
A Sweet Saviour

*-* Soo Jin's point of view *-*
I closed the front door of Ryeowook’s house quietly. I glanced at my watch again and saw I only had about 15 minutes before Dong Hae would be back. I had to talk to Ji Young alone! I started to run back down the road.



*-* Ryeowook’s point of view *-*


I turned in my bed again and again. But I just couldn’t sleep. I scrambled out of bed and walked over to the window. I could still see Soo Jin running down the road. I watched her for a couple of seconds before she disappeared round the corner. I ran my fingers across my forehead remembering. ‘Is she really dating Dong Hae? If so why did she kiss me? Maybe she was just being friendly? Or if she’s not dating Dong Hae maybe she…’I stopped thinking and told myself that wasn’t possible. ‘How could a girl as pretty as Soo Jin honestly be interested in me?’Ryeowook sighed. His headache was coming back. ‘But why?’he asked himself. ‘Why wasn’t i troubled when she kissed me? Normally I would of felt so uncomfortable but I sort of…liked it.’Ryeowook rubbed his eyes. “Aishh!”he said out loud before getting back into bed and attemping to get some sleep again.


*-* Soo Jin's point of view *-*
Finally! I had reached home. I ran inside to see Ji Young watching T.V. She jumped up and looked at me panting away. “What took you so long?”She asked me. I’ll tell you in a minuet I said signalling for her to sit down as I sat facing her. “Ji Young”. “Yeah?”she replied. “I’ve got something to tell you…”Once I had told her everything I could remember she was in shock. “How could someone do that to you?”She seemed as if she were about to cry herself. Once we had got off the subject I told her where I had been. “Oh really?”Ji Young asked me. “And is this Ryeowook boy good looking?”She continued to tease me.


*-* Dong Hae’s point of view *-*


‘wow soccer training was really tiring today.’I thought while making my way to the front door. But before knocking i paused. I could here Soo Jin and Ji Young talking. i pressed my ear to the door to see what i could pick up. “So? What about him then? He must be something if you went to visit him after school!”I heard Ji Young say to Soo Jin. I took his ear away from the door. “Who did she go to see?”. Full of curiosity I continued to eavesdrop on the two girls. “Oh. Wookie oppa’s so sweet but…”I pulled my head away from the door before I had heard the rest of what she was saying. ‘She likes Kim Ryeowook? She never told me! Doesn’t she trust me or something?’


*-* Soo Jin’s point of view *-*


“So? What about him then? He must be something if you went to visit him after school!”Ji Young asked me in interest. “Oh. Wookie Oppa’s sweet but it’s not like that. I just dropped of some school work he missed.”Ji Young smiled at me. “I’ll believe you she said in a slight sarcastic voice. “ouch!”I said while rubbing that back of my head. Ji Young’s expression suddenly turned serious. “Are you sure you don’t know who it was?”“I’m sure”I answered sick of her asking this question. She had asked it about ten times already! “Still whoever it was I can’t believe he’d do that to you though. That’s one nasty scare you have.”


*-* Dong Hae’s point of view *-*


She’s always told me everything. Why would she keep something stupid like a crush from me? It’s not as if I would spread it. She knows I wouldn’t. I once again listened in to their conversation. “…I can’t believe he’d do that to you though. That’s one nasty scare you have.”I froze. That scar Soo-Jin had...it was Ryeowook that gave it to her? “KIM RYEOWOOK!”I angrily muttered under my breath. ‘How could he do that to Soo-Jin? HE’S DEAD!’With that I stormed of. Ryeowook can’t live far.



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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D