Changes Prolouge

All About Love

Kyuhyun is sitting on a table waiting for a certain someone. He looked at his wqtch and sighed. “That guy seems to have no sense of time. Suddenly as he stands up, someone went inside as if he is looking for someone. Suddenly he heard him asking the waiter.

“Excuse me, I am going to meet someone named Cho Kyuhyun.”

As he heard his name he approached. “Excuse me, you must be Lee Eunhyuk.”

“Ah yes I am.”

“By the way here’s your phone.”

“Oh you’re such an angel, I thought I lost it, I am lucky you’re the one who find it.”

“That’s not a problem.”

“By the way, sorry if I am late, you see my car broke down, and I need to find a cab.”

“That’s okay.” Kyuhyun replied.

“Wait, let’s have dinner first you I am feeling hungry my treat for returning my phone.”

So Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk ordered food and decide to have a conversation. He was surprised when he heard that Kyuhyun just came back from America and decided to just stay in Korea for good.

“Really? So you first return here for vacation and now after you left then go back here again you want to stay for good?”



“I want to look for someone here in Seoul, the person I let go because I was afraid to love again.”

“Oh, do you believe in true love?”

“Why you ask?” Kyuhyun sked him.


“Well it was nice meeting Kyuhyun.”

“Same here Eunhyuk.”

“By the way, about your question if I believe in true love. Yes I do that’s why I am back here right.”

“That’s a nice reply, I hope the person I fell for also feels that way.”


As Kyuhyun exited the restaurant, he right away spotted a cab and went inside.

As the cab driver turns on the tv in the taxi he suddenly smiled.

And now for news, Lee Sungmin who just debut in acting 3 months ago won the Best Popular Actor Award, Jung Yunho also grabbed the Best Actor award.

“First I would like to thank my family and also my fans for this award.” It was Yunho speaking. How about you Sungmin any message to your fans?

“Well, I want to thank them and for those who believe in me, also I would like to thank someone who had encouraged to enter sowbiz, I don’t know if he is watching or not but I would like to thank you you are my inspiration.

“Aish! what could they see with that Yunho, he’s just good looking for God’s sake.” The driver reacted. “Oh sorry sir.”

“It’s okay.”

“Seems like you smiled when you heard Lee Sungmin’s name, are you a fan of him.” He asked Kyuhyun.

“Well, you can say that.”

“Oh well, I am not into celebrities and stuff.”

“Same here, oh just stop there mister.”

Kyuhyun gave his money to him and the guy noticing it was too much tried to return it to him.

“Wait I guess this is too much sir.”

“It’s okay, by the way my name is Cho Kyuhyun.”

Kim Jaejoong” the cab driver replied


As Kyuhyun, entered his unit he sighed, he took Sungmin pictures, yes since Sungmin debut he collects his stuff even if he got back in America, hew wtch anything about him online.

“If only I was brave that time to love him back, perhaps I am not like this hoping for a second chance.”




“You don’t know what I’ve been through so if I were you just give up I don’t need anyone, I don’t need you.”

“Kyu, I have love you since we’re kids, I never give up but now that it comes from you perhaps I would start to do it now.”


“Sungmin, I am not yet late am I….”

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rubypearl #1
Chapter 9: I watched this movie , it's teally nice how u put the the charactera I especially love eunhae <3 <3 <3
foodiemin #2
Chapter 6: yunjae couple...*shakes head*..
JJ,go and make up with a kiss....and smthng more. *hides*
Chapter 9: well, at least happy ending! ^^
Chapter 8: it's okay ^^
they fight...
Chapter 7: the haehyuk story!!
Chapter 5: lol! yunjae couple...XDD
Chapter 4: just confessed lah..^^
Chapter 3: thanks~ ^^
what do you feel about the kiss, KH? >.<
Chapter 1: im pinoy but i dont know what movie this is from xD
Chapter 1: nice start ^^
thank u~