Getting To Know You

A Sweet Saviour

Later on in the day the bell finaly rang to signal lunch had started. The girl next to Dong Hae stood up. "Bye Dong Hae!~ See you after lunch!" She chanted happily before walking of with her friends. "Ya!~" Dong Hae said turning round to face me. "That girls gonna be the death of me!" He told me with a serious face. I laughed at him. "Dong Hae, Jae Lin really likes you..." "NO! Never in a million years!" Dong Hae interupted. "I would never date her!" I laughed again. Looking round i saw that we were the only ones left in the classroom except for Ryeowook who was still completely confused with his new timetable.

"Hey, Kim Ryeowook!" Dong Hae said getting Ryeowook's attention. "You wanna come eat lunch with us?" Ryeowook nodded happily. We were walking outside looking for a peaceful place to sit when Ryewook nudged me and pointed to a tree where no one was sitting. "Good idea!" I said while grabbing Dong Hae's arm and dragging him over too. "Okay!" Dong Hae said riggling out my grip and running ahead. "Bet you ca't catch me" he said shaking his back sideat us and began to run again. I shook me head a laughed at him. "You're dead!" I said running after him.
"Don't you talk?" Dong Hae asked Ryeowook while we were eating. Ryeowook looked up innocently. "Sure he does" I told Dong Hae. "He's probably just a little shy" I continued. "Right, Kim Ryeowook?" "Yeah" He replied. "And...You can call me Ryeowook or some people call me Wookie". "Wookie?" Dong Hae questioned. "Yeah" Ryeowook said again. "Ah! That's Cute!!" I teased. "When's your birthday?" Dong Hae continued to ask. "June 21st" He replied."Oh! so that means you're Wookie-Oppa to me." I informed. Ryeowook nodded. We were really starting to get along Me, Dong Hae and Ryeowook.

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aww nice story ^^
Yuriigeniee #2
First story? -Wow you are really talented to write like this when you were...13, was it? :D