
A Sweet Saviour

“Aish!”I moaned as I pulled myself out of bed only to find I was late…again! I rubbed my eyes before realising. “EH!!?”I shouted as my eyes read the clock as 9:00 am. “Omo!!”I stumbled to my feet and ran to the bathroom. Splashing the cold water over my face and looking in to the mirror I paused. I rubbed my hand across my face admiring my clear, shiny, smooth skin. That was the only thing I really like about myself. My skin. A bit weird, right? A little while later I reappeared no longer looking like the walking dead. Running over to my wardrobe I grabbed my school uniform, pulled it on and preceded out the door to the kitchen. “Yaaahhh…Late again?”I happy voice sounded as I walked through the kitchen door. “I simply glanced at my unnie and continued walking through the kitchen. “Huh?”she questioned with a cheeky smirk. “Yeah!, Yeah, I know.”I replied frantically waving my hand at her. She giggled. “How do you expect to hold a serious relationship if your like this?”I turned to look at her. “Always late, always so laid back, never thinking ahead”she continued. “Well…”I interrupted. “It’s not as if I could find a decent guy anyway!”She shook her head laughing in disbelief. “Oh dear, you have such little faith in yourself, you’ll understand when you fall in love”my unnie taunted back. I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the door. “Not eating?”she asked “Nah, not in the mood”Grabbing my bag on the way out I opened the door.



“Ahh!”I screamed as I opened the door to reveal a sly looking man standing outside. I looked up at his face and immediately. “Ji young?”The man said. I turned my back to him and shouted. “YA! JI YOUNG UNNIE, YOUR SLEZY BOYFRIENDS HERE!”Turning back to him I saw his evil glare. I smiled happily back knowing it had offended him. “In the Kitchen”I said before dashing past him out the door. “Aish!, that girl!”I heard him say before Ji Young appeared to greet him. “Leave her, she’s only young.”The giggled together before returning to inside the flat. I grinned at the closed door before continuing my way down the stairs. Just be chance I happened to glance at my watch noticing the time was quickly moving forward. ‘Omo! I’ve only got 10 minutes till I gotta be in Lessons!’I thought. I raced down the stair as quickly as I could. Finally reaching the bottom I bent over with my hands on my knees huffing and puffing. So many stairs! Well…at least it’s good exercise. I chuckled to my self before exiting the main door of the building.


I found myself in between 2 paths. I could take the normal route but I probably would be about 40 minutes late for work as I had to catch a bus and all or I could take the short route through the alleys but I had always been told to avoid that way. Too dangerous! Everyone says. Tsk! I sighed to myself while shaking my head. It’s not as if I’ll get kidnapped or something I thought. With my mind made up I started speed walking through the back alleys. I had been walking for a while now and the silence was really starting to freak me out. All of a sudden out of nowhere my wrist was grabbed by someone and pulled my into a side alley. I fell to the floor and my head smacked against a metal garage door. I let out a scream of fear closely followed by a cry of pain. I rubbed the back of my head, But it felt damp. I moved my hand in front of my face so that I could see what it was. When I saw my hand it was covered in the rich colour of red. Blood! I groaned before realising the person was standing in front of me. “Ooopss”he said sarcastically while bending down to take a closer look at me. “I didn’t mean to”He chuckled before grabbing the back of my neck tightly. “You better come with me”He said eyeing me up and down. I was frozen with fear…What should I do? 

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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D