Chapter 8

Zelo's a WHAT?

GD let out a gasp of pain as Chanyeol took a metal rod, glowing white with heat, to his chest. The gasp quickly turned into a scream. “Enough!” Kris said firmly, “It's clear that he has nothing else to tell us.”

Chanyeol pulled away and let go, the rod cooling before it even hit the ground. He was relieved, he didn't like some of the things he had to do, but he had to respect Kris as his elder and superior.

“Take him down” Kris commanded, two men already rushing past Chanyeol to do his bidding. Chanyeol flinched as GD fell limply to the ground, groaning as he made contact with the floor. “He may not have any more information for us, but he can still be useful” Kris said, lifting him off the ground with one hand. “Somebody take him to Lay” he finished, releasing his grip and letting GD fall back to the ground.

The two men started tripping over each other and themselves to carry out the orders. “Let me do it” Chanyeol sighed as he lifted GD up and slung him over his shoulder. “I'm sorry” he whispered as the semi-conscious man let out another groan.

On the way to Lay's room, Chanyeol ran into some interference. “Where do you think you're going?” a man sneered, standing in the way.

“I'm following orders, Kyungsoo” Chanyeol retorted.

“It's D.O!” he growled, causing Chanyeol to smirk. “Who are these orders from?” he asked, blocking Chanyeol as he tried to step around.

“Kris! Do you want me to tell him that you were interfering or can I be on my way now!” Chanyeol growled. He hated having to play the Kris card with the pthers.

D.O's already enormous eyes widened as he stepped aside to let him through. Once he was in Lay's room, Chanyeol gently placed GD on the floor. “Oh great, first a pikachu now a charizard” Lay muttered when he saw the burns on GD's body.

“What?” Chanyeol asked, looking at Lay curiously.

“Never mind” Lay sighed. “Why was he brought here this time?” he asked to change the topic.

“Kris decided he was finished with interrogations” Chanyeol said, sounding very relieved.

“And he thinks that there is some other way that he can be useful” Lay finished with Chanyeol giving him a nod. They both sighed looking down at the limp form on the floor.
Himchan yawned as he took a step out of his room. He'd been having trouble sleeping for almost a week, since Tabi came with his friend. Might as well check and make sure everyone else is fine, he thought as he stepped toward the door of Daehyun and Youngjae's room.

When he looked inside, he saw Youngjae asleep on the floor with only his legs on the bed. Daehyun however, had created a wall of pillows and blankets around himself. The only way Himchan even knew he was in there was the bit of hair showing above the pillows.

He chuckled softly as he closed the door and moved on. In the guest room, Daesung was still unconscious on the bed and Tabi was asleep on the floor in the corner with his jacket draped over his shoulders.

Himchan was about to go back to his own room when he heard Daesung groan. He quickly stepped over to the bed to see what was happening. After a few minutes he started to think it had just been his sleep-deprived brain playing tricks on him, then Daesung's eyes fluttered open slightly.

“W-where am I?” he whispered weakly, barely loud enough for Himchan to hear.

“It's okay, you're safe here, you can go back to sleep” Himchan told him. He groaned slightly as his eyes fluttered shut again. Himchan sighed as he left and returned to his own room.
“Junhong-ssi” Yongguk whispered softly into the sleeping teen's ear. Zelo groaned as he rolled over to face the older.

“Hyung, it's the middle of the night” he mumbled, still half asleep.

“I know, I just have something that I need to tell you” Yongguk whispered back to him.

“Can't it wait until the morning?” Zelo mumbled as he closed his eyes again.

“It's been waiting long enough as it is” Yongguk muttered.

“Is something wrong?” Zelo asked, sitting up in his bed with his eyes wide.

“No, it's just...” he started, pausing to summon up his courage before he continued. “It's just that, we haven't been completely honest with you about your past” he continued, sitting on the bed next to Zelo.

“Hyung, what do you mean?” the younger asked, looking at the older with confusion.

“I mean... I mean that... you're not exactly... human” Yongguk confessed, finishing barely above a whisper.

Zelo looked at him with a mixture of shock and sadness. “Y-you're kidding, right?” he said, sounding on the verge of tears. Yongguk sighed as he wrapped his arms around Zelo and pulled the younger into a hug.

“I wish I was. I wanted to tell you sooner, but Yongnam thought it would be a bad idea” he whispered into Zelo's ear.

“How can I not be human?” he asked with tears starting to emerge from his eyes as he shoved Yongguk away.

“I don't really know how to explain it. All I really know is that you're not from Earth” Yongguk sighed.

“That grave you take me to, is that a lie too?” Zelo asked.

“No, you're actual parents are buried there, it's just...” Yongguk answered, trailing off slightly.

“What?” Zelo demanded, a few tears rolling down his cheek.

Yongguk took a deep breath before continuing. “It's just, they didn't die in a car accident, we told you that because we needed to explain why you lived with us. They died when they came to Earth, their ship crashed, but you survived” he explained.

He tried to put his arm around Zelo's shoulder but the younger swatted it away. “My entire life is a lie” Zelo whispered. Yongguk didn't know what to do but leave him alone for the time being.
Zelo hesitated as he reached for the doorknob. As soon as Yongguk had left he had pulled out a bag and put everything he thought he would need in it. Now, he was running away. He didn't like the fact that they had been lying to him for his whole life.

Finally, he took hold of the knob and turned it, letting himself out of the apartment. He paused before the main doors to pull his hood over his head before leaving the building.

Where do I go now? He thought once he was outside. He looked around at the empty streets around him before heading off in a random direction.

The further away he got, the worse he felt about his decision. Then suddenly, he got that feeling that he was being watched. At the same time, he noticed the temperature drop.

At that moment, he decided to turn around and return to the apartment. He turned around and came face to face with another one of the cloaked figures. “It looks like today is my lucky day” he said ominously.


Hey look! new chapter! Once I started writing this one everything just kind of started to flow out... I guess my writers block is gone... for now. D.O has finally been introduced like I've been planning and another Exo member^^ free shoutout in my next chapter to whoever can guess which member. ^^^ triclops cute face


Edit: So many little adjustments to be made, at least I have the time for it^^^ IT RETURNS

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I am working on the new chapter, sorry it's taking so long, and it's looking to be a long one


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this story sound so cool
RapHyunJoel #2
Chapter 19: You are so so great author-nim!! How u make tabi look really masculin in this story? *laugh* Forget that questions and please keep updating..I really fall in love in this story!!
TheBethaBoo #3
Chapter 23: You smooth mofo
justme178 #4
Chapter 21: this is wonderful..i can't wait the update..i have a question is d.o evil here?i mean he didn't go with the others..i love how you mixed exo and bap i love both groups very much ^_^you are an amaizing writer :)
TheBethaBoo #5
Chapter 19: Yeah its like Nammie was completely forgotten During the trip
TheBethaBoo #6
Chapter 17: Riri :( you poor poor thing
chocolakay #7
Chapter 16: ehm, are you making some people shifting places? i mean like, kai will be with zelo anf tabi, and gd will be on kris side?
TheBethaBoo #8
Chapter 13: But zelo wasn't hiding?
TheBethaBoo #9
chocolakay #10
Chapter 9: you gave me d.o... #crying unicorns

it's so short! i can't bear gd being so vulnerable, update soon juseyo!