The Threat

A Sweet Saviour

Dong Hae ran outside thinking of what to do next. Then he had an idea. Pulling out his cell phone he remembered Ryeowook had gave him his number the over day. Dong Hae calmed himself down while the phone rang. “Hello?”Ryeowook answered. “Hey! Kim Ryeowook”Dong Hae said cheerfully hiding his anger. “You alright, mate?”“Ummm…Yeah. I’m not too bad now, thanks.””Ah! Good. Well I have some stuff to fill you in on. Can I come round? Where do you live?”“I live in Kwang Dong-ho road. Number 130. Why? Is it very important?”. “Yes”Dong Hae replied. “It’s very important. See you soon”“Ok”. After that Dong Hae hung up. “I’ve got him!”


Walking down Ryeowook’s road he filled up with anger again. He found the right house and knocked on the door. Shortly after Ryeowook answered. “Hi”He greeted him happily. “Are you parents home?”Dong Hae asked. “No”. “Good”Dong Hae snarled. “Eh? What do you mean?”Ryeowook was confused. Suddenly Dong Hae pushed Ryeowook backwards and he fell to the floor. Ryeowook, shocked, scrambled back up quickly. “Dong Hae? What’s wrong?”. Ryeowook was looking deep into the furious eyes of Dong Hae. “Dong Hae, did something happen?”. “Did something happen?! Are you joking?”Ryeowook continued to frown. “Dong Hae…”Dong Hae grabbed Ryeowook by the neck and pushed him up against the wall. “How dare you!”“What!?”Ryeowook screamed. “What have I done!?”“Don’t act like you don’t know! Listen to my words! If you ever touch Soo Jin again I will KILL YOU! You got that?”.



“Soo Jin?! I never touched her! Why are you even thinking that! I lov…I mean…she’s my friend. I would never hurt her.”“Oh really?”Dong Hae asked. “Then how did she get that scare? Eh? Don’t think I’m stupid. I know it was you!”Ryeowook pushed Dong Hae of him. “You’ve got it wrong!”Ryeowook paused while trying to catch his breath he looked down at Dong Hae who was lying on the floor doing so as well. Dong Hae had a possessed look covering his face. “Dong Hae, I can see why you’re mad. I would be angry if someone hurt Soo Jin too but…”Dong Hae tripped Ryeowook and he fell to the floor next to Dong Hae. Dong Hae sat on top of Ryeowook and pinned him down. “Don’t act as if you know her as well as I do! You’ve only known her a week, I’ve known her for 13 years!”“I’m sorry”Ryeowook panted. “Look…”Dong Hae started. “I wont give you any more trouble.”Ryeowook nodded in reply. “Just there’s one thing you’ve gotta do for me.”“What?”Ryeowook asked. Dong Hae lent down and whispered in Ryeowook’s ear. “Never go any where near Soo Jin again. Okay?”Dong Hae got of and walked towards the door. Shooting a final glance at Ryeowook who seemed deep in thought while still on the ground he slammed the door shut. Ryeowook pulled himself up. What does he mean? He thought. Does he really want me never to talk to her again? But we sit next to each other! Oh how did all this happen?


Once Dong Hae reached Soo Jin’s apartment Soo Jin ran up to him straight away. Dong Hae! Where have you been!? Why are you so late?”See his cheek with her hand. “Oh! You’re so warm! You don’t look well. Do you feel ok?”“Yeah, I’m fine.”Soo Jin ran her fingers through Dong Hae’s hair. “You’re sweating like mad. Take a shower. Don’t bother going home tonight. One more night staying here wont hurt.”Soo Jin said before pushing Dong Hae towards the shower. Later on the two sat on the sofa watching a movie. “Where did you go?”Soo Jin suddenly brought up the matter again. “Eh?”Dong Hae said still completely enrolled in the film. “After soccer practise where did you go? You were late!”“Oh, it’s nothing I just had to sort some stuff out. That’s all.”Soo Jin nodded her head knowing not to ask anymore. “Don’t worry”Dong Hae said putting his arm round her. “Everything’s ok now.”Soo Jin smiled. “Alright. I’m going to bed now. Night Oppa!”“Good night Soo Jin ah.” 

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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D