Chapter 11

Dream Chaser

*Ring, ring, ring*


Mrs.Wu’s phone was ringing.


“Hello?” Mrs.Wu answered her phone.


“Mrs.Wu? I have something very important to tell you; it’s about Mi Sun,” the person said.


“Uhh.. Who are you?” Mrs.Wu asked.


“Ah, my apologies. I am the administrator who graded Mi Sun’s grade level test,” the man introduced himself.


“Oh.. What is the important thing you need to tell me?” Mrs.Wu curiously asked.


“Mi Sun is not fit for highschool,” the administrator said.


“Excuse me?? What do you mean she isn’t fit for highschool?!” Mrs.Wu was shocked.


“What i’m trying to say is that Mi Sun is a genius,” the administrator said.


“Neh?” Mrs.Wu didn’t know what to say.


“Mi Sun is too smart for highschool; she has the brain of a college student,” he explained.


“So, you’re saying.. we should send her to college?” Mrs.Wu slowly asked, clarifying the situation.


“Yes; I suggest you to find a nice college for her soon. I believe it would be a good idea to send her to the same college as Kris,” he suggested.


Mrs.Wu gasped a little,”That’s a great idea! Thank you for this wonderful news!”


“Have a nice day,” he hung up.


~ At Dinner ~


Mr.Wu, Mrs.Wu, and Mi Sun were eating in the dining room. When they finished, Mrs.Wu announced a family meeting when Kris comes home from practice.


A few moments later Kris came home and yelled,”I’m back!”


“Just on time, too! Go to the living room!” Mrs.Wu yelled, gently pushing Kris’ back.


“What’s with the sudden family meeting?” Kris asked.

Mrs.Wu took a deep breath and finally announced,”Kris, Mi Sun is going to your college!”


Hi subbies~ Wahh~~ It's been so long. I'm so busy with schoolwork, especially because the end of the school year is coming soon. *sigh* Anyways, do you guys like this chapter? I wrote it while I was in school. :3 I'm really sorry that this chapter is short. I mean it's either a short chapter or nothing, right? I'll try to update soon; once again, no promises! Please subscribe, upvote, or/and comment! I honestly really like reading your comments. Even just commenting "I like this chapter/fanfic. Please update soon!" makes me happy, so keep those comments coming~ Haha~ ^^

By the way, i'm working on a oneshot and I may or may not post it in May. Also, I've NEVER written a oneshot before.. so, please don't criticize me if it . It's going to be pretty sad; a person might die. If you guys read it, I don't think you guys should imagine yourself as the main girl character; she's gonna have a really hard time and stuff. So, yeah.. I hope you guys look forward to that! Bai subbies~~~ See ya' next time!

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Chapter 14: update soon i love this story ;) hahaha
Chapter 7: my almost favorite scene...sehun getting kicked. LOL N0 JK. PLEZ. fav scene the beggining when she called them robbers... L3L
Chapter 4: wait for this so long TT.TT
this is what I want TT.TT
Update soon TT.TT
Chapter 3: Can't imagine Kris's eyes when those are bigger than D.O's lmao. But anyway update soon :)