Chapter 6

Dream Chaser

Hello~ I’m sooo~ sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while >.< I’ve just been very busy with stuff.. TT-TT Well, I hope you guys like chapter 6!


You woke up with the bright sunlight shining through the window. You sat up, and stretched your arms and legs.


Wait, where am I?


You looked around the room, while the memories flowed back into your brain.


Ah, now I remember. I wonder if I will still be able to go to school..


You suddenly heard a knock on the door, which made you fall off the bed with a loud boom.


“Well that hurt,” you said to yourself, while rubbing your back.


You walked to the door and opened it; it was Mr.Seo.


“Miss, I heard a loud noise when I knocked, are you okay?” Mr.Seo asked you.


“Ah, no worries; I just fell off the bed,” you said before laughing a bit.


“Would you like to go to the hospital?” Mr.Seo asked.


“I’m fine, and call me Mi Sun. So, what did you knock for?” you asked curiously.


“Mrs.Wu would like you come downstairs for breakfast,” Mr.Seo answered.


“I’ll be downstairs soon; I need to wash up first,” you replied.


“Mrs.Wu will be waiting,” Mr.Seo said, before walking away from your door.


You sighed while walking to the bathroom to wash up. When you finished, you walked downstairs to the kitchen.


“Good morning, Mi Sun,” Mrs.Wu greeted you.


“Good morning,” you replied.


A tasty smell started to go in your nostrils. (A/N sorry if that sounds weird, lol)


“Sit down; I made eggs, bacon, and bread,” Mrs.Wu said.


“Neh,” you said before sitting in the fancy seat.


Mrs.Wu gave you a plate full of delicious foods and told you to eat up.


“Mi Sun,” Mrs.Wu called you.


“Neh?” you asked.


“You and I are going to go shopping for new clothes today,” Mrs.Wu said.


“Excuse me?! No, no, no; you already payed for my hospital bills, I don’t want you to waste more money on me,” you quickly replied.


“I’m not wasting money; i’m going to buy clothes for you because you don’t have clothes to change into, and I want to. So, come with me to the mall, okay?” Mrs.Wu said.


“Okay,” you quietly replied, while eating.


When you finished eating, Mrs.Wu went upstairs to get ready. After she finished, you two got in the car, then she started driving.


“Wait, where’s Kris?” you asked.


“Wu Fan? He’s at practice,” Mrs.Wu answered you, keeping her eyes on the road.


“Practice?” you asked.


“Yeah he’s in this band called EXO, and he has a schedule to follow, so today he has to practice. He’ll be home around 11,” Mrs.Wu kind of explained.


“Oh,” you quietly replied.


After shopping at the mall with Mrs.Wu, you two carried 5 bags each to the car.


“Thank you for buying me all of this,” you thanked Mrs.Wu and bowed to her.


“No problem, I always wanted a daughter to go shopping with,” Mrs.Wu replied, while smiling.


It was already 6, and you just finished folding and putting your clothes in the drawers. You laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking about what might happen to you in the future.


“Mi Sun, would you like strawberry milk to drink?” Mrs.Wu asked, lightly knocking on the door.


“Yes please,” you answered, looking at the door.


“Then come downstairs,” Mrs.Wu said.


When you got downstairs, you saw that weird “magic straw” again. The 2 ends of it were kind of popped in, while there were small pink spheres in it.


“Uhh,” you awkwardly said.


“What’s wrong?” Mrs.Wu asked.


You pointed at the straw.


“Ah, those are magic straws. The two ends are kind of popped in, so the little pink orbs won’t come out. When the milk goes up the straw and touches the orbs, it tastes like strawberry milk,” Mrs.Wu explained to you.

(A/N They actually exist, lol. I have about 3 or 4 packs at home :3)

“Ohh,” you said while staring at the straw in amazement.


“Drink up,” Mrs.Wu said.


“Neh,” you said before you gulped down the milk.


“It does taste like strawberry milk!” you said, sounding like an 8 year old.


Mrs. Wu left, after you finished your milk, to go out and meet some friends. Meanwhile, you were bored in your room. After 5 minutes of nothing, you felt like sleeping. You pulled the blanket up to your neck, and laid on your side.


*sigh* What am I going to do with life? I don’t have any dreams or future ideas. Was I born without any talents? Plus, what am I going to do with the Wu family; it’s not like I can stay here forever and live off of them.


You closed your eyes, and slept like there’s no tomorrow.









Haii~ I may or may not do a double update! Maybe! I don't know. I need to study for my finals (We have a big test after every semester). *sigh*

BTW thank you sooo~ much for the awesome poster, Phaggot101!!


Hint for next chappie:

EXO visiting?

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Chapter 14: update soon i love this story ;) hahaha
Chapter 7: my almost favorite scene...sehun getting kicked. LOL N0 JK. PLEZ. fav scene the beggining when she called them robbers... L3L
Chapter 4: wait for this so long TT.TT
this is what I want TT.TT
Update soon TT.TT
Chapter 3: Can't imagine Kris's eyes when those are bigger than D.O's lmao. But anyway update soon :)