
Meeting you again

Hey guys, here is the next chapter. Hope you guys will enjoy it! Pls subscribe and comment! Tell me if you guys think that things are progressing to slow. Sorry for the mistakes! And lastly, Happy 6th anniversary to SHINee! Love my 5 shining boys so much! <3

Jonghyun's POV 

I finally reached Noona's BBQ store. "What happened?" I asked panting as I saw Yoon Mi slumped on the table. "Long story, just bring her home first!" Noona said. I nodded and piggy backed her out of the store.

Just then I realised I didn't know where Yoon Mi's house were. I knew which estate but I don't know which apartment or unit. "Hey Yoon Mi ah, where's your house?" I asked, moving my body a little, trying my best to wake the Yoon Mi who I was piggy backing. 

"Mmmmhh phmmm" Yoon Mi muttered a bunch of gibberish. AISH forget it I'll just bring her to my apartment first. 

I walked in to my apartment at place Yoon Mi gently on the couch. After helping her take off her jacket I place her in a comfortable position and covered her in a blanket. Looking at the innocent looking Yoon Mi sleeping made my heart flutter. I gently pushed her hair off her face and muttered "Yoon Mi ah, why are you so beautiful?" 

Soon I found out that I couldn't stop looking at her face. I slapped myself for being such a ert. "AISH! Kim Jonghyun, what are you doing." I muttered in annoyance. I went to get my guitar so that I can take my attenuation off Yoon Mi for a while.

Yoon Mi's POV.

Cause you are a piece of me 
I wish I didn't need 
Chasing relentlessly still fight and I don't know why 
If out love is tragedy why are you my remedy 
If our love is insanity why are you my clarity (Clarity by Zedd) 

Where am I? Whose angelic voice is that? I open my eyes slowly and tried to adjust to the brightness. I sat up slowly and groaned at my pounding headache. 

"You are awake? How are you feeling?" I look up and saw Jonghyun's eyes of worry.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHERE AM I?" I shouted. "You are I'm my apartment, you were drunk!" Jonghyun replied. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? GET AWAY YOU ERT!" I pulled up the blanket. "I didn't so anything! I just brought you here!" Jonghyun explained.

I looked down and I realised what Jonghgun said was true. I was still wearing all my clothes except my jacket which was hanging neatly on the coat rack. Suddenly, I felt the pounding pain on my head again. "Urgh it hurts!" I groaned and held on to my head. 

"Hey are you alright?" Jonghyun asked. "My head hurts..." I whimpered. Jonghyun put down his guitar and ran to the kitchen. He came out with a pot of tea, some biscuits and painkillers.

"Here have some pain killers" he said. I listened to him and gratefully took the painkillers. "My Noona told me that tea helps with hangovers. Do you want to try some? It may help you feel better. Here is some biscuit I figured out that you may be hungry." Jonghyun you said gently.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile and ate the food. Jonghyun heaved a sigh of relieve and sat on the floor to watch me eat. "What's that for?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Jonghyun asked in confusion. "That sigh of relieve..." I said.

"Oh... I was scared that would be mad for bringing you here..." Jonghyun said looking down on the floor. "Oh..." I replied and we fell into a deep awkward silence. The apartment was really quiet and it only had sound if me sipping the tea and munching on my biscuits. I look up at met eye contact with Jonghyun. His quickly avoided his gaze advert his have to the ground.

"Ahem... " I cleared my throat to break the awkward silence. "So you sing too?" I tried to start a conversation. Jonghyun looked at me and smiled. "Just a little, I'm not that good." 

"What do you mean you are not that good? You are great!" I said. "You think so? Thanks Yoon Mi ah, it's great to hear it from you." Jonghyun started to smile happily, like an over excited puppy.

"It doesn't mean anything I'm just stating a fact. I can't even sing that well." I said to justify things. I didn't want Jonghyun to think that I am starting to like him already. 

"You sing too?" Jonghyun asked.

I rolled my eyes and said "Why would I be part of the school musical the other time if I can't sing?" 

"Right..." Jonghyun rubbed his neck and smiled sheepishly. 

We feel into an awkward silence again. I took a deep breath and said "Would you sing for me?" 

"Eh?!" Jonghyun asked in shock. "It's okay if you don't want too" I started to regret what I just said. "Huh? No! I'll be honored to sing for you!!" Jonghyun grabbed his quotation and started strumming.

You are all I ever wanted.
Your are all I ever needed. 

Getting to be be closer so the time of the window won't pass me by 

Baby I can see it 
Is it real or am I dreaming 

My heat is beating faster and even faster. You are headed straight at me

I know that we may have our troubles. But my heart knows this is so right 

Baby I'm running towards the horizon. And I know we'll get there's Even though the the road is less travelled 

Running for the horizon and we can seize the dawn and leave the dark behind~ 

Heavens door (Eng ver)- Eric Nam 

As Jonghyun sang his brown eyes showed so much emotions as he looked at me. I felt like the song was what he wants to say to to me. I can't help but let my heart flutter.

"What do you think?" Jonghyun asked gently. "I-It's really nice. I like your v-voice." I don't know why but looking at Jonghyun all of a sudden. Jonghyun's eyes lit up in happiness

"When did you start singing?" Jonghyun asked. "Since middle school. You?" I smiled. The atmosphere was calm and comfortable. I hate to admit but talking to Jonghyun felt really nice. Jonghyun returned the smile and said "Me too! Minho mocked at me the first time I sang for him." I laughed. 

I took a quick glance at the clock that was hung on the wall "! It's 9pm! I need to watch my dream concert! It's starting now.... How am I going to reach home in time?" I whined. 

"Ah! Dream concert! If you didn't reply me I would have forgotten too! Let's watch it together!" Jonghyun flashed a charismatic smile.

"You are into all the idol stuff?" I asked in shocked. "Hehe yup! Who do you like?" He asked. I stuck out my tongue at him and said "BLEH not telling you!" "What why? Yoon Mi..." He pouted. I chuckled and said "Don't worry! You would know it later! Jimin said that the way I spazz about idols is the most horrifying thing she had ever seen." 

Jonghyun's POV 
My heart is beating so fast. I can't believe this is happening. Yoon Mi is talking to me! She is actually sharing things with me and we have so much in common. I grinned happily and switched on the television. 

"OMO I'm so excited!" She squealed. I laughed at her cuteness. Soon we were both seated on the sofa watching dream concert together. Things were quite quiet, we were just humming to all the recent pop songs softly.

Suddenly, Yoon Mi let out a high pitched squeal. She started hitting my arm. "Ow!! Ow ouch! Stop! What is it?! Ow!!!" I groaned in pain. "ITS BANGTAN AHHHHHH OMGGGG!" She shouted. "LOOK AT JIN!!! AHHHH MY KIM SEOK JIN IS SO GOOD LOOKING~" She spazzed. Bangtan started their Boy In Luv and Yoon Mi was cheering the fan chant at the top of her lungs. She waved her invisible light stick. She looked like she was seriously in a concert. I smiled and how adorable she is. My heart fluttered at her wide smile. 

The song finally ended and Yoon Mi panted hard and looked at me. " Now do you know which band I like?" I let out laugh and said "Bangtan boys! And your bias is obviously Jin. I found out in the most painfully way. Look at my arm it's bruising!" Yoon Mi apologized sheepishly.

"OMG ITS GOT7 NEXT!! What is this my heart can't take this!" Yoon Mi went back into her spazzing mode. "JONGHYUN LOOK AT MARK!!! HIS MARTIAL ARTS IS SO DAMN COOL!" 

At the end of the song Yoon Mi was panting so hard that she looked like she was about to faint. "You like Got7 too?" She nodded. "Who do you like more got7 or bangtan?" I asked. "That's a hard question." Yoon Mi took a while to think. "Bangtan has 7 members and Got7 has 7 members so my heart is divide in to 14 parts. I like them equally!" She said proudly.

"How about dividing it to 15 and add me into your heart?" I teased. She slapped my arm and said "Don't push you luck!" 

I laughed and said "okay okay I'm sorry."

"What about you who do you like?" Yoon Mi asked.

"They are not out yet!" Jonghyun pouted. 

Yoon Mi's POV 
At the second half of the show, Jonghyun's eyes' sparkled when Apink appeared. "Eunji's voice is so good~" he said. But there wasn't any major spazzing. "Eyyy you don't have much reaction. This is no fun." I whined.

"Heh! Cause I'm not as crazy a you are!" Jonghyun stuck out his tongue.

"Shuddup" I lightly punched him on his arm. He laughed and ruffled my hair. His touch felt warm. Even after his hand left my hair it felt warm. I liked it. I really liked it. My heart felt fuzzy.

"Hey! It's Akdong Musicians!" Jonghyun said. I avert my gaze back to the TV.

"Akdong? Wohooo!" I cheered. "You like them too?" Jonghyun asked. "Yep! They are adorable!! And I like their style of music" We listened to their melted and 200%. 

"That was so good! I always wanted to make a cover for 200% cause the song is just so good and I want to add it on to all the covers I did on youtube but I just can't find a guy to sing with." I sighed. 

"But you have me now. If you don't mind." Jonghyun said shyly 

"You are willing to do it?" I asked in shock.

"I'll do anything for you Yoon Mi" I blushed and Jonghyun's confession.
So there we were using Jonghyun's webcam preparing to sing the cover. Jonghyun smiled at me and started strumming his guitar.

After filming the cover we watched it before posting it. "You look so cute dancing along!" Jonghyun said pointing at me dancing slightly during his part. "Stop it! I'm not cute." I covered my face in embarrassment.

I glanced at the clock. 1.05am. . "CRAP! It's 1.05am! I just missed the last bus! How in the world am I suppose to get home?!" 

I stood up and paced around panicking. Jonghyun held my shoulders gently to stop me from panicking. My breath hitched at his warm touch. "Cool down. It's not like you are outside now. You can stay at my house for the night." Jonghyun suggested.

"Stay with you? But you are a guy that is crazily obsessed with me. This is all your fault. Aish." I complained.

Jonghyun went to take a seat at the sofa and frowned. I ruffled my hair. What am I thinking Jonghyun and I just became closer but I had to spoil it. I went to Jonghyun and said "Sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was just worried." Jonghyun have me a small smile and patted to the seat next to him to signal me to take a seat.

Jonghyun and I just got closer..... Did I just say that in my thoughts?

Yoon Mi! What are you doing? This was supposed to be a revenge. What are you thinking. I shook the thought off. I'm just getting closer to Jonghyun to gain his trust.

"Hey look.. I'm sorry but I don't think there is anyway for you to get home. The only way is for you to stay here for the night." Jonghyun's words broke my thoughts. "Why don't you call your mom and tell he that you will be staying over at a friend's place so that she won't worry." I looked at him and thought about it. He was right... There was no way for me to get home.

"Wait there is one way actually.... Which is to take a cab...." Jonghyun suggested. "No way I'm gonna take a cab alone at night. It's scary." I replied.

"Then stay here then, I promise I won't do anything to you. If I wanted to do something I would already done it when you were drunk." He reassured me. 

"Okay then." I immediately picked up my phone to tell my mom about the whole situation except for the part that my friend would be a guy.

After the call I look up and see Jonghyun in the room pulling out a mattress and placing it beside the bed. "Do you mind if we both sleeping in this room? The heater in the living room is not really working." Jonghyun told me.

I was a little unwilling but I agreed in the end. Jonghyun passed me his Noona's old clothes and allowed me to take a bath first. After I have taken a bath, he went to take a bath too.

As he was showering, I looked around his room. He was pretty neat for a guy. Everything was in place. I saw a picture frame of him and Jessica Noona when they were younger. I smiled lightly at how adorable Jonghyun looked.  I settled myself on the mattress as I waited for Jonghyun to finish showering.

"What are you doing on the mattress?" Jonghyun asked as he used the tower to dry his wet hair. My cheeks heated at the sight, he was extremely good looking. "Go up on to my bed, I can't sleep on the bed and let the girl I love sleep on the mattress."  Blushing, I followed his instructions and went up into his bed. His scent was everywhere. I took a deep breath and I found myself liking his comforting scent. 

Jonghyun pulled up the blanket for me and said "Good night." "Good night." I said softly. I look at Jonghyun as he prepare for bed on the mattress. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.

Time passed, no matter how I try I couldn't sleep. I opened my eyes slowly to find Jonghyun looking back at me. "You are not asleep yet?" He asked softly. 

I shook my head and said "I can't sleep well in new environments. Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"With you here, my heart is beating to fast for me to fall asleep." Jonghyun replied. "Oh..." I didn't know how to answer him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. "Anything." Jonghyun replied with his deep calm voice. I gathered up my courage to ask him a question that has been in my head for the last few days.

"W-what is the unfortunate thing that happened in your childhood that Minho was talking about?" 





So... I'm kinda really crazy over bangtan, got7 and akdong now so I just had to add them in! Hehe. Okay check them out if you want to! And Eric nam's voice is so good... It make me melt! I love his heavens door! There is a Korean and English ver! So yeah.. That all! 



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angel41195 #1
Chapter 17: Food time!
angel41195 #2
Chapter 16: Jonghyun is so adorable and he is making my feels overflow all ugly-like (TuT)
chekkuame #3
Chapter 16: LOL! I just started reading the chapter and Yoon Mi is already flicked on the forehead randomly. So funny! I like how he completely stopped walking just to do that. :P I will carry on reading now.
Aw, lovesick puppy Jjong is cute. I like how they are relaxed and messing around and playing with each other so much now. Things are changing! :3
chekkuame #4
Chapter 15: Of course I will support you even if you update slowly! I read it slowly too, so we match well. haha

Wah~ I love how Jonghyun never gets mad. I wish I could find someone like that, who would never feel the need to act angrily towards me. :) So I was expecting his character in your story not to be upset when Yoon Mi admitted that she was just taking revenge on him, but I wasn't expecting her mood to change so quickly from crying so hard to smiling when asked to. I guess she really was on a crazy rollercoaster of emotions in this chapter. haha And the ending is cute!
angel41195 #5
Chapter 15: They're off to a good start now! the next step: for Jjong and Yoon to finally get together!!
orangecreamcicle #6
Chapter 15: Yay new chapter!!!!
Thanks this was a cute chapter but you left it hanging !!!!!
I wanna know how the two are gonna be >~<
At least yoon mi and jonghyun get along now but I want them to date for reaaaaalz!
Can't wait for next update autor-nim ^^
chekkuame #7
Chapter 14: I didn't even notice that the guy's name changed! xP hehe... Ah, this chapter... I thought Jonghyun's aegyo was so cute at the start, but after finishing the chapter I'm reminded of how much I HATE bullying! (I despise any act of bullying as much as Onew loves chicken, to give you an idea.) Anyway, that ending part with the voices in her head was a clever way to end it, I think. I hope for more positive things in this story! :3
orangecreamcicle #8
Chapter 14: Oh no! :( why does there always have to be that b**ch who acts like the guy is hers!!! Pfft! ;(
Aw I feel bad for yoon mi! I hope jonghyun rescues her soon from her pain.
Anywho thxs for updating! Can't wait for the next update! ^^
orangecreamcicle #9
Chapter 13: OMG loving the story !!!! I just hope that yoon mi won't go against jonghyun and tell the school about his story ! Also I wonder if that girl who slapped yoon mi will be back again to be mean to her ?
chekkuame #10
Chapter 13: "After breakfast, Jonghyun took the initiative to walk me back home." hehe This sounded so much like Jonghyun when I read this (atleast in my imagination). What a cute chapter! Wahh I couldn't imagine working this much. Studying is enough alone. Maybe I'm just lazy... hahaha