Chapter 9

The Red String of Fate

 Hey sorry for not updating lately but has been caught up with PAINTED SKIN and finally finished, such an amazing drama!!! <3 GUI GUI!

Anyway thanks for patiently waiting for my update and i'll hope you'll enjoy this ^^

[Gui Gui POV]

“Rrrrrring! Bbbrrrring!”

I quickly picked up my phone from my bag and answered it without looking at the caller ID as I have noticed all eyes were on me.

“Wei, who’s this?” I asked.

“Guess,” the person chirped on the other line.

“Um….i know…your uncle Chen,” I replied cheekily.  “

Gui Gui! Do I sound like a man to you?” it was more of a statement than a question.

“Oh I’m so sorry, how can I forget my auntie Hua’s voice,” I said seriously but was laughing inside silently.

“Hmph! Gui Gui how could you forget your BEST FRIEND’S voice,” the person emphasised the word BEST FRIEND.”

I giggled through the phone. “Of course I know it’s you Cynthia. I was just joking with you….how can I not know the sound of your voice, I’ve known you since kindergarten.”

“Obviously I know….so where are you…I’m so bored…let’s go out?” pleaded Cynthia.

“I’m so sorry I can’t today…I meeting up with someone at Happy Star Café,” I replied sympathetically. I could hear through the other line she was sighing.

“So who’s this person?” She spoke, pretending she was alright.

“Someone from high school,” I said.

“Ohh him…then I better not disturb you two,” giggled Cynthia.

I knew what she was thinking so I quickly replied to aviod misunderstanding. “It’s not what you think we’re just f-“before I could continue she already cut me off.“

“Hao la…Hao la…I know I’m only playing around with you,” explained Cynthia.

“Anyway I try to finish this earlier so we can hang out,” I smiled.

“AHHHH THANK YOU GUI GUI…I LOVE YOU….but are you sure?” She asked sympathetically on the last few words but I knew she was suppressing her happiness.

“Yes,” I smiled.

“Okay then I wait for you…bye,” squeaked Cynthia.

“Bye,” I replied. Just as I put my phone down the bells on the café door jingled and walked in Mr Sunshine. “Cal…”I waved at him, smiling. He turned towards my way and called out to me.

“Hey little Ghost,” ginned Calvin whilst giving me a small hug. We both sat down in our seats and continued with our talk just like the last few times we’ve met up. After half an hour of talking we decided to order some cakes and puddings to try.

 [Aaron’s POV]

“Hmmmm…” Jiro stretched his body. “Hey let’s take a break and go to Happy Star Café, I heard they have really delicious desserts there,” suggested Jiro.

“Count me in,” Wu Chun lifted his hand up slightly but was finishing off the last question of on the worksheet. 

“Sure why not,” I agreed. We decided to use Wu Chun’s car instead of driving three separate cars there.

 Happy Star Café was very different to what I imagined it’ll be, it was very modern; there many people from young to old, sitting outside, under a beach umbrella, enjoying their time with their close ones. The café gives off a very welcoming aura. As we walked down the pebble pathway towards the café, I could feel that all eyes were on us and heard some whispers.

“Oh my god, look at those pretty boys!”  Girl one exclaimed.

“There so handsome but I prefer the guy with the black straight hair,” Girl two said dreamily.

“Well I’m more interested in the guy with the reddish brown curly hair, I mean look how cool looking he is!” Girl three squealed.

“No look at the guy with big muscles,” girl four grinned.

“Will you stop looking at them, I’m still here!” a guy complained to a girl coldly which I’m guessing it’s his girlfriend.

At the corner of my eyes I can see Jiro smirking and Chun staring back at them, well since I knew Chun he was probably looking at their delicious cakes and puddings. I slightly chuckled and rolled my eyes.  Once we were inside the café, I looked around to see if there were any available seats for us but got nudged by Jiro.

“ey, ey, ey. Isn’t that Calvin?” Jiro asked happily.

“It’s definitely him and I see that SPECIAL person as well,” Wu Chun grinned on the last part.

I looked over to the place they were looking at and noticed it was Calvin.

“Let’s go over and see who this girl is,” Jiro said excitedly. 

“Well it looks like we’ve found our seats,” I smirked.

We made our way towards them, for some reason I swear the back of the girl looks very familiar. As we got closer we could heard their conversation clearer as well as their action.

“Here try mine, it’s so yummy,” the girl placed her fork in front on Calvin’s mouth. Even her voice was very familiar. Calvin opened his mouth and tasted the delicious strawberry cheesecake. ( )

“Hmmm….it really is delightful but why did I only get the cheesecake part but not the strawberry?” Calvin eyed the girl.

“That’s because I love strawberries too much,” the girl stuck her tongue out and laughed.

“Silly ghost,” Calvin smiled and pitched her nose. “Now try my Chocolate Hazelnut Terrine with Raspberry Sauce,” (

“Ey…maybe we shouldn’t disturb them…look how close they are,” Wu Chun commented.

“Nonsense, that’s why we definitely need to see this chick…look how happy Cal is,” Jiro replied back. 

I for certain wanted to see who this girl is…I wasn’t feeling the same curiosity as them…I just wanted to know why she looked so familiar.

“Yo Calvin!” shouted Jiro.

Calvin looked up and smiled “Hey what are you doing here? What happen to we’re studying?”  

“We heard there was a new café opened and they sell amazing desserts so we decided to take a break and come here,” explained Jiro.

“And it looks like it was true…look how many customers turned up,” Wu Chun stated. “How did you guys even get a seat?”

Calvin smirked “I have my ways.”

While the guys were chattering I kept on staring at the figure in front of us which Calvin soon realised and was about to say something but got interrupted.

“Why don’t we join you?” Jiro suggested.

“Erm…” Calvin looked at the girl. She slightly tilted her head down. Calvin smiled and agreed with Jiro. Calvin got up from his seat and sat next to the girl while the three of us squashed together on the opposite seats.

“So…Cal who’s this?” Jiro motioned his head at the girl, who has down had her head slightly tilted downwards.

I couldn’t really see the girl’s face clearly as her hair was kind of hiding her but I remember those exact delicate features and big round eyes.  Calvin and the girl looked towards each other and smiled. As soon as she lifted her head slightly and introduced herself, I was so shocked and so was she.

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update soon :)
update please!
kambelin #3
uuuuuuuuuuuuupdate please
iLoveStitch #4
update soon! =3
kambelin #5
keep writing the storie
AaronGuiGuiforever #6
please continued the story please. i realy love it :D
Yes. I really like this story. Please continue.
Please update.
Aw~ That was so cute but I could not
imagine how Aaron could do that in real
life but after all this is a fanfic.
OMG! I can't stop smiling this is way
to cute and sweet!

Please update soon! ^o^