
Meeting you again

Hello! I'm back okay... Sorry for the really really long Time I was away... I didn't know what to write.... Hopefully this turns out okay? And thanks jonghyuncutie, your comment encourage me to update...  

Third person's POV 

Jonghyun was exhausted. Really exhausted. Well, you can't blame him. He is only getting 2 hours of sleep. The more Minho though about it, the more irritated he gets. Why was Jonghyun such a idiot? Why was he putting Yoon Mi before his own health. 

Minho watch as the elder staggered into MINHO's house and plopping himself onto the couch immediately. Minho sighed "At least today is the last day of the night shift." Jonghyun was staying and Minho's house for the whole week because it was closer to the karaoke lounge he was working in.

Minho looked at the clock and realised that Jonghyun only manage to get home when is was time for them to head to school. Minho walked into his room to her a blanket and placed it over Jonghyun. "I guess I'll let you sleep today." Minho muttered and headed for school.

In the evening, Minho was on the way home when he spotted the elder coming out of his house with a big bag. "Hey, where are you going?" Minho asked "Home. My night shift is over. Plus your parents are coming home from overseas tonight. I don't want to disturb you guys." Jonghyun smiled. "Why didn't you wake me up for school today?" Jonhyun asked.

"You came home later then usual. By the time you were home we had to head to school and you were exhausted. So I thought I would let you sleep."
"Thanks, buddy!" 

"Do you want to go for dinner? I'm think of going to your Noona's BBQ store." 

"Nah. It's alright. I just came back from the shop. See ya!" Jonghyun waved and left for home.

Minho walked lonely towards Jessica's BBQ store. "Hi Noona!" He greeted.

"Oh Hi! Give me a moment. I'll get you some food." Jessica's said without hesitating.

"Here you go."  Jessica said and place a plate of rice with BBQ chicken and Minho gobbled it down almost immediately. "Aigoo.. Eat more! You are still a growing kid." Jessica said and ruffled Minho's hair.

"Noona. I'm not a kid!" Minho said with his mouthful.

Jessica chuckled. "Minho ah, thanks for taking care of that immature brother for me."

"Aniya. Don't thank me. He is just like my brother. Plus he takes care of me too." I smiled. Jessica ruffled Minho's hair. "Alright, I have to work now. Eat more!" She said and when to tend to her store.

Yoon Mi's POV.

"Let's go eat dinner at a BBQ store!" Ji Min said.

"Why? It's fattening." I replied

"Aww come on just this once! Plus everybody says that the BBQ store had really nice food! And I wanna drink some soju!" Ji Min exclaimed

"Yah! We are high school students! We can't buy soju!"

"But we are not wearing uniform and we just have to act like students in the university like the other time." Ji min pleaded.


Third person's POV 
Yoon Mi and Ji min walked there linking arms. 

"There it's is!" Ji Min exclaimed.

"Welcome." The owner of the shop greeted. Ji min and Yoon Mi thanked her and walked in to the shop.

"Where shall we sit? OMG this can't be true." Ji Min gasped.

"What is it?" Yoon Mi asked in confusion.

"Do I look okay?" Ji Min asked hurriedly.

"Yah! What's wrong with you!" Yoon Mi asked a little too loudly. It was too late the person Ji Min saw turned around and looked at them in shock.

He stood up and straightened his shirt. "Hello Ji min and Yoon Mi." His voice cracked a little when he said Ji Min's name. He looked away awkwardly and said "Didn't expect to see you guys here."

"Hello Minho!" Ji Min said shyly. "Hello." Yoon Mi followed.

"Minho ah, you know this 2 girls?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah, this is Ji Min and that's Yoon Mi. And this is Jessica Noona." Minho introduced.

"Yoon Mi? Ah! You are the girl Jonghyun likes!" Jessica exclaimed.

"Jonghyun?" Yoon Mi asked.

"Yep. I'm his Noona." Jessica smiled. "Aigoo.. You are such a cute and pretty girl. No wonder Jonghyun likes you so much." 

Yoon Mi looked down in embarrassment. Must Jonghyun tell the whole world that he likes her? 

"Alright! Sit down! I'll get you guys some food! Is the normal BBQ Beef rice set okay for you 2?" Jessica asked warmly.

"Minho.. Why are you alone? Where's Jonghyun?" Ji Min asked. "He worked night the past few days so he when back home to rest." 

Soon there was an awkward silence. Minho cleared his throat. "Yoon Mi... Why are you still doing that to Jonghyun?"

"Doing what?" Yoon Mi asked.

"Using him! Don't act innocent!" Minho raised his voice.

"I'm not using him! He did it willingly!" Yoon Mi object. 

"Did it willing?" Minho scoffed. "That's because he thinks that he would be able to win your heart one day!"

"I -" Yoon Mi was about to reason out when Jessica came back with food for Ji Min and Yoon Mi.

"Aigoo what happened? Minho ah.. Why are you arguing with Yoon Mi?" Jessica asked lightly. 

"You ask her." Minho said bitterly.

"I didn't do anything wrong! That jerk wanted it!"

"Stop calling him a jerk! He has a name you know?" Minho was losing his patience. In the end, Ji min being the neutral party had to explain everything to Jessica.

"Jonghyun did all those stuff for Yoon Mi?" Jessica asked in shock. Minho nodded slightly in reply. "Minho ah.. Seems like Jonghyun is really serious this time." Minho sighed and nodded again.

"Yoon Mi sweetie... I know that Jonghyun was the one that is willing to do stuff for you and you are not the one using him like what Minho said but you leave him as soon as possible if you think you will never fall for him?" Jessica asked.

"Why are you guys so over protective over him? He is in high school! He should know how to take care of himself." Yoon Mi scoffed.

"I told you already! He had a bad past!" Minho raised his voice in annoyance.

"So what if he have a bad past?" Yoon Mi rebutted.

"Alright! We don't want a fight. I want you guys too cool down. I go get a drink for all of you before we settle this calmly." Jessica said. "Minho! Soju right? What about Ji min and Yoon Mi?"

"OMO! Jessica unnie! You allow us to drink?" Ji min exclaimed.

"A bit is fine right?" Jessica chuckled.

"I WANT SOJU!" Ji Min exclaimed 

Jessica chuckled "Alright Alright. What about you Yoon Mi?"

"I can't drink much alcohol I get drunk easily." 

In the end Jessica decided to get Yoon Mi a new drink called fizzy apple. "It has small amount of alcohol with soda and apple syrup." She explained. 

After getting their drinks, and when things cooled off, Ji Min and Minho started to hit of a conversation. Yoon Mi quietly sipped her drink and her mind wandered off to Jonghyun. Thinking back to all the time Jonghyun helped her and cared for her she unknowingly smiled.

"Jessica Unnie! Can I get another cup of this drink?" Yoon Mi asked politely.

Jessica smiled and prepared the same drink for her. Yoon Mi thank her and continued to drink. After gulping down a few large mouth, Yoon Mi felt her temperature rising. "Jessica unnie, the drink taste different..." Yoon Mi's voice slurred.

"Oh dear, I gave you another alcoholic drink by mistake! The fizzy apple and alcoholic drink are of the same color! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Jessica said with worry.

"You what?...." Yoon Mi felt like the room started to spin. Then she fell conscious on the table. 

"Oh no.... Ji Min ah do you-" Jessica turned around to find Minho trying to control Ji Min who was laughing hysterically. "Minho ah! What happened?" Jessica asked.

"She just kept gulping down soju I couldn't stop her!" Minho defended.
After much consideration Jessica instructed Minho to send Ji Min home since he knew where Ji Min stayed.

"What about Yoon Mi?" Minho asked. "I'll call Jonghyun." Jessica said. "Jonghyun?! Noona!! Yoon Mi is hurting Jonghyun! Stop allowing them to get closer to each other!" 

"I know Yoon Mi doesn't really like Jonghyun but she is like a miracle! Jonghyun finally loves someone." Jessica smiled.

"Fine... I'll bring Ji Min home now. Bye Noona." Minho supported the overly high Ji Min and left the shop.

Jonghyun's POV 

Ring ring..

I rubbed my eyes and picked up my phone "Yeoboseyo?" I asked. "Jonghyun ah! Where are you?" Noona asked. "ERMM I was sleeping  until u called me?" I replied.
"Sleeping?! You pig! It's so early and you are sleeping already!" 

"EYYY Noona what do you want? I'm still really tired from all the night shifts." I said yawning. "Yoon Mi is drunk! I need you to help me bring her home!" Noona said. Upon hearing Yoon Mi's name I shot out of my bed "Bwoh?! YOON MI? Alright I'm coming!" 

I grabbed my jacket and keys and ran towards noona's shop.

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angel41195 #1
Chapter 17: Food time!
angel41195 #2
Chapter 16: Jonghyun is so adorable and he is making my feels overflow all ugly-like (TuT)
chekkuame #3
Chapter 16: LOL! I just started reading the chapter and Yoon Mi is already flicked on the forehead randomly. So funny! I like how he completely stopped walking just to do that. :P I will carry on reading now.
Aw, lovesick puppy Jjong is cute. I like how they are relaxed and messing around and playing with each other so much now. Things are changing! :3
chekkuame #4
Chapter 15: Of course I will support you even if you update slowly! I read it slowly too, so we match well. haha

Wah~ I love how Jonghyun never gets mad. I wish I could find someone like that, who would never feel the need to act angrily towards me. :) So I was expecting his character in your story not to be upset when Yoon Mi admitted that she was just taking revenge on him, but I wasn't expecting her mood to change so quickly from crying so hard to smiling when asked to. I guess she really was on a crazy rollercoaster of emotions in this chapter. haha And the ending is cute!
angel41195 #5
Chapter 15: They're off to a good start now! the next step: for Jjong and Yoon to finally get together!!
orangecreamcicle #6
Chapter 15: Yay new chapter!!!!
Thanks this was a cute chapter but you left it hanging !!!!!
I wanna know how the two are gonna be >~<
At least yoon mi and jonghyun get along now but I want them to date for reaaaaalz!
Can't wait for next update autor-nim ^^
chekkuame #7
Chapter 14: I didn't even notice that the guy's name changed! xP hehe... Ah, this chapter... I thought Jonghyun's aegyo was so cute at the start, but after finishing the chapter I'm reminded of how much I HATE bullying! (I despise any act of bullying as much as Onew loves chicken, to give you an idea.) Anyway, that ending part with the voices in her head was a clever way to end it, I think. I hope for more positive things in this story! :3
orangecreamcicle #8
Chapter 14: Oh no! :( why does there always have to be that b**ch who acts like the guy is hers!!! Pfft! ;(
Aw I feel bad for yoon mi! I hope jonghyun rescues her soon from her pain.
Anywho thxs for updating! Can't wait for the next update! ^^
orangecreamcicle #9
Chapter 13: OMG loving the story !!!! I just hope that yoon mi won't go against jonghyun and tell the school about his story ! Also I wonder if that girl who slapped yoon mi will be back again to be mean to her ?
chekkuame #10
Chapter 13: "After breakfast, Jonghyun took the initiative to walk me back home." hehe This sounded so much like Jonghyun when I read this (atleast in my imagination). What a cute chapter! Wahh I couldn't imagine working this much. Studying is enough alone. Maybe I'm just lazy... hahaha