Uncle Dong Hae

A Sweet Saviour

That night Dong Hae and Ryeowook slept in Ji Young’s bed while Soo Jin slept in hers. Dong Hae laid back and relaxed however Ryeowook still seemed a little tense. “What are you going to do?”Dong Hae asked him. “Eh? Do about what?”“Your mum”he replied. “Oh”Ryeowook said looking away. “I’m not sure”Dong Hae looked at him with concern. “You’re going to have to do something.”“I know…I just don’t know how to go about it.”Dong Hae stared him in the eye. “What exactly did you say that made her so angry that she would chuck you out?”Dong Hae asked Ryeowook. “Well…I just said she couldn’t control my life and that I felt like leaving…and then she told me to go. So, when I left I Kinda…told her that it was me who was dating Soo Jin and not you. Just to get back at her.”Dong Hae shook his head and laughed. “Gosh”.



Ryeowook ended up staying with Soo Jin for a while. Ji Young moved away to live with her boyfriend permanently so Ryeowook had his own room. Ryeowook hadn’t spoke to his mother in almost 5 months although from the news he had heard today he would have to tell her one way or another.


He slammed the gate shut and walked over to the swings where Soo Jin and Ryeowook were sitting. He stood in front of them and caught their attention. “So? What’s this REALLY important news you have to tell me?”The tired Dong Hae asked. Soo Jin turned to Ryeowook and smiled. “Shall I tell him?”Soo Jin said. He smiled back at her. “Go for it”he replied. He got up and went to whisper into Dong Hae’s ear. She took a deep breath. “Dong Hae, I’m…I’m…”She paused. “Come on!”Dong Hae hurried her eager to know what was going on. “I’m…well…we’re…we’re going to move away.”“Huh?”Dong Hae asked confused. “How can you? Where?”“Calm down!”Ryeowook said grabbing his shoulder. “We’re going to college. But we’re going together. We both got accepted.”“That’s great! Oh, I wish I was going to the same college as you two! You better write to me often!”“We will”Soo Jin assured him. He smiled.



4 years later and Ryeowook was living with Soo Jin in a apartment far away from their past. Ryeowook was still not very friendly with his mother but they did keep in contact. And as promised the wrote to Dong Hae often. And this time they had some rather exciting news to talk about. As Dong Hae read the letter he smiled.



Dear Dong Hae,

Nice to her you are doing well! Hows the weather down there? Weve had gorgeous sun non-stop for about a month now. Hopefully it will last longer! By the way, Ive sent you a picture! Im guessing you know what it is…’


Dong Hae paused and searched around in the envelope for the picture. It appeared to him as a black photo with random grey lines spread across. He couldn’t work it out. So, he kept reading.


Im guessing you know what it is. Ive only got 5 months to go! Oh its so exciting! Me and Ryeowook are so looking forward to…’


He stopped again and glanced at the picture. Suddenly it came to him. ‘No’he thought. ‘It can’t be that!’


Me and Ryeowook are so looking forward to becoming parents…’


‘It is! It’s a scan!!”He jumped up grabbing the picture and letter as he did.

Look forward to that date, Dong Hae! Youre going to be an uncle!’ 

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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D