Changes C1

All About Love

Kyuhyun had finally arrive in Korea, and he will be back in his hometown in Gyeonggi, he wants to forget everything that happened in America. As he entered the cab memories flash in his eyes.

“So that’s the Korean guy who slept with one of our professor.”

“Yeah, and to think he looks so innocent.”

“The university doesn’t need someone like him. But why is he still here.”


(At Kyuhyun’s house in US)

“Marcus we need to clean the mess you made.”

“I told you, it’s not true, everything were all lies.” He replied to his mother.

“That is not what happen, I did not seduce him I already told you, my friends they slip something in my drink, but I know nothing really happened.”

“I brought you here so you can have good education, but this is worse.”

“Who told you to bring me here, I was already contented in Korea, it’s you and dad’s fault, I wanna go home.”

“But this is your home.” His mother replied.

“My real home, I want to go back there.”


Kyuhyun, remembered those things, the driver woke him up informing him that he is now on the train station. It took him an hour as he arrived at his home town someone greeted.


“Leeteuk-hyung.” He greeted him.

“Your Umma told us that you’ll go home today Kangin! Help me with the luggage.”

The other man hurriedly go and get his things.

Kyuhyun look around, seems nothings change in his room,his things are still the same when he left it he removed his shades and drop himself onto his bed.

“KYU!” someone squealed.

“Min?” Kyuhyun looked at him from head to toe. The other man nodded.

“I heard from Leeteuk-hyung you’re back, are you going back here for good?” he asked.

“I don’t know maybe.” He replied.

“Kyu I…”

“That’s Kyuhyun for you… but my friends in America call me Marcus, but I prefer you just calling me Kyu just only you.”

Sungmin smiled and poke his cheeks.

“You seem so serious than before.” Sungmin commented.

“And you are still annoying.”


“Sungmin, better go home first, your mother is looking for you.”

“Okay hyung, see you Kyu and by the way I miss you.” He smiled.


The next day he decided to stroll the place, and decided to enter a shop we’re he saw some of his high school classmate that had never been close either to him or Sungmin.

“So it’s true, Cho Kyuhyun is back.” The other said.

“Look at his clothes, as if he is like a celebrity.” The other replied.

“Why is he even back?” he said this made Kyuhyun approached.

“Wanna know I am back and left America, you see I kill someone.” This made them gasped. “Yes you heard it right I killed gossipers so if I were you, stop gossiping about me or you’ll end up dead like them.” As Kyuhyun walked away he saw Sungmin just staring at him because of this he felt bad and runaway but Sungmin comes after him.

“Kyu, don’t mind them you know they have been bullying us since highschool.”

“I don’t care just leave me alone for now.”


“ARE YOU DEAF! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” Sungmin eyes got wide and becomes terrified this is the first time Kyuhyun have shouted at him.

“Oh sorry.” The aller man gently said. “I am just upset just leave me okay? I’ll be fine tomorrow come to the house then let’s tour around alright.

Sungmin just smiled as Kyuhyun left him.


(At Sungmin’s home)

“Umma, what are you doing?”

“Making Kimbap for Kyuhyun, give this to him, if you’re going to visit him tomorrow.”

“Oh okay.”

“So how’s Kyuhyun?”

“He had changed a lot, he got more handsome and cooler like he became further than me.” He sighed. He can feel something’s wrong with his friend he wants to ask him but he know Kyuhyun he won’t even tell a thing, even to him his bestfriend.


The next day, Sungmin visited the home as he is greeted by Leeteuk and Kangin.

“Hyungs, where’s Kyuhyun?”

“In his room as usual.”

“Oh okay.”


Kyuhyun is spinning with his ball and toss it in the air when Sungmin entered his room. He jumped on his bed that startled the taller man.


“Hello, come out umma made some Kimbap for you so you need to eat them with me.”

As they head to the dining room, Kyuhyun smiled he missed Sungmin’s Kimbap for him it was the most delicious in the world, well his umma depend on maid so much so he prefer his best friend’s mother cooking.

While Leeteuk and Kangin are having their lovey dovey time. Sungmin tries to stop them as he felt awkward Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes and grabbed Sungmin’s hand.

“Come on.”

“Wait, where?”


As they strolled the place, Sungmin suddenly got an idea he dragged him to their old school. Since it’s weekends for sure, only the janitor is there who is close to him so there is no problem. They went to their old classroom and to the Music Room. Sungmin see s guitar and tried to play it.

“Hey can you teach me how to play it?”

“Sure.”Sungmin replied.

He told Kyuhyun the chords and together they sang a song, after some minutes they went to the Art Room.

“Remember this place?”

“Yeah, you threw Seohyun’s gift in the bucket of paint, she given me an evil glare that time thinking it’s my fault.”

“Yeah it’s your fault, you always act like a bridge to those admirers of mine and I don’t even like a single of them.”

“Pabo! And you told me not to do it again.” Sungmin replied with a smile. As they went outside suddenly it started to rain. Sungmin noticing his clothes dripping wet, he started to take off  his polo and pants Kyuhyun eyes got wide as he covered his bestfriend.

“Yah! What are you doing Kyu?” Sungmin curiously asked.

“What if a ert saw you huh?”

Sungmin smiled, seems like Kyuhyun still protective towards him, he remember, how Kyuhyun act like a bodyguard when he wore a schoolgirl uniform for a school celebration, even act as a chaperon when the winner of free date with Sungmin, Choi Minho was with them and he secretly ruined it God knows what he did that time.

“Kyuhyun, you never told me anything about America.”

“that we can save it for later.” Kyuhyun said coldly.


“Sungmin, do you have a dream aside from being stuck in Gyeonggi?”

“Well, I want to be an actor, impossible dream huh? But you know how active I was in stage play when we we’re in school I do want it badly but I don’t know perhaps I’ll just dreaming.” Sungmin smiled.

“Well I can help you.”


“You know our schoolmate Shindong?”

“Yeah I do.”

“Last thing I heard is he works in SM Entertainment perhaps you can try and do an audition.”

“As if I have enough money to do that.”

“I’ll help you, we’ll go to Seoul tomorrow.”

Sungmin looked at him and jumped to Kyuhyun and hugged him and give him a peck on his cheeks.

“Yah! You still never change still girly are you.”

Sungmin just continue playing with the rain, with Kyuhyun gazing at him as he feel his best friend kiss and genuinely smiled.



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rubypearl #1
Chapter 9: I watched this movie , it's teally nice how u put the the charactera I especially love eunhae <3 <3 <3
foodiemin #2
Chapter 6: yunjae couple...*shakes head*..
JJ,go and make up with a kiss....and smthng more. *hides*
Chapter 9: well, at least happy ending! ^^
Chapter 8: it's okay ^^
they fight...
Chapter 7: the haehyuk story!!
Chapter 5: lol! yunjae couple...XDD
Chapter 4: just confessed lah..^^
Chapter 3: thanks~ ^^
what do you feel about the kiss, KH? >.<
Chapter 1: im pinoy but i dont know what movie this is from xD
Chapter 1: nice start ^^
thank u~