
A Sweet Saviour

Back in class Jae Lin continued to flirt with Dong Hae as normal. But He just had to grit his teeth and bare with it because the teacher refused to move him away from her.



*-* Ryeowook’s Point Of View *-*


‘Gosh! That girl is constantly all over Dong Hae…Poor him. But why isn’t Soo-Jin envious? There’s a girl flirting with her boyfriend right in front of her eyes and she doesn’t seem to be bothered at all with it! Maybe they aren’t boyfriend and girlfriend. Maybe it just appears that way. But I couldn’t ask them…that would be too rude. Especially if I got it wrong!


“Oppa?”I turned to see Soo-Jin looking at me with concern. “Are you OK?”“Yeah, Yeah. I’m fine”I replied. She smiled at me and went back to her work. “Alright everyone, well done for today. You may leave now.”Once the teacher had finished saying this Dong Hae jumped out of his seat. “WOOO!~”There was a sudden silence. Everyone glanced at Dong Hae. He scratched the back of his head and let out a shy laugh before sitting back down again. His cheeks had turned bright red from embarrassment. The teacher shook her head. “Typical”she said before letting out a amused smile. Everybody started to pack up their things and leave. Jae Lin jumper up. “Bye Dong Hae!~ I’ll see you tomorrow!”Dong Hae let out a shy smile “Great, I can’t wait”there seemed to be a tint of fear in his voice. It made Soo Jin giggle even more.


Dong Hae gave her a weak smile and waited for her to leave the class room before turning to Soo-Jin and . Soo-Jin packed her bags and stood up. “You ready Dong Hae?”She asked. “You bet”he replied more cheerfully. Just before leaving they turned back to me. “Wookie, you wanna walk home with us?”Dong Hae questioned. “Oh! No, No. It’s OK. I have this ton of paper work to finish.”I explained. “Oh. Ok then. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need help.”I nodded to Soo-Jin’s kind offer. “Here”Dong Hae said while grabbing a scrap bit of paper and scribbling on it with his pen. “This is my cell phone number”he said pointing at the numbers he had wrote on the paper. He started to write again. “And this”he continued. “Is Soo-Jin’s cell phone number”. He said pointing at another range of numbers he had wrote onto the paper. He passed it to me. “Thanks”I replied. How does Dong Hae know her phone number of by heart? I thought to myself. He got another bit of scrap paper and gave it to me. He pointed at it signalling for me to write my number on there. I agreed and began to write it down. “There”I said passing it back. “Great, see you mate”Dong Hae chirped punching me lightly on the shoulder. With that the two of them left.



*-* Soo-Jin’s Point Of View *-*


Once I started walking home I kept thinking about whether I should tell Dong Hae the truth about what had happened to me the previous day. Then I decided! I should wait for Ji Young to come back. She would know what to do. I told myself I would wait until my Ji Young Unnie came home. Until then I would keep it a secret.


Me and Dong Hae stayed in that night watching T.V and relaxing. After dinner I crept into my room and retrieved one of my pillows for revenge. “It’s too hot!”Dong Hae shouted to me from the living room. “I’m gonna open the door”. “OK”I shouted back.


It was time for revenge!...

Even though I had nothing I needed to take revenge on it was going to be fun! 

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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D