Chapter 14

how could you? -EDITING-

After Ari packed her stuffs, Dana and her walked out together from the theatre hall. They had small talks about their life. In the end, both head to their own destinations. Ari had to go home and Dana had to get back to her class.

Before they bid each other goodbye, Ari says to Dana. "Can you help me with one more thing?"

"Sure. What is it?" Seeing Ari's serious expression, now even Dana looks worried.

"If the cops come here -and I'm sure they will- would you please not tell them what you just told me in the hall? Let it be a secret between us."

Dana stares at Ari for a few seconds. "You're not really a reporter, are you?"

That took Ari to shock. "What? No. You're ridiculous." She let out a fake laugh. Dana makes a i-know-you're-lying face, when Ari finally stops laughing. "When and how?"

"Just now. A reporter wouldn't say that because they know that the police would find out eventually. And, I had a hunch, you know. You're too good to be true. Glasses and blazers? You're kidding me."

Ari looks down her outfit. What's wrong with her looks? "I looked fantastic."

Dana giggles. "Reporters wear comfy outfits. Yours are too formal. Like, you're going to interview Obama or something."

"You know, the reporter the other day, I know she's a real deal because she only wore black shirt with shorts." Dana comparing Lee Na with Ari.

Ari protests. "Well, how do you know it's not my first day working?"

"Nah. You're too old to be a newbie." Ari jokingly punches Dana on the forearm.

"And you're not worried you just told a big secret to a stranger?" Ari asks, purposely to test Dana.

Dana keeps it silent for a moment. "I think I can trust you. Prove me right?" Ari nods reassuringly. I won't disappoint you, girl.

"Okay, I've got to go." And Ari turns around to walk away.

After a few steps, Dana shouts from afar. "Hey!" Ari slightly looks back at Dana's direction.

"Don't worry. The police wouldn't know a thing." Dana says loud enough for only them both to hear. Ari thanks her with a small smile.

My job here is done.

Getting in her house, a freshly baked chocolate pastry scent greets her. Ari was seduced by it. She wants to indulge the pastry like a poor who'd never met food as her tummy has been screaming in hunger since morning. She ignores her tummy calling and promises to eat after she'd done something urgent.

Pulling her iPhone charger from it's plug, she connects the USB data sync to her Macbook Air and stuffs her charger cable into her iPhone. Ari switches on her laptop and sees a folder pops out. She selects "import documents from iPhone" and selects the audio she recorded with Dana. Later, she logs in her gmail. Ari looks past all the unviewed emails she had received and clicks on "Compose". She then spells out Lee Na's email and linked her to the audio. Ari puts the subject as URGENT: ABOUT EUNYOUNG. Ari then writes under the audio, "Listen with low volume and when no one's around."


Without realizing, Ari had her breath stopped since she entered her room. She was too eager to send out the recording to Lee Na. Waked by her again grumbling stomach, she remembered the pastry she had smelled. She left her room with her laptop open just in case Lee Na replies early. Tummy first, lads.

The pastry was scrumptious. If Sungie made more of it, she would definitely them finish. Sungie unnie sure knows how to cook pastry. I should hire her to work for The Chocolate Room. After satisfying her empty tummy, she looks at her email. No emails received. Ari decides to chill down for a second and takes her phone to surf the Internet. She logs in Twitter just to be shock by an article.


"Infinite Hoya To Be Taken For A Homicide Interrogation"



This is not happening just yet.

She's just getting started.

The evidence she's collecting is not enough yet.

They're not taking Hoya yet.

Please don't.

Is that why Lee Na still doesn't reply her email? Too busy to handle H?

How did they found out?

What is it this time that made they think Hoya is linked to the murder?

Is there any evidence that both Lee Na and her over-look but not the police?

Has she always been a step behind the cops?


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Updated! Big shout out to noir graphics for the poster! Isn't it gorgoeus?


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Chapter 8: omg. new reader here!
can't wait for more updates. *^*
IWillLoveYouForever #2
Chapter 8: OMO!! This is like amazing like this story in general!!
IWillLoveYouForever #3
Chapter 4: Keep updating ^_^ this is quite interesting