It's me or him!

A Sweet Saviour

“About what?”he asked. “That girl…What was her name?”“Lee Soo Jin”Ryeowook answered sharply. “Pretty name…”His mother continued. “Pretty girl too”. “She sure is”Ryeowook added without thinking. Ryeowook’s mother turned to him. “What is she to you?”. “Eh? W-What do you mean, mum?”. “Is she just a good friend of yours…”She looked deep into her son’s eyes. “Or is she a bit more?”Ryeowook frowned. “Ryeowook, dear, you’re 15 years old! I don’t want you messing around with girls at your age! I won’t allow it.”“But…”The boy stuttered. “No buts!”his mother interrupted. “You can date girls when you move out and start your own life. Un till then you are under my roof and my rules.”“Wha-…”“Don’t interrupted me! Now you listen. If I catch you with a girl that seems to be more then friendly with you I will make sure you never see her again after then. You got that?”“Yes mother”he replied obediently. Ryeowook’s mother smiled. “You’re such a good boy, Wookie”she said happily before walking towards the living room door.

“Oh! Mum!”Ryeowook called just before she left. “Yes?”She questioned turning round to face him. “I’m going to start soccer practise after school, ok? So I’m going to be late home.”His mother nodded agreeing. “Good, It will take your mind of things.”And with that his mother left the room. Once she was out of site Ryeowook chuckled to himself. ‘Me? Soccer?’he thought. ‘How could she fall for that?’



*-* Soo Jin’s Point Of View *-*


Soo Jin collapsed on her bed. Her mind was full of thoughts. She ran her fingers over her lips. ‘Am I dreaming?’she thought. Suddenly she heard her phone ringing. She picked it up and looked. *Text message from Lee Dong Hae*. She wondered before reading the message. *Soo Jin ah, It’s me or him. Meet me at the park at 10pm.* “D-D-Dong Hae?”She muttered holding her tears back. “It’s me or him? Omo! He means Ryeowook! I don’t want to loose him! But…. I don’t want to loose Dong Hae either. As thoughts travelled through her head uneasily she text back. *10pm. See you there.*


Eventually the dreaded hour of 10om came around for Soo Jin. As she approached the park she could see Dong Hae on one of the swings lightly pushing himself backwards and forwards with his feet. “Dong Hae”Soo Jin said softly while approaching him from behind. He immediately jumped up and walked round the swings to see Soo Jin. “You came!”he said with a smile. “I said I would”Soo Jin replied. Dong Hae let out a sigh of happiness and reached for Soo Jin’s hand. But as he went to hold it she pulled away from him. “But…”she started. Dong Hae’s expression darkened. “What?”he asked. “It’s just…I don’t want to loose both my oppas!”she blurted out. “You could at least give me a decent reason why me and Wookie shouldn’t be together!”“A DECENT REASON!?”Dong Hae boomed. “I would of thought that big reason on the back of your head would have been enough.!”“Eh? Back of my head? You mean my scar!?”Dong Hae rolled his eyes. “Ryeowook did not do that!”
“Oh! Stop trying to cover up for him! I heard you say it! I heard you a Ji Young talking about it when she came home that day!”“WHAT!? You were listening into our conversation!?”Dong Hae suddenly went silent. “You must of misheard Dong Hae! We were talking about Ryeowook! And we were talking about my scar but…not in the same way!”Dong Hae looked at the ground. Soo Jin was breathing heavily from stress and tears started to trickle down her cheeks again. Dong Hae looked up at his troubled best friend. “S-Soo Jin ah. I’m…I’m really sorry.”Soo Jin tried to wipe her tears away but more kept coming. “It’s just when I thought I heard you say some thing it just made me angry. I was only trying to protect you.”Soo Jin nodded. “I know you were.”Dong Hae stepped closer to Soo Jin and hugged her. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you”. Dong Hae pulled away and ran his hand over Soo Jin’s cheeks, wiping the tears away. He glanced at his watch. “Let’s get you home”. 

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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D