Silently Yours


Everything was a blur. One minute,Taeyeon was relieved to find the ice princess the next,the girl was lying on the ground.

Blood was everywhere. It made Taeyeon sick. But she still ran to the girl lying on the ground,her head bleeding profusely. Taeyeon started to tear up as she went down on her knees,cupping Jessica's face just as the girl started to close her eyes. The car that had hit her started to drive away,but Taeyeon ignored it. She looked at Jessica who looked back at Taeyeon,eyes drooping close.

"J-Jessica...Sica..h-hold on.."Taeyeon stuttered through her tears,looking up at the crowd that was begginning to form. "H-help me! P-please!" Someone had called the police and the paramedics already,but Jessica was already slipping into unconsciousness. Taeyeon sobbed,desperately trying to keep Jessica awake.

Jessica felt lightheaded as she lied onj the ground with Taeyeon's hands cupped around her cheeks. She felt pain all over her body,and couldn't bring herself to speak. Slowly,her eyes started to close and Jessica felt the need to sleep. To forget everything that had happened that day. She wanted to rest.

Soon,everything faded into black.


The members had been picked up by their manager and together,they went to the hospital after the shockng news of Jessica's accident. All of them were worried,but the most one affected by them all was Tiffany. She was a mess,the moment she found out Jessica was in a bad condition,she burst into tears and demanded that they go there immediately. Her best friend could have died.

"This is all my fault..if only i hadn't...why..am i so stupid..?" Tiffany mumbled to herself as she sobbed quietly,Seohyun comforting her. Seohyun tried her best to make her dear unnie stop,knowing that the media would surely want to cover this story. She didn't want Tiffany to be bombarded with questions so she leaned over to their manager.

"Oppa,make sure we get in easily and that no one comes through,alright?" She said to her manager. He only nodded in response at Seohyun goes back to worrying over the crying Tiffany.

Meanwhile,Sooyoung was quiet,staring blankly out t he window. Yuri and Sunny was beside her,quiet as well. All of them were silent,of course. The only noise that could be heard was Tiffany's sobs. They were all nervous to hear what the doctors had to say about their beloved sister. Surely,she wouldn't die right?

By the time they had reached the hospital,guards had gotten ready for their arrrival. The seven of them went in and rushed to find Taeyeon. They were informed that she was in front of the operating room,so they all went there to see Taeyeon seated on a chair infront of double doors with her head in her hands,crying softly. They all ran towards her,asking the leader about Jessica.

"Unnie! What happened to her?"

"Is she alright?"

"What are they doing to her?"

"Guys,shut up!" Sooyoung said,frowning. It was only then they all got a good look at Taeyeon. She looked like she had been cfrying ll this time. Her clothes were stained with Jessica's blood,which made them dizzy. Seeing her like this,they all felt more anxious to find out about Jessica's condition. Taeyeon looked up at all of them and wiped her tears,sniffling.

"S-she hit her head..pretty hard. Literally. She has a broken leg and a bad arm. But the doctors said that we should be worrying about her brain. H-he.said that she might suffer from brain damage. T-they're in there checking to be sure. I..I was too late. I should have been there earlier." Taeyeon said,her voice cracking. Immediately,Tiffany hugged Taeyeon close as they both cried together,both having the same reason. Jessica.


Sooyoung and Yuri insisted that the others go back to their dorm and change. They were both sitting outside the operation room,both staring blankly at the doors. It was silent. They were both waiting. And waiting.

"Hey Yul?"


"Jessica will be okay,right?"

"Of course. She's a strong one."

Sooyoung nodded weakly as her walls started to collapse. The tears she had been keeping in were itching to be realeased. Yuri looked over her and sighed before pulling Sooyoung in for a hug. She knew that Sooyoung had tried to be the strongest of them all earlier,while they all shed tears. She knew that she was tired of keeping them in,so she wanted to comfort her,on behalf of the whole group.

"Soo?" She asked softly.

"Yeah?" The taller one replied quietly.

"You can cry,you know?"

And finally,for the first time in months,Sooyoung did cry.


The girls had come back,with clothes for both Yuri and Sooyoung. They didn't question Sooyoung's puffy red eyes as they all waited silently for the doctor to come out and tell them the results. It felt like hours. They all stared blankly at the door. They held their stare at the gray double doors of the operation room even when Sooyoung and Yuri came back. They all waited.

Finally,after another half hour,the doctor came out. He looked exhausted and his face was solemn. All of the girls stood up together as he looked at them. He sighed and took of his mask,hating that he had to do this.

"We managed to close the gash on her head." He said,nodding. All of them sighed in relief as they heard that. But then they were immediately splashed with cold water with his next words.

"But there is the possibility of brain damage."

The girls looked at him,with horror on their faces. He pursed his lips and continued speaking. "I don't know how much brain damage there is,but that is not all,actually."

They blinked expectantly at him,feeling their heart beat pick up.

"Miss Jung is in a coma."


Author's Note:
Another update! Haha. And so,le plot thickens :o Hold on to your seats,guys! It's going to be a bumpy ride from here! xD I'm sorry for doing this to you otl. Thank you to all my new subbies and to the upvotes,i love ya guys :D
til the next chapter!

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{ silently yours : 9 - 2 posted! real sorry for the delay and chapter crappiness =((


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DreamEncantamiento #1
Chapter 18: Hi author, I just read this amazing story, I had a great time reading it, at the end they had their happy ending even if it was in a new life :) thank you, you did amazing ^-^
Chapter 1: what the hell.
bonaajung #3
Chapter 17: I love your fict
Chapter 17: i'm love your fic.drama,sad, and i'm think the end of story is good.
Chapter 18: share more please
TiffabyLover #6
Chapter 17: so sad :( but still good
Chapter 17: I really thought it was something different.... Turns out... It was a happy-angst kind of stuff, nevertheless.... It's great ^^ JeTi met each other again after that heartbreaking past of theirs ^^ Thanks for this story!!!!
Chapter 17: JeTi returned to find. XD This is the best part of the epilogue.

Sad end for a good story. Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 17: Even the story upset me a little because it ended already, at least jeti still met :) thanks for your great story! ^^
sitisica #10
Chapter 17: Today was my my birthday,i should be happy but yours story really make me cry more..so sad..you really good at writting..i am proud with you..