Chapter 5

Zelo's a WHAT?

A few weeks passed without anything else out of the ordinary happening. Zelo still had that feeling that he was being watched though.

Little did he know, he was being watched. Tabi was there, always keeping an eye on him from a distance. GD was doing the same from elsewhere.

“So why exactly do we need to do this?” GD asked through the radio.

“Because Zelo doesn't know he's in danger and he needs protection” Tabi growled back in frustration.

“Okay, no need to get touchy. Ooh, hello, hot girls” GD said, distractedly watching a pair of teenage girls walking across the lawn. Tabi groaned, getting frustrated with his friend's childish personality.

“Focus, GD” he said, watching the faces of the students around Zelo. Suddenly, he ducked out of sight. He slowly raised the radio to his lips. “GD, get down, NOW!” he hissed urgently.

“Why?” GD asked, feeling slightly confused.

“Elite guard, there's two of them down there” he answered quickly.

“Where? I never saw any of those cloaked bastards” GD said while looking around for them.

“They're not in uniform genius, they're dressed like humans to blend in” Tabi said exasperatedly. When he crept up again to look for the two Exoans, they were nowhere to be seen. “I lost them, GD be careful” he said.

There was no response, only static. “GD?” he asked, starting to feel concerned.

“He's ours now” another voice said gruffly after a few minutes.

“!” Tabi hissed as he threw the radio to the floor angrily. What do I do now? he thought, looking down at the radio at his feet. It crackled to life as someone else came on the other end.

“Bring us the prince and we might consider letting him go” he said.

Tabi kicked the radio across the floor out of frustration. “!” he hissed again, hitting the wall with his fist.
Sehun set the radio on the ground as he turned to his companion. “So what do we do with him now?” Kai asked, holding up GD's limp body.

“We take him back to Kris” Sehun said, annoyed.

“Good idea my dear maknae” Kai said, giving Sehun a pat on the head.

“Don't call me that” Sehun said while brushing Kai's hand away. Kai shrugged it off as he grabbed their prisoner's shoulder and linked his arm around Sehun's.

“Beam us up Scottie” he said as he teleported them onto their ship.

“You spend way too much time around humans” Sehun said, Kai grinned at him. “Just help me chain him up before he wakes up” Sehun remarked.

“Yes your maknaeness” Kai said while saluting, prompting a growl from Sehun.

“Is it your purpose in life to annoy me?” he asked, looking over at Kai. His companion grinned in response.

“I think he's waking up” Kai said as GD let out a groan after they had chained him to the wall.

“I'll go get Kris” Sehun said. Kai went to follow him. “You, stay here” he said, pointing to Kai. Kai pouted as he watched his friend leave.

It was only a short walk to get to Kris' chamber. Sehun quickly entered the room and knelt to the ground. “Sir!” he said sharply to announce his arrival.

“Yes?” Kris said, not quite recognizing Sehun out of uniform.

“We have captured a prisoner” Sehun reported, looking up at the tall figure in front of him.

“Take me!” Kris commanded, gesturing toward the door. Sehun stood up and led him to where Kai was waiting.

Sehun rolled his eyes when they walked in to see Kai hanging upside down with his feet hooked into a vent. Kai smiled when he saw Sehun returning, but teleported back to the ground when he saw Kris behind his friend.

“Sir” he said, saluting with a grin plastered across his face.

“You, leave” Kris said to Kai, “you annoy me.” The grin quickly disappeared from his face as he left the room.

“Now who did you bring me?” Kris asked, stepping towards the figure chained to the wall.

“Hello, saekkiya. It's been a long time, hasn't it?” GD said with an amused smirk.

“You're not really in a position to be calling me names” Kris said, wrapping his fingers around GD's neck. He could see the fear in his captive's eyes. “If you cooperate, you might make it out of this alive” he said, removing his hand and taking a step back.

“And if I don't?” GD asked defiantly.

“The hard way it is then” Kris said, turning around to face Sehun. “Kai!” he said.

“I'm Sehun” Sehun interjected.

“Whichever one you are,” Kris said, “go find Chen for me.” Sehun nodded and rushed out of the room to follow his orders. Kris grinned maliciously at GD.

“You always were a fun little pet” he saidwith a malicious grin.
Yongguk heard an urgent knock on the door. He was shocked when he opened the door to see Tabi leaning against the door frame, out of breath. “What are you doing here?” Yongguk asked him.

“Danger” Tabi gasped.

“Come in and sit down” Yongguk said, ushering him into the apartment. Yongguk let him catch his breath before asking anymore questions. “Okay first, how did you know where to find me?” he asked.

“Let's just say, I have my ways” Tabi answered.

“Second, what do you mean by 'danger'?” he continued.

“The elite guard, they're after Zelo” Tabi said urgently, grabbing Yongguk by the shoulders.

“Grip's. a little. tight” Yongguk gasped, causing him to let go. “Who are they? Why are they after Zelo?” Yongguk said, pursuing his line of questions.

“I can't answer the who, I don't know exactly.” Tabi sighed, “As for why...” He trailed off, not sure how much he should tell Yongguk.

“I've known Zelo for most of my life and all of his, I need to know why these guys are after him” Yongguk said, placing his hands on Tabi's shoulders.

“On Atala, the planet we both come from, he's the prince. Sixteen years ago, the Exoans invaded Atala. Their warlord's son wants him gone so nothing will stand in his way” Tabi explained. Yongguk nodded, taking it all in.

“And where do you fit into all of this?” he implored.

“I'm... his half-brother” Tabi replied hesitantly. Yongguk was stunned, not sure what to think. “We need to get Zelo somewhere safe” Tabi said.

“Where would be 'safe'?” Yongguk asked.

“I... don't know” Tabi sighed, running his fingers through his hair.


Another short chapter, I'll try and make the next one longer, that shouldn't be too hard since it's starting to get exciting^^. Enjoy both GD and Kai acting like annoying little kids lol ^^ did anyone see any of this coming? (kekeke) Please leave me a pretty comment. I like reading comments^^ I'm starting to wonder if anyone reads this

Edit: you know, this is more fun than you might think

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I am working on the new chapter, sorry it's taking so long, and it's looking to be a long one


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this story sound so cool
RapHyunJoel #2
Chapter 19: You are so so great author-nim!! How u make tabi look really masculin in this story? *laugh* Forget that questions and please keep updating..I really fall in love in this story!!
TheBethaBoo #3
Chapter 23: You smooth mofo
justme178 #4
Chapter 21: this is wonderful..i can't wait the update..i have a question is d.o evil here?i mean he didn't go with the others..i love how you mixed exo and bap i love both groups very much ^_^you are an amaizing writer :)
TheBethaBoo #5
Chapter 19: Yeah its like Nammie was completely forgotten During the trip
TheBethaBoo #6
Chapter 17: Riri :( you poor poor thing
chocolakay #7
Chapter 16: ehm, are you making some people shifting places? i mean like, kai will be with zelo anf tabi, and gd will be on kris side?
TheBethaBoo #8
Chapter 13: But zelo wasn't hiding?
TheBethaBoo #9
chocolakay #10
Chapter 9: you gave me d.o... #crying unicorns

it's so short! i can't bear gd being so vulnerable, update soon juseyo!