Chapter 15

Dream Chaser

Hey subbies! I’m really sorry I haven’t updated in a while. >.< I totally forgot about AFF. I’ve been a lazy bum ever since the last time I updated, lol.

Anyways, I realized I made a mistake with Dream Chaser.. Sehun, Kai, Tao, and D.O were supposed to be in highschool, but I put them in college without even thinking. TT-TT So, because of this, let’s just pretend all of the EXO members are in college, okay? Thanks! ^^




Mi Sun’s (Your) P.O.V:


After Chen showed you your next class, he quickly went to his 2nd period, so he wouldn’t be late. Meanwhile, you were slowly walking into the classroom.


“Hey, Mi Sun!” your eyes automatically widened. Tao was standing up and looking at you.


Luckily, there weren’t many girls in the class; the class was made mostly of boys. Plus, some girls were listening to music, so they didn’t hear Tao.


As you walked towards the small group of boys (EXO), Luhan asked,”Cool, you have this period with us!”


“Yeah,” you said quietly.


“Mi Sun,” Chanyeol called you.


“What?” you asked.


“Turn that frown upside down! Smile a bit; like me!” Chanyeol, showing you his big smile.


“You’re always smiling,” you said, shaking your head.


The school bell just rang, signalling that it’s time for second period.


“Where do I sit??” you asked Sehun.


“Sit next to Kris hyung; no one sits next to him,” Sehun answered you.


When you sat down, Kris said,”I thought I told you to stay away from me.”


“Well, does it look like there are any other seats?” you raised an eyebrow.


“Whatever,” Kris said.


Is he mad or something?


Kris’ P.O.V:


Damn it. Why did that have to come out so harsh? I wonder if she’s mad now..


Mi Sun’s (Your) P.O.V:


The class started with the teacher announcing that they have a project. Some students groaned and complained.


Apparently, the project included partners, so the teacher started calling out the pairings.


“Kim Daeho and Park Eun Hee”

“Xi Luhan and Oh Sehun”

“Lee Jaehwa and Choi Sangmin”

“Park Chanyeol and Shin Taehyun”

“Kris Wu and Jang Jihyun”

“Huang Zitao and Wu Mi Sun”


When the teacher finished calling out the names, Kris sighed and said,”Not again.”


“What?” you asked.


“My partner,” Kris said.


When the class ended, a girl ran up to you and Kris. You weren’t expecting what she was going to do next; she pulled you out of your seat, which made you stumble and fall on the floor, and sat next Kris while clinging on to his arm.


Kris told the stubborn girl to let go of his arm, but she ignored it and continued squeezing the life out of his arm. While the girl was annoying the crap out of Kris, Tao helped you up.


“Are you okay?” Tao asked you.


“Yeah,” you answered.


“Hey, let’s go get lunch,” Luhan said.


You, Luhan, Tao, and Sehun went to the cafeteria together, while Kris and his partner, Jihyun, went together.




After you finished getting your lunch, you thought of where you should sit.


Should I sit with Hana? or EXO? If I sit with EXO, I might get cursed out by their fangirls… Okay, where’s Hana?


You looked around and saw Hana sitting at a table, looking around; probably looking for you. When you walked towards her, you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder, so you turned around to face the person.


“Aren’t you gonna join us?” Sehun asked.


You looked behind Sehun and saw EXO sitting at a table.


“I got a friend I wanna sit with,” you said.


“Just invite her over; i’m sure there’s enough room,” Sehun reasoned.


“Okay,” you replied.


You walked towards Hana and asked her if she wanted to sit with EXO.


“Obviously! Who wouldn’t want to sit with EXO during lunch?!” Hana immediately answered.


“Follow me,” you said.


While walking to EXO’s lunch table, Hana praised you,”Ya’ know, for your first day of school, you did really well; You made friends with EXO before other girls.”


“Thanks?” you didn’t know how to reply.


“Hey, Mi Sun,” Luhan greeted you. You just replied with a small smile.


“You two can sit here,” Suho said, pointing at two seats.


A/N: This is what the seating looked like. (I had to make this by scratch >.<)

Left side (top to bottom): D.O, Lay, Chanyeol, Kai, Suho, Luhan, Sehun

Right side (top to bottom): Chen, Tao, Baekhyun, Xiumin, Kris, Mi Sun, Hana




Before you and Hana could sit down, two girls, who were wearing WAY too much makeup, took your seats.


“Hi Hannie~,” one of the girls wiggled her fingers at Luhan.


“Thanks for saving some seats for us,” the other girl said.


You slammed your tray of food on the table, making the whole table look at you.


“Excuse me, but those seats were for us,” you were angry because you were really hungry. You didn’t eat much for breakfast; only an apple along with milk.


“Excuse me, but no one cares,” the Luhan fangirl said.


“Ya’ know, I didn’t want to say this, but I’ve been smelling something weird ever since you’ve arrived. Did you eat garlic dipped in vinegar? Also, I think you used too much hairspray this morning; I saw a fly collapse after hanging around you,” you insulted the rude girls. Because the girls were so embarrassed, they walked away without saying anything.


Jihyun, Kris’ social studies partner, was going to sit with Kris, but after hearing Mi Sun, she got a little scared and sat with her friends instead.


“Well damn,” Kai commented, while you and Hana were sitting down.


“Dude, i’m hungry. What do you expect?” you replied.


“Woah, I didn’t know you had that type of side to you,” Hana was shocked.


You just ignored everyone and shoved your food into your mouth.




When school ended, you walked home with Kris.


“Hey,” Kris said.


“Yeah?” you asked, feeling tired after a long day of school.


“How was your first day school?” Kris asked.


“Okay, I guess,” you answered.


Since there wasn’t much to talk about, the rest of the walk was silent.


When you and Kris opened the front door of the house, confetti was thrown on to both of your faces.


“Congrats on your first day of school!” Mrs.Wu had a wide smile on her face.


“I’m gonna go change now,” Kris wasn’t really in the mood to celebrate and stuff.




"Party pooper much?" Mrs.Wu raised an eyebrow.




After Kris went upstairs, Mrs.Wu led you to the couch to sit down.


“Here,” Mrs. Wu took out 2 boxes from under the couch and gave it to you.


“What is it?” you asked, smiling.


“Open it!” Mrs.Wu told you.


You opened the smaller box first; it was a white Samsung Galaxy S5.




“A phone?! This must have been very expensive; you really didn’t have to. I’m fine without a phone,” you were surprised.


“Open the next one,” Mrs.Wu was anticipating your reaction.


After you ripped the wrapper off and opened the box, you saw a Blue Apple Laptop.


“I realized that you didn’t have a phone to contact people. You also didn’t have any electronics like a laptop to use for school projects, researching things, or to play games. I thought these would be a nice present. By the way, I already put Kris’, Mr.Wu’s, and my number in the phone,” Mrs.Wu explained.


“Thank you so much, Ms.Wu. Even though i’m not related to you or anything, you paid for my hospital bills, let me stay in your house, and got me these expensive presents,” you were really happy.


“This is nothing. If it weren’t for you, Kris could’ve been killed. Not even one million US dollars can replace a person’s life. This is the least I can do, so don’t feel bad, okay? Also, I think calling me ‘Ms.Wu’ is kinda weird since we’re practically like family now. Just call me Eomma; think of me as your second mom,” Mrs.Wu said.


“Neh, Eomma,” As you smiled, tears of happiness and sadness grew in your eyes.


“Or even call me ‘어머님/Eomeonim’ (Mother-in-law),” Mrs.Wu laughed.


“No, no, no,” you said, laughing.


“Wae? Is Kris too ugly?” Mrs.Wu asked, still laughing.


You just continued laughing because if Kris was ugly, then his fangirls must have horrible eyesight.


Kris P.O.V:


Why would Ma say that?! No way I’m marrying Mi Sun! Ha, she’s not even my ideal type!


“I’m not ugly,” I quietly said to myself, while quietly walking upstairs to my room.


When I got to my room, I looked at my dresser (there’s a mirror connected to it). My ears were really red and there was a light shade of pink across my face.


"'Too ugly'? Yeah, right. I'm Earth's most handsome Asian man; they should make an award for that and give it to me," I said, analyzing my face.






Also, I'll try to make the next chapter really long. I'm not sure if I can update soon because I'm going to Florida (for vacation) in 1 and a 1/2 weeks; I'm going on July the 4th. Plus, it takes me a while to type a whole chapter. So yeah..


So, what did you guys think about this chapter?? Please comment your favorite scene in this chapter! Once again, I love reading your comments, so, if you can, please comment something! ^^ Uhh.. subscribe if you haven't yet (?).

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Chapter 14: update soon i love this story ;) hahaha
Chapter 7: my almost favorite scene...sehun getting kicked. LOL N0 JK. PLEZ. fav scene the beggining when she called them robbers... L3L
Chapter 4: wait for this so long TT.TT
this is what I want TT.TT
Update soon TT.TT
Chapter 3: Can't imagine Kris's eyes when those are bigger than D.O's lmao. But anyway update soon :)