Chapter 10

Dream Chaser

Herro~~ ^^ I hope you guys like this chapter C:


Mi Sun’s P.O.V


Today was the first day of school, and you were terrified. You were going to take the bus with Kai and Sehun. Kris was walking you there.


“There’s Kai and Sehun; I’ll see you later,” Kris said.


Sehun waved his hand, signalling you to come over. You jogged to them and smiled.


“You nervous?” Kai asked.


“Of course I am,” you said.


“Ah, here’s the bus; ladies first,” Sehun said.


“Thanks?” you replied.


You walked on the bus. Unfortunately, the bus was pretty crowded, so you had to squeeze in between the people. Sehun and Kai, somehow, made it through the crowd and stood beside you; they were acting like your bodyguard, making sure nobody touches you. The bus suddenly stopped, and made you fall on Kai. The school girls, on the bus, started to throw evil, mean glares at you.


Kai smirked, and put his hand on your shoulder. You heard a few girls insulting you,”What a !”


“Yah, hyung! Are you trying to get Mi Sun murdered?!” Sehun scolded the older one.


~~Later on (at the highschool)


“Hey, Mi Sun; we’ll see you later,” Kai said.


“Okay,” You replied.


“Oh yeah! By the way, the front office is over there,” Sehun said pointing to a room in the school.


“Oh, thanks,” You smiled.


After Sehun and Kai left, you took a deep and started walking towards the door. As you slowly opened the door, you quietly said,”Excuse me?”


“Yes? What do you need, dear?” there was a nice-looking ahjumma.


“I’m the new student,” you answered politely.


“What’s your name?” the old woman asked.


“Mi Sun.. Wu Mi Sun,” You said quietly.


Why did you say Wu instead of Choi? Let’s see..




“Mi Sun!” Mrs.Wu was calling you.


“Neh?” You replied.


“When you go to the school, your last last won’t be Choi,” Mrs.Wu said.


“Oh.. Why not?” You asked.


“When I was signing you up, I wrote Wu instead of Choi. I was afraid that your father will find you, take you back, and continue to torture you. Plus, you’re practically part of our family now,” Mrs.Wu explained.


“It’s okay. If I were you, I would do the same thing,” you said.


*Flashback End*


“Miss.Wu, please follow this administrator to take your test, which determines what grade level you will be in,” the ahjumma said.


“Neh,” you said.


~~After the test


Well, that was easy.


“What do you think about the test? Do you think you did well?” the administrator asked.


“I think it was pretty easy. I’m sure I did well. Also, who will be grading it?,” you said.


“We’ll see when the results come in. I’ll be grading it.,” the administrator said.


~~Later on that day


When the administrator finished grading Mi Sun’s test, he was very shocked and said,”Oh. My. Buddha.”  (A/N Once again, i’m Buddhist, not Christian!)







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Chapter 14: update soon i love this story ;) hahaha
Chapter 7: my almost favorite scene...sehun getting kicked. LOL N0 JK. PLEZ. fav scene the beggining when she called them robbers... L3L
Chapter 4: wait for this so long TT.TT
this is what I want TT.TT
Update soon TT.TT
Chapter 3: Can't imagine Kris's eyes when those are bigger than D.O's lmao. But anyway update soon :)