
A Sweet Saviour

The next day finaly came around to great relief of Dong Hae's guilty consionce. He got up early so that he could meet Ryeowook outside his house. He kicked leaves up that had fallen from the Autum weather as he walked down Ryeowook's road. He walked up to the door and rung the bell. As normal in the mornings his mother answered. "Hello?" "urrr...hello, miss. I'm here tomeet Ryeowook for school" His mother nodded. Go upstairs and see him.Ryeowook's mother let him in and pointed to the stairs. Dong ae smiled. "Thank you". He said politly. He jogged up the stairs and met a familier face.

Ryeowook stood there staring at Dong Hae. "Listen, Ryeowook i wanted to apologise. I made a big mistake. And i have nothing against you and Soo Jin dating..." Ryeowook grabbed Dong Hae's arm and pulled him into his room, slamming the door behind him. "What was that for?" Dong Hae asked confused. "Be quite! If my mum hears you she'll kill me!" "Huh?" Dong Hae questioned. "I'm not aloud to date anyone untill i move out and get my own place, you know? My mother's very old fashioned." "So, She doesn't know about you and Soo Jin?" Dong Hae continued reducing his voice to a whisper. Ryeowook shook his head. "Ah..." The two boys made sure they were ready and left Ryeowook's house for school. Dong Hae explained to Ryeowook about how he had misunderstoodand was in the wrong. Ryeowook understood."Don't worry! I would of probably done the same thing as you! If somebody hurt Soo Jin i would be really angry too." Ryeowook stopped walking. "By the way...who did hurt her?" "I don't know!" Dong Hae repliedangrly. Ryeowooknodded his head and thought. Well whoever it was if we find out then he's so dead." Dong Hae laughed at Ryeowook's cursing. "He sure is" Dong Hae agreed. "So what you gonna do?" "About what?" Ryeowook asked. "Your mum." "Oh! I said i was starting soccer practise after school everyday. That's the only way i'm going to get time with Soo Jin." "Good Idea!" Dong Hae complemented him. "I'm sure that'll work!"

Once they reached school they saw Soo Jin was waiting for them.Soo Jin's face lit up as she saw the two of them aproaching together. She ran up to them and flung her arms around Dong Hae. "Thank you" She said hugging him. She let go and did the same as Ryeowook. As their hug losened she pecked Ryeowook on the lips. She linked arms with him and all three of them walked into the school grounds together. The school day went on as normal and eventualy the bell rang and signaled the end of school. Soo Jin knew Dong Hae would be going to soccer so she went to say goodbye to him. "See you later then. Have fun a soccer practise." "Yeah" Dong Hae said smiling. Ryeowook came up behind Soo Jin and rapped his arms around her shoulders. "And you have fun a soccer too!" Dong Hae said to Ryeowook giggling. "You're going to soccer practise aswell?" Soo Jin asked turning to look behind her at the boy who was resting his chin on her shoulder. He smiled. "Not exactly." "Are you guys hiding something?" Soo Jin asked inocently. "Noooo~!" Dong Hae said teasingly. She pouted. "Why would we?" Ryeowook said kissing her cheek. "You better not be!" She said laughing.
"Well, bye!" Soo Jin said to Dong Hae. "Yeah. Bye you two. See you later." They waved goodbye and Ryeowook walked out the school hand in hand with Soo Jin. Dong Hae saw out the window. 'Such a cute sight!' he thought.


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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D