Trip to Russia

Life with EXO-K


"Why're we at the airport?" Yura asked with her eyes widen.


"We're going to Russia!!! Yohooo!" Baekhyun yelled happily.


The van stopped at the front entrance of the Incheon Airport. An identical van was also stopping at the front entrance. Perhaps that was the Exo-M's. There were lot of fans surrounded the van to welcome them. Their squeling, shouting, jumping and screaming their favourited members. It was similar to the scene at her school.


Before Chanyeol's opened the door, the securities already took control of the situation. Yura holded Chanyeol's arm preventing him from opening he door. Chanyeol looked at her with a curious smile.


"Hyung!!! Palli!!!" Sehun whined.


The door opened. All of them went out of the van with confidence. Cameras start flashing, girls start squealing and the people start staring at them. Yura stay still on her seat. She wasn't supposed to go out at the first place. She was supposed to go home and sleep. 


"You're coming with us," Suho said while standing near the door.


Yura shook her head with her arms crossed. She glared at him. Suho grab the cap from Kai's head and placed it on Yura's head. A pout was drew on Kai's well-sculpture face. 


"I can't leave you alone here while we are going to Russia. Just pretend like you're one of our stylish or staff," Suho said.


"What about my clothes and the plane ticket?" Yura sked.


"Don't worry. I already take care of it."


Yura scoffed. She gave in and obeyed to Suho's order. She got out of the van with her head down. This is so irritating.


Once they got into the plane, they managed to heave a relieve sigh. Yura was the last person to get on board while the others were already relaxing on their seat. Her eyes were searching for an empty spot and she did found one. But it was a seat beside D.O. Deep down, she was praying it was rather be Suho than D.O. 


There was one thing that she missed. Yura did't realized that she started to open herself. A small part in her slowly developed a feeling towards boy. Not the I-like-you or I-love-you feelings but the I-trust-him feelings.


Her legs took her to the couple seat beside the window on the left side of the cabin. Suho was seating next to Chanyeol. And D.O was seating behind Suho next to the window.


"Chanyeolsshi, I want to seat next to Suhosshi," Yura said with a slow tone.


It was her first time asking a favour from someone. And it made it more awkward for her to ask it from Chanyeol. Yura was playing with her fingers while avoiding her eyes from meeting Chanyeol's eyes.


"Sorry, what did you just said?" Chanyeol furrowed.


Yura removed the cap from his head and carrased her hair in frustration. She really hate it when someone made her to repeat something twice. She gave Chanyeol a deathly stare and threw the cap towards Kai that was seating at the middle line next to Chanyeol before stomping her feet approaching the seat next to D.O. 


Chanyeol was confused with her sudden changed of mood. He turned to Suho who was giving him a strange look. Chanyeol shook his head and both of them continued with their conversation without bothering Yura's act.


D.O was humming to a random melody with his earphone plucked into his ear while staring outside the window. He did't even noticed that the seat next to him was already been occupied by Yura. A few minutes later, the stewardess does her job. She was standing at the front while doing a safety demostration. All the passengers fasten their seatbelts getting ready to takeoff.


Her slender legs, sharp nose and short skirt made the boys fell for her from head to toe especially the d.o-mestic boy who was into y girls. He even chose Girl's Day over A-Pink because he love y concept more than cute concept. See, I told ya. He might look innocent but he doesn't act like one. 


The plane was shaking a little when it was taking off. It had been a while since the last time Yura travel on a plane. Usually she only does her job locally without involving any overseas affairs. When they were already up in the cloud, the stewardesses served drinks to the passengers on board like they always did.


"Psstt, you over there," Luhan whispered.


Yura acted like she did't hear that. She was busy reading a travel megazine. But no one can tolerate ignorance. Luhan threw a crumpled paper and hitted Yura's head. 


"What?" Yura turned her head.


Luhan was seating at the third row in the middle line next to Sehun. 


"You're that girl who is living with my friends right?" Luhan asked.


"So?" as expected. She wasn't interested to talk to him.


"Hey, I'm Luhan. I'm from Exo-M. What's your name?"


"Yura," she replied shortly and faced to the front when Luhan was in the middle of talking.


On the other hand, Chen was seating behind Yura saw the little conversation that she had with Luhan. He leaned closer to Yura's coach and poked her shoulder to grab her attention. Yura turned her head and their face were close. They almost touched their nose. 


Yura pulled herself backwards and stumbled but thankfully D.O managed to save her right on time. He hold her wrist and jerk her to sit properly on her seat. 


"Sorry, I'm Ch---"


"I don't care," she insert the megazine into the pocket behind the front seat and rested her head against the coach.


Her mind were definitely up in the sky. She was wondering how she ended up living with these boys, how everything so messed up at the dorm, how Suho found out about her life and how she being dragged onto this plane.


From utter silence, she heard a music playing through her ear. Her finger was rubbing her right ear and found the earphone plucked into it. She tilted her head towards D.O with a confuse look but D.O's eyes were shut close while the other earphone was plucked into his left ear.


"Rest and sleep. You need all the energy when we arrive," he said with his eyes remained close.


Yura raised her shoulder doing the I-don't-understand gesture and does what D.O told him to, sleep. She listened to the song that was currently playing. D.O was humming to the song with a smile on his face.


"Neo ytaemune neo ttaemune michyeoga wuh oh oh~ Neo ytaemune neo ttaemune michyeoga wuh oh oh~"





The street of Kazan was beautiful as well as the appealing mold and shape of the buldings along the wide pavements. It was a breath taking scenary to stare at. The boys were busy walking while taking pictures. Well, Yura also flashed out her phone and started to take pictures. She can't leave Russia empty handed.


"Yura, come and join us!" Sehun said with a happy smile.


Yura did't hear that Sehun was talking to her because she was busy enjoying herself. It was her first time visiting Russia and she was totally amazed by the stunning city of Kazan. Her eyes were shining like the moon.


Sehun walked towards Yura and grab her wrist. He pulled her towards the other boys. They were about to take a group picture in front of a statue. Yura slipped her hand from Sehun grasp. She was worried about the eyes that were staring at them. Obviously, EXO will be followed by EXO's fans. Every of their moves will be watched closely.


While the boys were gathering at the same spot, the public was also taking pictures of them. Sehun saw the look in Yura's eyes. He did't care less. He grab Yura's wrist and dragged her. Both of them went in the middle of the boys.


"Don't worry about them. They will thought that you are our stylish," Sehun convinced her.


"One. Two. Smile!" the manager said and a click sound can be heard.


Afterwards, all of them took their own path. Yura, Suho and Sehun walked together side by side. Yura was still enjoying herself looking around the city. The citizens were friendly and indeed gorgeous, especially the girls. The Russian EXO's fans took their chances to have a picture with their favourited members. Kris was taking picture with a model clinging her hand around his arm. Baekhyun took a close up picture with one of his fan. Basically, they all did.  


"How's your hand?" Suho asked.


Yura glanced at her elbow. There was a translucent plaster covering her wound. 


"It will be fine. Thanks anyway, for treating it."


"What? No, it wasn't me. It was Kyungsoo," Suho responded.


Yura raised her brows while Suho gave her an assuring look. Yura nodded her head in disbelief. She did't expect that D.O actually care about her. Maybe Suho asked him to.


Speak of the devil, there he was, D.O and Kai walking ahead of them. Kai's arm was resting on D.O's small shoulder as D.O was shorter than his donsaeng. They look like a couple from the back.


"Jongin and Kyungsoo seems close," Yura voiced out.


"Yes, they're. They make quite a cute couple hah?" Sehun meant it as a joke. But Yura took it seriously. Yura's eyes went wide. Her mind was blank. She was shocked by Sehun's words.


"So, it's true. They're in a....... relationship?" Suho chocked while Sehun cracked up. They were laughing so hard that they even shed tears.


Sehun put his arm around Yura's shoulder like what Kai did to D.O.


"You're funny Yura. Really," Sehun can't stop laughing.


Scratch that. Suho and Sehun can't stop laughing. 



"You were right. She did come to Russia with them."


"Good. I want you to follow them, Hyunki. Take a few good and clear pictures and email it to me. A huge article going to release tomorrow," the man who was the boss said through the phone.


Hyunki ended the call and does what he told to. He followed Yura and the other boys from a distance with a dslr in his hand ready to take picture within any seconds. The evil smile really suit him well. 


He took a few shots but it turned to be the same result. The idols face were clear but Yura's face couldn't be identify as the cap she was wearing covered half of her face. When Sehun put his arm around her shoulder, Hyunki pressed on the button and a picture of them was taken from the sideway.


In the picture, Suho and Sehun was laughing while Yura head was facing down. Anyone who sees this picture might took it in the wrong way. They might assumed that Yura had a special relationship with Sehun because Sehun's expression was happy while holding Yura or perhaps his 'girlfriend'.


"This is perfect. SM will get on their knees begging to take out the article," Hyunki smirked.



Loooooong chapter! Do you guys like it? Hehehe

I hope I managed to put a smile on your face.

Lucky Yura to have Sehun's arms around her T_T




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I'll be away for a week. Will be coming back for double or perhaps triple update!!! :)


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mendoza0227 #1
Chapter 17: he he he
but i wonder whats the meaning of the book?
why is it a warning?
and who was the man in the limo?
update please
MingMingMingMinggyu #2
Chapter 17: OMO the kaisoo and the hunhan and the sekai at the end..... I love it haha....
Chapter 15: is she gonna be an idol? xD
omo! xD
Chapter 15: I almost forgot the story
o.o Mian~
ryurolan #5
Chapter 14: Please, please update soon. I can't wait anymoreeeeeeee >…<
Chapter 12: author-nim can you let her dye her hair? so it wont be plain black? p.s i am starting to get attached to this..
Chapter 11: yaAaAaAYYyy updated!! do is adorable omgomg

keep writing!! fighting!!
mehmeh #8
Chapter 11: Oh so glad you updated! I really like this fic it's refreshing
Awwww D.O is so adorable hahahaha
I know you just did but I hope you update soon :p
mehmeh #9
Chapter 10: Oh oh ooh! New reader xD
Update soon please!