Chapter 18

Zelo's a WHAT?

Chanyeol walked up to the two guards outside the cell door. Both quickly straightened up as soon as they saw him. “I've been sent to watch the prisoner, you may leave” he sad.

They started to shuffle away slowly after he finished. “Go!” he barked, causing them to scuttle away. Once they were out of sight the others stepped out f the shadows behind Chanyeol. “I hate doing things like that. Why couldn't one of you do it?” he muttered glumly.

“Because they wouldn't have respected me or Sehun because of our age, Suho and Lay are too nice, and you have your size working for you” Tao replied. Chanyeol sighed dejectedly.

“What are we doing out here still? There's no guards to stop us now” Sehun asked impatiently.

“After you” Chanyeol said vexingly, holding the door open. Sehun scowled at him as they entered the small room. They quickly released Yongguk's wrists and he fell to the floor limply.

“Man, Kris really did a number on him” Lay said.

“Yeah, but you did see what he did to Kris' knee” Suho responded. Lay nodded, remembering what he saw.

“We need to keep moving, there's not long before someone notices” Sehun urged the.

“He's right, Suho grab him and let's go. You remember what to do in case we run into Kris?” Tao said, directing the question at Chanyeol.

“I don't like it, but yes” Chanyeol answered.

“Just remember, there's no turning back now, Kris has no power over us anymore” Tao stated. Suho hoisted Yongguk over his shoulder as they left quickly and quietly.
They snuck quietly through the corridors with Tao in the lead. They went a long way without interference until D.O crossed their path. “What are you-” he started, being cut off when Tao swung a leg up and kicked him in the head. The momentum slammed D.O into the wall and he crumpled limply to the floor.

“What was that for?” Suho asked.

“I panicked, okay” Tao replied in a piqued tone.

“Okay, but now we really need to leave” Lay said, taking the lead as they heard a few confused voices behind them. They followed quickly and silently. They didn't run into anyone else along the way.

“That was almost too easy” Tao said as they stopped outside of the hangar.

“Agreed” Suho said.

“I bet there's someone waiting in there to try and stop us” Sehun added. Lay groaned, knowing Sehun was probably right, as he opened the door. Tao gasped in surprise when Chanyeol grabbed him into a choke hold. Sehun had been right, Kris himself was waiting inside.

“What do you think you are doing?” Kris asked with contempt.

“We're getting out of here, and you won't stop us” Chanyeol said, roughly dragging Tao up with him. Kris' eyes widened with concern.

“Let us through” Chanyeol growled, allowing a small flame to form in his free hand. A scowl returned to Kris' face as he remained motionless. “NOW!” Chanyeol ordered, the flame in his hand flared. Tao shifted uncomfortably as Chanyeol moved the a little closer to his face.

Kris faltered, looking at Tao as he reluctantly stepped out of the way. “Go” he spat bitterly. They all stepped past him. It worked, Suho thought.
“I still can't believe you're half Exoan, that's so cool” Youngjae stated.

“Yeah, you've been dwelling on that fact for the past few hours, don't you think it's time to move on?” Emma said.

“Maybe, but if you're half Exoan, what's your other half?” Youngjae asked.

“Haven't I already told you?” Emma responded.

“Actually, I don't think you did say” Zelo told her.

“Oh, I really need to keep better track of what I have and haven't said” she stated. “By the way, I'm still mind-blown that you completely forgot to mention me” she added.

“Why do you look at me when you say that?” Seungri asked.

“Because you're the talkative one” Emma answered, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Heh, she's got you there Ri” Taeyang chuckled.

Seungri sighed in defeat. “well sorry for forgetting about someone I haven't seen in years” he exclaimed. The others fell silent and looked at him. As he started laughing they caught on to his mocking tone and joined him.

“Less talking, more walking” Daehyun grunted. Youngjae glared back at him.

“As much as I hate to say it, I have to agree. We need to make as much distance as possible” GD said.

“Well it's not looking like we'll be going much farther anyway, Himchan's practically carrying Kai now” Tabi said just as Himchan had to set Kai down.

“Yeah, I'm done. That kid is heavier than he looks” Himchan said. Kai groaned as he was left to settle on the ground.

“Poor guy, he's still so pale” Emma sighed.
Relief flooded through Lay as they landed safely on Earth. “We did it,” he said, “Tao's plan worked, we actually got away.”

“Yeah... now what?” Sehun asked.

“Now, we find the prince and join him” Tao replied, opening the door revealing the forest outside. Lay started coughing violently.

“What the hell?” he managed to say between coughs.

“I forgot, you haven't been down here before” Suho said, patting his back.

“Give it a bit, he'll get used to it” Sehun stated. It took a few minutes, but the coughing subsided, allowing Lay to breathe again.

“What... is in the air here?” he managed asked.

“You really don't want to know” Sehun responded.

“Alright then” Suho said, “so what do we do right now?” Tao took a deep breath as he thought about it.

“We need to catch up with the prince wherever he may be. They will have tried to make as much distance as they could” he said decidedly.

“It might be good to wait until daylight” Chanyeol stated.

“Or at least until this one wakes up” Suho added, shouldering Yongguk.

“Who knows, might be the same thing” Sehun said.

“Sounds like we're waiting either way” Lay stated.

Tao nodded. “They probably won't move at night either” he muttered.

“Great!” Sehun exclaimed as he stretched out on the ground using his arms as a pillow.

“I guess we're waiting out the night now, Sehun's made himself comfortable” Chanyeol commented.



I`m back after over a month of hiatus, stupid school and writersblock. and to a lesser degree work, I still love my work. but yeah, I waste my time in school when I could potentially be writing more (especially math class, I'm so much smarter that I always finish before everyone)

Anyway, TAO'S OUT B*****S!!!!!!!!! and I told you Yongguk wouldn't be stuck there for long. next chapter hopefully Yongnam will make a reappearance

Please comment, subscribe and maybe upvote, it would be epic if I could be featured

Edit: I'm so bad, doing this while I'm in class. This is what we call multitasking I guess

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I am working on the new chapter, sorry it's taking so long, and it's looking to be a long one


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this story sound so cool
RapHyunJoel #2
Chapter 19: You are so so great author-nim!! How u make tabi look really masculin in this story? *laugh* Forget that questions and please keep updating..I really fall in love in this story!!
TheBethaBoo #3
Chapter 23: You smooth mofo
justme178 #4
Chapter 21: this is wonderful..i can't wait the update..i have a question is d.o evil here?i mean he didn't go with the others..i love how you mixed exo and bap i love both groups very much ^_^you are an amaizing writer :)
TheBethaBoo #5
Chapter 19: Yeah its like Nammie was completely forgotten During the trip
TheBethaBoo #6
Chapter 17: Riri :( you poor poor thing
chocolakay #7
Chapter 16: ehm, are you making some people shifting places? i mean like, kai will be with zelo anf tabi, and gd will be on kris side?
TheBethaBoo #8
Chapter 13: But zelo wasn't hiding?
TheBethaBoo #9
chocolakay #10
Chapter 9: you gave me d.o... #crying unicorns

it's so short! i can't bear gd being so vulnerable, update soon juseyo!