
Meeting you again

hello! Here's the update! Sorry for any errors, I didn't edit it! Thanks for reading! 

Yoon Mi's POV

"W-what is the unfortunate thing that happened in your childhood that Minho was talking about?" I regretted it once I asked him that. We were left in moments of silence.

"Its okay if you don't want to say anything. You may not feel comfortable talking about your past. Let's just go to sleep." I said trying to take back what I asked.

"I want to tell you. I love you and I don't want to keep any secrets from you. Just give me a moment." Jonghyun said. My heart fluttered. 

"Jonghyun.... You don't have to. And I'm sorry for asking something like that" I apologized. I felt bad for bringing up his past.

Jonghyun looked into my eyes deeply. "I want to." 

"Well,  if one day he is willing to tell you about what happen to him in the past, it shows that he is able to trust you. Jonghyun had never told anyone about his past. Only his Noona and I knows about it." Minho told Jimin and I . He looked at me  and said "I am not asking for you to accept him and date him. All I ask of you is to not toy with him. I don't want to see Jonghyun break because of you." 

End of flashback.

Is Jonghyun able to trust me that much that he is able to tell me his past? Is he really that in love with me?

Jonghyun's POV 

This is the first time I am telling another person about my past apart from Minho and the first time talking about it after so long. I'm not going to deny it but I'm scared to allow all the memories to return. I look up and see Yoon Mi looking expectantly at me.

"It all started when I went to middle school." I started slowly. "At that time, my parents had a lot of problems in their relationship after my dad was retrenched." 


"Yah! Are u out of you mind? You just got retrenched and you bought a sports car?!" My mom shouted at my dad. "I just don't want to see you taking the public transport! I know it's hard for you!" My dad rebutted.

"But you could have chose the correct time to buy a car and you didn't have to buy such an expensive car! We only have one income right now." 

At first, their problems were more on the financial problems. Things didn't seem that bad then. Then, things worsen. My parents had different opinions on how they should educate Noona. "Why did you bring them out? Jonghyun! Don't you have tuition today?" My mom raised her voice. 

"O-Omma, sorry I forgot." I stuttered.

"Ya... Don't raise your voice at him. I was the one who forgot an chose to bring them out." Appa tried to protect me. 

"Jessica! Your useless Appa may have forgotten but I can't believe you forgot Jonghyun had tuition." Omma scolded Noona. All Noona could go was look down guiltily.

"Yah! Who are you calling useless? If the children were only taken care by you they would have became mad from studying so much. At least I bring them out to have fun!" Appa raised his voice. 

"Both of you in the room. Now!" Omma instructed. Both of us ran into the room. Omma told us to stay in and she shut the door. Inside the room, we could hear Omma and Appa shouting and screaming. Out of fear, I started sobbing. Noona came over to hug me as I sob on her shoulder. 

The shouting didn't stop anytime soon, it only became louder. Then, we could hear Omma crying. I clutched my ears as I tried to block out all their voices. 

"Why did I even choose to marry you?!" Omma shouted at her top of her lungs. My world shattered. 

Things got even worse. Appa started gambling and drinking. Most of the time he came home drunk. Omma stopped caring for us. She would go out early in the morning and return him late at night.  "O-Omma would you help me sign this consent form?" I remember waiting till 1am for Omma to return. She shoved me away and said "Go away." 

"Omma! Can't you just help Jonghyun sign that form? Please I beg you do what an Omma should do. Come back to us jebal!"Noona begged.

Omma glared at us and said "You don't know how much I feel like killing you both right now! You destroyed my family! All the problem between the two of us because of the both of you." 

"Omma... We are sorry! Omma please." I broke down into sobs. Omma slapped me and said "You little piece of stop ruining the peace." Noona immediately pushed behind her to fend for me. " Why are you doing this to us? It's not our fault." Noona's voice trembled.

Appa was never better. He was like a walking zombie, the worst part is when he is drunk he was mood swing. He can randomly start wrecking the house, or throw things at us, leaving the house in a mess. Noona always have to clean up the mess and pick up the shattered glass.

We were able to live with all this but this did not last long either. I remember how Appa came back home sober for the first time in forever and Omma was back early as well. "Let's get a divorce." My Appa said calmly but firmly.  With all my heart I was hopping my Omma would disagree but all she did was nodded.  

"Appa! Omma! Hajima!!" Noona begged. "Jessica, bring Jonghyun into the room." Appa said softly. "N-No... Appa, Omma don't do it please!!" Noona tried again. "Jessica!" Omma warned. Noona helpless held my hand and led me to our room. 

Just like the other time we sat behind the door and tried to figure out what our parents were saying. I look over to Noona for some comfort but all I say was tears rolling down her cheeks. Noona was crying. She never cried in front of me. She was my pillar of strength. Suddenly, I realized how serious everything is. 

I pressed my ear to the door and heard them splitting the money, car and about who should take the house. 

"About the kids..." Appa started. My heart pounded. I want both Appa and Omma and at the same time I need Noona by my side. I need this family of 4. I was so scared to hear about the future. "I am not taking any of them. I don't want them to be in my life anymore." Omma said. My heart broke. Omma don't  love us anymore... She don't want us anymore. "Yah! Do you think I want them? They are such a burden. Take one of them would you?" Appa said. 

My heart shattered. Tears came out involuntarily. I turned around and sobbed into Noona's embrace. "Noona why is this happening? Are we such bad children that none of them want us?" I asked sobbing. Noona said nothing but hugged me tighter. I look into her eyes and saw confusion and sadness. She was just in as much pain as I am. 

The next morning were awoken by Appa shouting. "That !  She just left like that?!" I went out of the room and saw Appa searching the house. I took a peep into Appa and Omma's room and saw that Omma's side of the cabinet was empty. Her clothes were gone, her belongings are are all gone. Even all the make up on the dressing table were gone as well.

I ran back into the room woke Noona up. "Noona! Noona!!! Wake up!" I shook Noona's arm. 

"Jonghyun? What happened why are  you crying again?" Noona asked as she wiped off my tears. "O-Omma l-left..." Noona grabbed my hand and went into Appa and Omma's room.

We ran there and the next thing we saw turned our lives upside down. Appa was stuffing his clothes into a luggage. He closed his luggage and without giving us a glance he headed for the door. 

"APPA ANDWAE! KAJIMA!" I tugged on Appa's sleeve to prevent him from leaving. 

Appa shove me away and left. 

Appa left.

Omma left. 

Noona had just started high school and I just started middle school. The two of us just became orphans overnight, left alone to fend for ourselves.

"Noona ottoke?" I sobbed. 

"I don't know Jonghyun.... I don't know." Noona said weakly.

The next few day were spent on searching the house for money and rationing the food we left in the house. All we found was a couple of 50,000 won and with our weekly allowance, in total we had 200,000 won.

We were able to live the next one week fine with the money and food we had. Things changed again when Noona came home sobbing. 

"Noona! What happened?" I asked her and hugged her. All she did was son harder. "Shhh it's okay I'm here for you." I pat her back gently. As Noona slowly calmed down, she told me that her boyfriend had broken up with her.

It turned out that Noona's boyfriend was a gold digger. He dated Noona because of Appa's high position before he was retrenched. And once Noona told him about the retrenched and how our parents abandoned us, he left her. 

I asked Noona how did she know that her boyfriend was only after money, I was still hoping that all these was an misunderstanding. She told me that she over hear his conversation with his friends. Noona said that she couldn't believe it at first but when she confront him about it he just admitted nonchalantly. 

The next few days Noona spent most of her time being locked in her room or she would just sit around at home stating into space. I don't need a doctor to know that Noona was suffering from depression. Noona really did love him a lot.  She didn't wasn't to go to school, she didn't want go out of the house and she didn't want to eat. 

"Noona jebal, eat a little!" Just like the past few day, she just stared into space and ignore me. I sighed and started to feed her slowly. Suddenly the lights went off. "Ah! What is this?" Just then I realized out electricity and water had been cut off because we haven't been paying. 

Since then, I knew we can't survive one that 200,000 won we found. Looking at Noona's state I know she couldn't take care of me and instead she is one the who needs to be taken care of.

I started working at a small eatery near my house after school. It took me so long to find a job because I'm underage. But thankfully the ahjumma was kind enough to let me work for her. 

Life was tough then. It was so tiring coping with my homework, working and take care of Noona at the same time. I changed. I was no longer the lively Jonghyun. Everyday I go to school like a zombie. Everyday was such a struggle. I was exhausted. Minho tried to talk to me but it took me a whole to open up to him. I glad he was patient enough to talk to me when I ignored him. He helped me catch up with my school work when I fall asleep in class. He was there to comfort me when I cry in despair. He bought me food when I don't have money too. He even went to the extend of asking his parents how to pay for the electrical bills so that he can teach me and I can start paying the bills to have electricity in my house again. I'm gal he did that if not I doubt Noona and I would have survive through winter. 

As I thought things were getting better, the situation had another twist. One day I came home to find Noona slumped on the wall with a bleeding wrist and a blade on her other hand. She tried to end her own life.

"NOONA! ANDWAE! Wake up please!" With shaky hands I called for and ambulance and sent Noona to the hospital.

Fortunately, it was not too late to save her. The doctor manage to have her a blood transfusion and saved her life. 

Noona was lying on the hospital bed looking so pale and weak. The beeping sound of the machine and the smell of the hospital made me feel sick. I took a chair and sat by the bed and held on to Noona's skinny hand. 

"Why did you do that?" I muttered and carcasses her bandaged wrist. "Why..." I sniffed, trying to whole back my tears and be strong. "Omma left us, Appa left us. But I thought things would be fine cause I still have you. When you became depressed it was still okay he cause I had your company. Why did you have to try to leave me too? Please don't leave me alone. Please don't. I love you Noona. I can't continue to be strong with out you. I beg you don't leave me." I knew she was unconscious but I need to express myself. I rest my forehead on Noona's arm and sobbed quietly. 

I felt Noona's warm hand my hair. It felt like a dream but it was to real to be one. I look up to see Noona conscious and tearing. "J-Jonghyun ah.." When was the lasted I hear her voice? I cried harder. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being foolish. I am finally thought through all this. From today onwards, I am going to protect you and take good care of you. I'm sorry for putting you through all this."  

"Noona!" I hugged her and sobbed even more. 

End of flashback 

"After that, things were finally getting better. Noona took over my job and Ahjumma's eatery so I could focus in school. Noona and I learnt how to mange out money and we learnt how to survive on our own. That's how we become who we are today." I smiled. I look at Yoon Mi she was crying. 

"What wrong? Don't cry!" I pinched her cheek cheekily. "You cried too!" Yoon Mi said sobbing. Only then I realised my cheeks were wet. "I'm sorry for your past! Why did you do the deserve to go through something so horrible?" Yoon Mi finally cooled down.

"But I am fine now!" I reassured her.

"B-but I still don't understand how you get the fear of falling in love..." Yoon Mi said.

"Minho told you a lot huh! When I see how my parents treat each other and how my Noona got cheated by her boyfriend, I started to loose faith in love and although Minho tells me I'm wrong I still believe that love will bring me pain. I don't want to turn out like my parents. That's why I don't what to have any relationship, I didn't t want to fall in love until you came and changed everything."


"Alright! Enough for today! Let's got to sleep! Good night" I said and pretended to sleep. I didn't want Yoon Mi to feel bad or anything so I just decided to end the conversation there. 

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angel41195 #1
Chapter 17: Food time!
angel41195 #2
Chapter 16: Jonghyun is so adorable and he is making my feels overflow all ugly-like (TuT)
chekkuame #3
Chapter 16: LOL! I just started reading the chapter and Yoon Mi is already flicked on the forehead randomly. So funny! I like how he completely stopped walking just to do that. :P I will carry on reading now.
Aw, lovesick puppy Jjong is cute. I like how they are relaxed and messing around and playing with each other so much now. Things are changing! :3
chekkuame #4
Chapter 15: Of course I will support you even if you update slowly! I read it slowly too, so we match well. haha

Wah~ I love how Jonghyun never gets mad. I wish I could find someone like that, who would never feel the need to act angrily towards me. :) So I was expecting his character in your story not to be upset when Yoon Mi admitted that she was just taking revenge on him, but I wasn't expecting her mood to change so quickly from crying so hard to smiling when asked to. I guess she really was on a crazy rollercoaster of emotions in this chapter. haha And the ending is cute!
angel41195 #5
Chapter 15: They're off to a good start now! the next step: for Jjong and Yoon to finally get together!!
orangecreamcicle #6
Chapter 15: Yay new chapter!!!!
Thanks this was a cute chapter but you left it hanging !!!!!
I wanna know how the two are gonna be >~<
At least yoon mi and jonghyun get along now but I want them to date for reaaaaalz!
Can't wait for next update autor-nim ^^
chekkuame #7
Chapter 14: I didn't even notice that the guy's name changed! xP hehe... Ah, this chapter... I thought Jonghyun's aegyo was so cute at the start, but after finishing the chapter I'm reminded of how much I HATE bullying! (I despise any act of bullying as much as Onew loves chicken, to give you an idea.) Anyway, that ending part with the voices in her head was a clever way to end it, I think. I hope for more positive things in this story! :3
orangecreamcicle #8
Chapter 14: Oh no! :( why does there always have to be that b**ch who acts like the guy is hers!!! Pfft! ;(
Aw I feel bad for yoon mi! I hope jonghyun rescues her soon from her pain.
Anywho thxs for updating! Can't wait for the next update! ^^
orangecreamcicle #9
Chapter 13: OMG loving the story !!!! I just hope that yoon mi won't go against jonghyun and tell the school about his story ! Also I wonder if that girl who slapped yoon mi will be back again to be mean to her ?
chekkuame #10
Chapter 13: "After breakfast, Jonghyun took the initiative to walk me back home." hehe This sounded so much like Jonghyun when I read this (atleast in my imagination). What a cute chapter! Wahh I couldn't imagine working this much. Studying is enough alone. Maybe I'm just lazy... hahaha