To Yoona C2

All About Love

As Eunhyuk arrived in the his condo unit he grabbed for his keys, but noticed he forgot it. , he muttered, coincidentally, he saw Donghae came, but he ignored him and tried all ways how to open his door.

“You sure you don’t need help?” Donghae asked him.

“I don’t need help.”

“Well actually I can.” Replied Donghae.



Donghae with Hyukjae went at the back of the building where ODnghae, tried to climb next to his unit, the other man gasped thinking Donghae might fall. Eunhyuk retrn in fron of the door while Donghae explored his unit, seems to be curious with Eunhyuk’s belongings.

AS Eunhyuk feels like going to the bathroom. He knocked knowing Donghae might have done it.

“Who’s that?” he asked playfully.

“Yah! Donghae I need to use the bathroom, stop playing let me enter.”

After some minutes Donghae said what Eunhyuk said as he heard his angry voice.

“What took you so long?”

“Is that what I get from helping you.”

“Oh sorry, and now can you get out of my unit, goodnight.”Eunhyuk smiled sarcastically.


After some days, they never talked again,Donghae was on his way talking on the phone when he noticed a cab driver giving a flyer, he approached him.

And get one of the flyers.

To the one that loves Yoona, I have your tape meet me in xxx street by 3pm, I’ll wait for you, I’ll hold a liyly for you to know it’s me.


Donghae wondered, he purposedly lost that tape who the hell have got it, so he did what was told and waited at the said place, suddenly he noticed a guy approaching the place holding the said flower and to his surprised it was Eunhyuk his neighbor.

He tried to avoid him but, he just walked casually.

“Eunhyuk, what are you doing here?” he asked casually. Loking at the flower and took it from him.

“Well going for a date, this spot is so unromantic.”

“Why do you care! And yes this is where I want to have a date and can you stop bugging me, cause right now I feel stupid I actually hope the person I am expecting to meet me didn’t go here.” Eunhyuk tried to walk away.

“Eunhyuk I didn’t mean to…” but the other man had left him.


Donghae arrived at home but went to Eunhyuk first but no one answered he turned the knob surprised it’s unlock, as he entered he heard his own tape playing, while Eunhyuk is fixing his things.

“Eunhyuk.” the other man jumped in surprised seeing Donghae inside.

“Your door it’s open.”

“Oh, a bad habit of mine good thing it’s you that enter my place or else… by the way is there any problem?”

“About earlier sorry, should be sensitive you know.”

“It’s okay, let’s not talk about it I mean, I just got upset. Sorry, but why are you there?”

“Err… well I have a gig on that place.”

“So is there anything else?”

“Uhm, d-d you have a scissor.”

“Scissor?” Eunhyuk asked confusedly

“By the way, who’s that guy on the tape.” Donghae asked him as if he does not know about it.

”Actually I don’t know, wait is privacy an alien to you.”

“Well what if that’s a ert or a you know.”

“Goodnight and goodbye.” Eunhyuk pushed him out of his unit.”


(At SM Building)


“Omo! I love your piece, for sure I’ll tell Mr. Lee Soo Man to ut this in my upcoming album.” Sunmgin looking at it. Suddenly he noticed Donghae silent.

“Is there a problem?”

“What if you make something then you purposedly have it lost then you see someone close to you found it and frantically looking for that person.”

“Tell him the truth?” Sungmin answered unsure.

“I guess not.”

“Yah!, asking me then not taking my advice, but it’s up to you.”


“You tell him the truth.” Sungmin said suddenly the pD called for him and left Donghae alone.


It was 10am in the morning when Eunhyuk heard someone knocking on his door.

“In a minute.” Eunhyuk rubbing his eyes. He was surprised when Donghae entered his unit with paper bags with lots of food.

“Uhm hello, tenant you’re in wrong unit.

“I now, come let’s eat.”Donghae said as he ladi the food, Eunhyuk eyes averted on the strawberry cheesecake.

“Come on, you don’t want to miss the cake don’t you.”Donghae smirked.

“Fine!” Eunhyuk said as he get some plates as commanded by his annoying neightbor.

Donghae, started to turn the stereo on, but Eunhyuk stopped him too late and again he heard his own tape and stopped it.

“There’s no guy that exist like him, trust me he is just a fraud.”

“You know what, just because you can’t be like him doesn’t mean he is not real.”

“You’re really serious looking for him.” Donghae asked him.

“Yes, so?”

“I’ll help you.” Donghae suddenly said.”

“Really?” Eunhyuk asked not believing him and Donghae hummed in response.

“Seconds ago you are saying he is fake, fraud blah blah now you will help me.”

“That’s why I’ll help you to prove that you’re wrong, and if you fell in love with that mysterious guy in the tape.”

“Excuse me, I am not in love with him.” Eunhyuk cuts him out.

“Tell me you are not listening to the tape all over again when you’re alone I’ll stop.” Donghae challenged him.


And so the hunt is on, if only Eunhyuk know the one he is looking for is so near him, they went everywhere one time they are on a cab and he saw the tape.

“Wait, you are the owner of the tape?”

“No I am not.” Replied Eunhyuk.

“Oh I returned it to someone months ago I remember that, thing.”

“You’re Kim Jaejoong, tell me do you remember any of your passengers have this.”

Donghae is nervous what if Jaejoong remembered him, but the other shook his head much to Donghae’s relief.


They haven’t realize they have been so close, one time as they were crossing the street they unknowingly held each other’s hand but let it go upon realizing it.


Donghae decied to drop to Eunhyuk’s unit again when he heard him talking with another man so he decided not to show his self and listen to them.

“Hyuk, don’t be like this I am now starting to have a new chapter in my life. I want to tie up and loose ends.”

Eunhyuk turned around angrily at the other guy.

“Such an are you Siwon? Do you think I would tell you yeah what you have done is okay? That I’ll forgive you and go have a happily everafter? Siwon I am not a saint!  Won’t give you that satisfaction and you’re here giving me an invitation?”

“I’m sorry Hyuk.”

“Just go away and don’t talk to me again.”

Donghae pretend not to see the guy and visit Eunhyuk and offered him to have drink in his unit.

“I thought this just happens in drama, imagine we’re gonna get married and I find him in bed with another guy he just met at the bar. He fell in love I don’t know, all I know it’s not my name that’s on the invitation, life’s a ! You what happened to your ex?”

“Erm, it didn’t work out.” He reasoned out.

“Why, you two time her?” he curiously asked him.

“ So that’s your conclusion why relationship ended?”

“Well, I will base it on what happened to me right? Personal experience, from SIwon to my dad who left my mom.”

“No third party it just didn’t work out.” Donghae replied as looked at EUnhyuk

“Whay are you staring at me like that?”

“Can I ask you something?’ Eunhyuk hummed in replied.

“Promised, be serious to answer it?”


“Why is that important.”

“I was looking for him, because there is a person that can love wholeheartedly like forever, is it bad?” Eunhyuk suddenly feel his tears running.


“I hate this,  I ing hate this, you gave everything and in return you get nothing, like what’s the point.” Eunhyuk wiped his tears.

“I don’t know either , but what’s important is you wake up in the morning seeing bright new day.”

Eunhyuk caressed Donghae’s face and as the latter do the same, he initiated the kiss that had turned into a passionate one, as they let go of each other for oxygen they just smiled at each other after some niutes they kissed again and only the four corner of the place know what had happened after…(sorry no idea to do any or love scene><)


After that day, Donghae returned to Yoona’s place and talked to her mother who knew everything.

“Why haven’t you told him everything?”

“I don’t know, eolmoni I didn’t expect it to come.”

“But t came, so now what?”

“Donghae listen to me I’ll just say this once, my daughter is gone already. “

Donghae, shed some tears comforted by her.

“Donghae, this is ready, she points his chest. “Just let this follow.” As she points is temple.

“Son, the heart can be storong it hurts, but it heals and can cope up, continue your life okay? She said.


The next day, Eunhyuk noticed Donghae left his door unlock so he barged inside.

“Donghae…” suddenly he heard him playing on a guitar with the same song he heard from the tape.

Eunhyuk was shocked, he cried realizing the guy he was looking for was right beside him.

“Donghae…” Eunhyuk calling him, Donghae was surprised seeing him. Eunhyuk wiped his tears and run away.

“Eunhyuk wait!”

As Eunhyuk returned to his unit, he tried to closed his door but Donghae entered the place.

“Let’s talk.”

“What for huh? You’re also like them!”

“Listen I can’t say it because… because…”

“All this time!” Eunhyuk replied as he threw the tape back at him. “Was it fun? Did you enjoy the show huh? How long did you make up that story?” Eunhyuk accused him.

“I didn’t make it up! Oona is real, I can’t tell you because I don’t want to hurt you.”

“GET OUT!” Eunhyuk furious at him trying to avoid him.

“Eunhyuk, I won’t leave until you hear me out. I didn’t tell at first because I don’t want to hurt anyone until I can no longer tell you because I have learn to love you. So if you now know who is that voice at the tape so what, I’m here already, is it bad? Is it wrong if I ask you to love me? I am no longer this voice, I made this because I want tof orget this person, the old me so you could love me. Is it hard to forgive me Eunhyuk?”

“Because you choose to hurt me, when your girlfriend left you, when the world turned against you, you don’t have the control to it, but when you hurt me it’s you who did it, it’s you who decide to give me pain.” EUNyuk tearfully said.

“BULL! DON”T YOU DARE TALK TO ME ABOUT PAIN LEE EUNHYUK, you’re not the only one who lose someone you love, not only me all people in the world get hurt and the world has no obligation to protect you just because you’re to kind-hearted, that doesn’t mean you can get away from being hurt, to leave you, it doesn’t work that way, but people choose to love, you choose it all over again or else you choose not to live.”

“Please just go.” Eunhyuk plead him weakly.

“Look me in the eye and tell me what  happened last not does not have any meaning to you at all.”

Eunhyuk was not able to look at Donghae and replied. “It is nothing, I don’t feel anything.”

“You’re a liar. “Donghae told him letting go Eunhyuk and pushed him, walking away leaving the other man crying to himself.



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rubypearl #1
Chapter 9: I watched this movie , it's teally nice how u put the the charactera I especially love eunhae <3 <3 <3
foodiemin #2
Chapter 6: yunjae couple...*shakes head*..
JJ,go and make up with a kiss....and smthng more. *hides*
Chapter 9: well, at least happy ending! ^^
Chapter 8: it's okay ^^
they fight...
Chapter 7: the haehyuk story!!
Chapter 5: lol! yunjae couple...XDD
Chapter 4: just confessed lah..^^
Chapter 3: thanks~ ^^
what do you feel about the kiss, KH? >.<
Chapter 1: im pinoy but i dont know what movie this is from xD
Chapter 1: nice start ^^
thank u~