Chapter 4

Dream Chaser



Mi Sun’s (you) POV:


-The day Mi Sun gets discharged from the hospital-



You took a deep breath of the fresh air outside the hospital.


“Are you that happy about getting discharged?” Kris suddenly asked you.


“Thanks for ruining the moment,” you mumbled.


“What?” Kris asked.


“MAYBE!” you yelled a bit too loud, making people look at us.


“Shut up! People are staring,” Kris replied.


“Well, you’re the one that asked,” you mumbled, once again.


“Mi Sun, Kris! I just finished all that boring paperwork,” Mrs.Wu yelled loudly, making everyone turn their attention to her.


Both, Kris and you, felt embarrassed, so both of you turned around, pretending to talk.


“Hey, Kris,” You called.


“What?” He replied.


“Do you have the car keys?” You asked.


“Yeah. Why?” Kris answered, then asked.


“Let’s go to the car,” You said.


“And leave my mom?!” Kris asked, raising his voice a bit.


“Shush! No, let’s just wait for her in the car. I don’t wanna attract so much attention from other people,” You said, grabbing Kris’ arm.


“True. Come on, let’s go,” Kris said, while getting up and leading the way to the car.


“HEY! Where are you going?!” Mrs.Wu yelled, after you guys.


“Walk faster,” you whispered to Kris.


“Okay, come on,” Kris replied, doing what you commanded him to do.


“Hurry up,” you whispered, sounding like you just robbed a bank and is trying to escape.


“Ah, there’s the car,” Kris said, clicking a button on the car key; unlocking the car doors.


A few moments after you and Kris got in the car, someone slammed the car open, making you scream.



(A/N Kris was in the driver’s seat, and Mi Sun (you) were in the back seat. Plus, the car looked like this. But pretend the car windows were tinted black.)




“AAHHHHHH!” You screamed and tightly closed your eyes.


“It’s okay, sweetie,” You heard a mother-like voice say.


You slowly peeked through your right eye and saw Mrs.Wu.


“Oh, thank goodness,” you said quietly, putting your hand on your chest to make your heart beat slower.


“Why did you guys fast-walk away from me?” Mrs.Wu asked.


You and Kris panicked a bit, and quickly looked at each other. You suddenly thought of something; turning your head to Mrs.Wu, then back to Kris. You and Kris nodded your heads at the same time, as if you two were reading each other’s minds.


“What are you talking about?” Kris started.


“I mean.. A while ago, I called your names but you two didn’t answer and tried escaping from me,” Mrs.Wu answered.


“Are you sure it wasn’t just people that were wearing similar clothes like us?” your asked, with a stupid curious-looking expression on your face.


“Maybe i’m just turning old,” Mrs.Wu said.


“Yeah, maybe! Ma, you should go get a hearing test or something,” Kris suggested.


“Eh, maybe,” Mrs.Wu replied.


“OKAY! So, Mi Sun, ready to meet my dad?” Kris quickly changed the subject.


“Yeah, just a little nervous,” You said quietly, sheepishly rubbing your neck with your right hand.


“Don’t be,” Mrs.Wu smiled at you.


“Kris, do you want to drive?” Mrs.Wu asked, turning her attention to Kris.


“Sure,” Kris answered.


“Kris knows how to drive?!” You asked.


“Yeah, I do. Is it a problem?” Kris replied, then asked.


“Kris! Stop trying to pick a fight,” Mrs.Wu whispered to the trouble-seeker.


All three of you put on your seatbelts, while Kris checked all the mirrors, and prepared to drive.



(A/N I forgot what those car mirrors are called >.<)




You felt very nervous and scared meeting Kris’ dad for the very first time.









What if he yells at me to get out?












Will he accept me?












So many thoughts filled your head, that you didn’t even notice you were already at their house. You kept staring into mid-air with a weird poker face; in a trance. You also didn’t realize that Kris was sitting on your left, and Mrs.Wu on your right.


“Yah,” Kris said to you.


“Mi Sun, are you okay?” Mrs.Wu asked.


“YAH!!” Kris yelled, about 5 to 6 inches away from your face.


You escaped from your trance and replied with,”Huh, what happened? Are we there yet?”


“OH GOD, MOVE YOUR FACE,” You yelled, while using your hand to push Kris’s face away.


“You know you love it,” Kris said.


“Ugh,” You replied with a disgusted face expression.


Mrs.Wu bursted out laughing; clutching her stomach,”PUAHAHAHA!!!”


You and Kris looked at each other, confused.


“You guys should become comedians,” Mrs.Wu said, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye.


You turned to Kris and whispered,”Does she usually act like this?”


“I don’t even know what’s happening anymore,” Kris replied.


“Welcome home, my wife and son. What’s with all this fun laughter? What’s so funny?” You heard a deep and husky voice say.


“Oh, it’s dad!” Kris said.


Your eyes widened, and you did a tiny gasp.



It’s Kris’ father.  













- A/N What the noodles did I just type? I tried to lighten the sad and depressed mood a little, was it good? Or was it weird? Don’t kill me if you think it’s weird & bad. >.< By the way, sorry if the chapter is short; I’ll try to make it longer next time. I didn’t want to keep you guys waiting, sooo~~ it’s either a short chapter or a wait a really, REALLY long time for a long chapter. So~, uhh yeah. Please subscribe to ‘Dream Chaser’, and comment what you think about this chapter! ^^ I guess i’ll see all my subbies the next time I update. Bye, bye~

P.S - If there's any mistakes in this chapter, comment below so I can fix it. And if there's any confusion and questions you wanna ask me, go ahead and comment or message me. :3 -

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Chapter 14: update soon i love this story ;) hahaha
Chapter 7: my almost favorite scene...sehun getting kicked. LOL N0 JK. PLEZ. fav scene the beggining when she called them robbers... L3L
Chapter 4: wait for this so long TT.TT
this is what I want TT.TT
Update soon TT.TT
Chapter 3: Can't imagine Kris's eyes when those are bigger than D.O's lmao. But anyway update soon :)