Chapter 10

how could you? -EDITING-

Ari opens the package on her bed. Sure enough, it is from Lee Na. Upon opening it, a glistening fake reporter ID card stares back at her. Lee Na sure knows how to chose a nice picture of her. Ari rings the accomplice.

"Hello?" Lee Na picks up, sounding rather distracted. Ari must've called her at the wrong time.

"It's perfect." Ari claims with a smile on her face.

Lee Na leans back as she heard Ari's voice. "You're very welcome.That's only the easy part, my dear. Now that you've got it, what are you planning to do?"

"Well, I'll see where it'll lead us to." Being on the other end, Lee Na smirks. "Hey, it's already on the news, you know? About the murder. Not only on the Kpop column." Ari casually mentions the case. She wants to know some of Lee Na's piece of thought.

"Yeah. Quite late, don't you think?"

"Yeah. Funny they didn't mention any video." Ari lures Lee Na into telling her the truth.

"I lost the video. Lucky no one notice." Lee Na replies, almost in a proud tone. Ah, that's why.

"You should do it more often then." Ari jokingly tease.

"Oh, sure. Give me more cases to report so all criminals turn this world to a very peaceful place for us to live in."

After a few small giggles, Lee Na starts talking with a slow voice, almost like a whisper. "Hey, wanna know something most recent 'bout the case?"

That leaves Ari perplexed. "The police didn't tell us the whole truth?"

"Not yet. Despite the lost CCTV video, they found another lead. They found an unidentified partial fingerprint on the girl's neck. They almost over-looked it, but the chief detective forced the ME for a second autopsy and this time, thoroughly. The ME was reluctant at first. Nevertheless, he did and thus the discovery of the fingerprint. Karma definitely slapped H hard. It's only a matter of time until they identify the print. You know, what with the technology these days, we could never guess."

"We don't know for sure it's H. Let's try not to assume anything, okay?" Ari's voice pitch being higher than she intended.

"Who are you kidding? You saw the video. What other possibilities he's doing there, coincidentally, with the girl who appeared dead in the next morning?"

"We only saw "someone's" side view. It could be anyone. Oh, I don't know, there's like a thousand explaination that could explain his presence there at that moment. Like, maybe he was perfecting his flawed dance. Doesn't matter if it's in the middle of the night. We could not eliminate the possibilities. The killer could be anyone. You're being delusional." Ari argues. If she's not gonna fight for H, who else would?

"You're being delusional. I'm being realistic."

Ari hangs up, her breath uncontrolled. She couldn't bear listening to someone -who claims a true Inspirit- trashing H like that. I don't care. Even if all Hoya's fans leave, she'll stay, no matter what.

Time to prove Lee Na's wrong.


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Updated! Big shout out to noir graphics for the poster! Isn't it gorgoeus?


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Chapter 8: omg. new reader here!
can't wait for more updates. *^*
IWillLoveYouForever #2
Chapter 8: OMO!! This is like amazing like this story in general!!
IWillLoveYouForever #3
Chapter 4: Keep updating ^_^ this is quite interesting