monday. Yoon Mi's POV 

My phone buzzed while I was on my way to school. I smiled as I looked at the sender.

Jonghyun: Good morning cutie! Have a great day ahead! 

Me: Thanks Jonghyun you too.

Through out the weekend we had be texting each other. I feels nice. We shared about ourselves and stuff. Now I feel like I understand him so much more. I found out that he was insecure because of his height but I thought it was alright. I learnt that he really loves dogs just like me. I found out that we have so many things in common.

Jonghyun: Are you free tonight? Do want to watch a movie with me? 

My heart fluttered at his message. Is he asking me out on a date? Before I could reply him he sent me another text.

Jonghyun: it's okay of you don't want to.

Should I go with him? I want to but will I bring his hopes up? I don't want to bring his hopes up and then hurt him. I sighed. 

Me: sorry Jonghyun I'm really busy this month. 

I came up with a ridiculous excuse to me reject his offer.

Jonghyun: oh it's okay then

"But I really want to spend more time with him." I muttered. "I guess a movie date wouldn't hurt right?" I said to myself again.

I help up my phone and texted Jonghyun again.

Me: I'm really busy this month but I have tonight to spare. 

Just then my phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, I laughed and imagined how happy Jonghyun would sound like when I pick up the call. 

I picked up the call and the first thing I heard was... "YOON MI AH! Thank you so much for being willing to go out with me. Ahhhh is this a dream?" 

I clutched my stomach and laughed my heart out. "Do you want me to go  over and slap you so you know that this is not a dream?" I giggled.

"You can come to me! I miss you!" Jonghyun said with agyeo.

"Pabo ah! Why would you want me to go over and slap you! Even if I want to I can't I'm rushing to school! But see ya later kay?" I smiled.

"I'm your Pabo. I'm on my way to school too! See you later! I'll wait for you at the bus stop Near the mall at 7! I'm so excited heh!" Jonghyun said.

"You are so cheesy I can't stand you! Alright bye!" I said and put down the phone.

At school Yoon Mi's POV.

I went to my seat and looked out I the window and thought about how fun out date would be to night.

"Ya, why are smiling so happily for. What happened?" Jimin came over to hug me.

"Nothing! I'm just feeling happy!" I denied.

"Yeah right! So what happened at Jonghyun's house?" Jimin squealed 

"Talking about that! How could you just leave me at the store?" I pouted. 

"I'm sorry! I was drunk too! It was Minho that sent me home" she blushed.

"Oooooh so what happened?" I asked 

"Hey I asked you first! But anyways, he brought me to his house and took care of me until I'm sober then he sent me home." She blushed harder. I laughed. "Aigoo! You should see how red is your cheek right now!" I teases and pinched her cheeks lightly. She pushed my hand away and whined. And our conversation went on with me telling Jimin what happened and with Jimm spazzing about how cute Jonghyun and I were.

During lunch. Yoon Mi's POV. 

"OMO I'm so hungry." Jimin whined. I chuckled and pushed my hands into my pocket to get my phone. Just then I realised that it wasn't there. I pushed my hand into my other pocket an it wasn't there either.

"Jimin ah! Did you see my phone?" I asked. "Your phone? No I didn't isn't it in your pocket like always?"

"No! I just checked my pockets and if isn't there!" I said anxiously.

"I saw you using it before lunch just now though." Jimin said.

"Ah! Maybe it's in class!" I said as I remembered texting Jonghyun in class.

"Hurry go get it then! There are a few cases of phones getting stolen in the school these few days! I'll wait for you at the usual table." Jimin warned. 

I nodded and walked hurriedly back to class. Fortunately, I found my phone under my table. Phew! No one had stolen it. Suddenly the class door slid open. Revealing Rae yeon, the prettiest in my class and her groups of friends from other classes. "Well well well, look what have we here." One of Rae yeon's friend walked towards me. I took a good look and her and realized she was the girl from Dae Ho oppa's party. The one that slapped me. I looked at her name tag, Lee Su Jin. 

"W-What do you want?" I stuttered involuntarily and took a step back. "I was thinking of a way to confront you alone and look how I was give this chance so easily." Su Jin smirked. 

I tried to walk past her and head for the door but the group of girls with Rae yeon and Sujin pulled me back. "Let go of me!" I shouted in despair but their hold only became tighter.

Sujin scoffed and came nearer to me. I looked on the floor so as to avoid her intimidating glare. She grabbed my chin harshly to make me look at her. I winced in pain. "What did I tell you about staying away from Jonghyun?!" She screamed and pushed my head backwards roughly.

"Huh what?" I was too shocked at the situation to answer her. "Stop denying it" she grabbed my ponytail and pulled my hair until I was screaming in pain. "AHHHH Stop please!" 

"I told you to stay away from him and you still dared to make a youtube cover with him?! Don't you get my warnings?!" She yelled. "You ! Stop clinging on to Jonghyun! He'll never want you!" She slapped me again and this time I tasted blood on my inner cheeks.

I felt myself  boiling with anger. "Yah! I'm not a ! It's Jonghyun who is following me everywhere. He is the one that likes Me" I stated. "You are not scared at all are you?" Su jin smirked. "Girls!" She commanded. The next thing I they threw me on the floor and stared the kicking and stomping on me.

"Ah! NO! STOP!" I used my arms to protect my face. "This is what you get for stealing my man!" Sujin yelled again and starters kicking me harder. I screamed and screamed while they continued kicking. After what it seemed like forever, they finally stopped. I curled up and moaned in agony. Sujin squat down and looked at me. "I hope you learnt your lesson ." She laughed and walked out with her group of friends.

I winced as I tried to stand up. I grabbed the table for support. At that moment, I felt like breaking down and crying my hearts out. I hated it when I am being threatened. It reminded me of my childhood, my biggest nightmare. "C-come on Yoon Mi, s-stay strong. You can do this" I muttered to myself. Limping, I made my way to the cafeteria to find Jimin. 

I straighten my uniform and dust off all the dust on it. I walked to the table and sat  down.

"Yoon Mi! What took you so long? Did you find your phone?" Ji min asked. She looked at me and her eyes widen. Then I realized that there was a bruise on my face. I tried to use my hair to hide it but it was too late.. "What happened to your face?!" Ji min asked anxiously. I winced as she touched it gently.

"I-I Errr I was using my phone while 
 I was walking to the cafeteria and I rammed into the wall. Don't worry I'm alright." I faked a smile. 

"Eyyy so clumsy" she chuckled. Thank goodness she believed I can't make up any excuses. 

In class, I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking about the incident and my bruises were hurting badly. Rae yeon was making it worse by seating begin me and kicking my chair once in a while. Everytime I look at her she would give me the don't mess with us or we'll kill you look. I but my lips and tried to prevent myself from crying. I'm so scared. 

When class ended, I rushed out of the class not wanting Rae yeon to catch me. On the way him Jimin texted me and asked me why I dashed out of the class like that. Once again I made a lame excuse 

Me: I'm late for dental appointment.

Jimin: aww u have dental today? I was thinking of going out with you. It's alright then.

Once I reached home I curled on my bed. Just then my phone started vibrating like mad.

Unknown: you are such a  

Unknown: stay away from Jonghyun

Unknown: I bet you sleep with guys every night

Unknown: do you know how disgusting you look? 

Unknown: you dirty little  

Unknown: I bet you lost your ity to some disgusting old man just for money

Unknown: better stay away from Jonghgun or else your beatings will be much worse 

Unknown: did your face suffer from a third degree burn? It's looks disfigured 

Unknown: just go and die. 

Just go and die.... Suddenly the memories of my childhood came back. The scene of my classmates chanting "kill yourself! Kill yourself!" was playing so vividly in my head. What's worse were, apart from the memories it was added with today incident.

Voices were everywhere in my head. Jonghyun's voice when calling me a germ. Sujin's voice. "Ah stop no! I can't take this! Go away get out of my head please!" I screamed. I clutched my ears and curled under my blanket to block the noise. But it wasn't working, it was coming from my head. 

I pulled my knees to myself and sobbed into them. "Go away please! Leave me alone" I cried. I was trembling with fear and tears fell on controllably. My head was pounding. My body was aching...

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angel41195 #1
Chapter 17: Food time!
angel41195 #2
Chapter 16: Jonghyun is so adorable and he is making my feels overflow all ugly-like (TuT)
chekkuame #3
Chapter 16: LOL! I just started reading the chapter and Yoon Mi is already flicked on the forehead randomly. So funny! I like how he completely stopped walking just to do that. :P I will carry on reading now.
Aw, lovesick puppy Jjong is cute. I like how they are relaxed and messing around and playing with each other so much now. Things are changing! :3
chekkuame #4
Chapter 15: Of course I will support you even if you update slowly! I read it slowly too, so we match well. haha

Wah~ I love how Jonghyun never gets mad. I wish I could find someone like that, who would never feel the need to act angrily towards me. :) So I was expecting his character in your story not to be upset when Yoon Mi admitted that she was just taking revenge on him, but I wasn't expecting her mood to change so quickly from crying so hard to smiling when asked to. I guess she really was on a crazy rollercoaster of emotions in this chapter. haha And the ending is cute!
angel41195 #5
Chapter 15: They're off to a good start now! the next step: for Jjong and Yoon to finally get together!!
orangecreamcicle #6
Chapter 15: Yay new chapter!!!!
Thanks this was a cute chapter but you left it hanging !!!!!
I wanna know how the two are gonna be >~<
At least yoon mi and jonghyun get along now but I want them to date for reaaaaalz!
Can't wait for next update autor-nim ^^
chekkuame #7
Chapter 14: I didn't even notice that the guy's name changed! xP hehe... Ah, this chapter... I thought Jonghyun's aegyo was so cute at the start, but after finishing the chapter I'm reminded of how much I HATE bullying! (I despise any act of bullying as much as Onew loves chicken, to give you an idea.) Anyway, that ending part with the voices in her head was a clever way to end it, I think. I hope for more positive things in this story! :3
orangecreamcicle #8
Chapter 14: Oh no! :( why does there always have to be that b**ch who acts like the guy is hers!!! Pfft! ;(
Aw I feel bad for yoon mi! I hope jonghyun rescues her soon from her pain.
Anywho thxs for updating! Can't wait for the next update! ^^
orangecreamcicle #9
Chapter 13: OMG loving the story !!!! I just hope that yoon mi won't go against jonghyun and tell the school about his story ! Also I wonder if that girl who slapped yoon mi will be back again to be mean to her ?
chekkuame #10
Chapter 13: "After breakfast, Jonghyun took the initiative to walk me back home." hehe This sounded so much like Jonghyun when I read this (atleast in my imagination). What a cute chapter! Wahh I couldn't imagine working this much. Studying is enough alone. Maybe I'm just lazy... hahaha