The Loss Of A Friend

A Sweet Saviour

“Oppa! I’m really sorry! I didn’t know he…”“Shhh…”Ryeowook said comforting her. Gently rocking her from side to side in his grip. He sat her down against the tree and then sat himself beside her. Whipping away her tears he felt like he had never felt before. He felt sad for her but happy that she accepted him and that he could comfort her. “It’s alright”he said putting his arm round her and pulling her closer. “I’ll protect you”.
Soo Jin suddenly grew a smile. “Really, Oppa!?”“Yes”Ryeowook replied before moving in closer and kissing her on the cheek. Little did they know Dong Hae was watching. Seeing this made him all the more upset. Soo Jin felt her cheek with her hand. It was the sweetest thing anyone had done to her, for her. She snuggled into Ryeowook resting her head on his chest. “Thank you, Wookie Oppa”


“YAH!”The two looked up to see Dong Hae walking towards them. “Now I see how much I mean to you!”Dong Hae yelled at Soo Jin. Ryeowook stood up to face Dong Hae and helped Soo Jin up after him. “I thought you were so upset about our fight and then minutes later I find you with his tongue down your throat. Shows how much you cared about our friendship.”“Don’t over exaggerate Dong Hae! It was hardly his tongue down my throat! He was just comforting me! Comforting me because I was so upset with you!”“Oh! Like I’m going to believe that!”

“Well, it’s up to you whether you do or not! Because frankly I don’t care!”“If this pretty boy is going to become a major part of your life then I don’t think our friendship can continue!”“Dong Hae!, If your wanting to cut our friendship of for something as silly as this then maybe we shouldn’t be friends!”“How can you choose him over me!”“Don’t be like this Dong Hae…”Ryeowook interrupted. “YOU! This is all your doing! It’s all your fault!”“You know it’s not, Dong Hae”Ryeowook continued in a calm voice. “Why you…”Dong Hae raised his fist to hit Ryeowook. “NO!”Soo Jin screamed and started crying again. Dong Hae paused in mid-air. “Please! Leave”Soo Jin wept. Dong Hae looked at Soo Jin. Had he really made her like this?. Dong Hae’s anger disappeared. He felt guilty. But when he saw she would rather stay with Ryeowook then him it just made him fume up again. “leave!”Soo Jin shouted again. “FINE!”Dong Hae shouted back. He walked of not even giving a glance to the girl he had once cared so much about and secretly still did. “I’m picking up my stuff! And I’m not coming back any more! You’re no longer alive to me!”Dong Hae spitefully screamed back to her.


The comment really hurt Soo Jin. Ryeowook rapped his arms round her. “You shouldn’t go back to class like this. Come with me”Ryeowook held her hand and led her away from the park. “Where are we going?”Soo Jin asked. “My house”Ryeowook answered simply. “Because no one will be there now. I can’t take you home, Dong Hae will be there and you can’t stay outside all day.”“I guess so”. Soo Jin replied. “Oh!”“What’s wrong?”Ryeowook asked. “I must of caught my leg on something when I was running. I’ve cut my self.”She said looking down at her leg. “oh there’s so much blood”. ”Don’t worry. We’ll treat it when we get to my house.


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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D