Chapter 10

The Red String of Fate

Hey it's been a while, sorry i'm been quite busy lately!!!! So to apologise and thank you for waiting patiently this chapter is slightly longer

than ious chapters ^^ Hope you'll enjoy this XD

[Aaron’s POV]

Gui Gui was speechless for a few second but recovered after Calvin tapped on her shoulders. She smiled shyly and returned her attention back to us.

“…H..hi I’m Wu Ying Jie but you can call me Gui Gui.”

Jiro and Wu Chun introduced themselves to Gui Gui while I was still allowing my brain to digest the fact that Gui Gui was the SPECIAL person….. Also why do I feel like she’s a completely different person just now when she was alone with Calvin?

Aaron’s mood changed from shocked to having mixed feelings within a few minutes. He didn’t understand why he felt like this, should he be happy to see her? But why does he feel upset as well?

“Gui Gui, Is that you?” I asked.

“…yeah hi Aaron,” Gui Gui smiled.

The guys look at us confusingly.

“You two know each other?” asked Calvin looking at me then at Gui Gui.

“Yeah, my father works under the Yan’s Corporation,” Gui Gui replied smiling.

“So she’s the chick you’re waiting for,” Jiro stated quietly.

I ignored Jiro and returned my attention back to Gui Gui. Without me noticing I blurted out coldly “Why are you acting so differently?”

By now everyone was staring at Aaron shockingly.

“Why did say that out of the blue? How can you say that when you’ve only met her twice!” whispered Jiro.

“Aaron!” whined Wu Chun quietly enough for only him to hear. “Look at what you’ve caused,” Wu Chun said like an older brother lecturing his younger brother.

I felt very guilty after noticing her cheeks were flushed and was sitting there dazed out; I guess she didn’t know how to answer my question. I don’t even know why I asked that…I was just angry seeing Gui Gui acting differently towards Calvin.

“When you say different you mean she’s quiet and distant around you and not me,” Calvin smirked. “Well…that’s only because she’s very shy around strangers and people not so close to her.”

“Oh so that’s why when we came over she immediately quiet down,” Jiro said to himself but didn’t realised the rest of them heard him.

“It’s like what Calvin said so please don’t think it’s because I don’t like you,” Gui Gui expressed.

“Don’t worry we won’t,” Wu Chun placed his hand on her shoulders.

Gui Gui looked at me and smiled apologetically “Aaron? I’m sorry …i...”

I returned a smiled at her and replied “Don’t worry and I’m sorry too…I didn’t mean it in any bad ways.”

Now that I have I understood the reasons behind her behaviour around me I was feeling much calmer but does this mean she’s very close to Calvin? While I was deep in my thoughts the guys was getting to know Gui Gui, when all of a sudden I heard Jiro asking well stating to Calvin that is Gui Gui the SPECIAL person Calvin’s been hanging around with.

“So Gui Gui’s the SPECIAL person why you’ve been ditching us,” stated Jiro.

Both Gui Gui and Calvin just smiled.

Wu Chun who was sitting next to me nudged me and whispered “Aaron are you okay?”

I didn’t know why he was asking me this until i felt a sharp pain on my plalms and realised my nails has dug into my hands.

“I’m fine,” I replied coldly.

Wu Chun nodded knowing that I wasn’t in the mood to talk “Hey I’m hungry, lets order something.”

“There’s no need just share with us, look how much we’ve ordered,” said Calvin pointing at the table with full of different desserts.







“Are you sure?” Wu Chun asked and looked at Gui Gui.

“Don’t worry me and Calvin has a habit of ordering lots of stuff to try when we are together,” Gui Gui assured.

Wu Chun smiled and began to search for the delicious dessert on the table. “How did you guys know each other?” asked Wu Chun while picking up a plate.

“Well we’ve known each other since middle school,” Calvin stated.

“Really! No wonder why we couldn’t figure out who the person you’ve been hanging around with lately,” Wu Chun commented.

So Calvin and Gui Gui has known each other since middle school, that’s probably why they seem close but still I don’t know why it’s annoying me that the fact Calvin knows about Gui Gui more. Urg…I really don’t understand why I’m irritated. Shouldn’t i be happy for Cal if he likes her?

While the guys were talking and I was still in deep thoughts I felt a warm touch on my hand.

“Aaron…erm…I want to apologise to you,” Gui Gui said but was quietly enough for only me to hear.

“For?” I asked confusingly.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t call you when you asked me to,” she told me.

Oh so that’s why but why didn’t she, I was feeling depressed again now that I remembered. “Why didn’t you?” I asked.

“I’ve been busy lately with…stuff” she explained.

“Stuff” she probably meant Calvin. I wanted to argue back but I didn’t want to upset her.

I sighed “Then are you free this week?”

“Ummm….” she replied.

“Let’s go tomorrow,” I quickly suggested before she could find a way to reject me.

[Gui Gui POV]

“Then are you free this week?” Aaron asked me.

I wasn’t sure if I was so the only sound that came out of my mouth was “Ummm….” While I was still thinking Aaron interrupted me and asked well it was more like a demand.

“Let’s go tomorrow.”

I don’t know why but I felt like there’s more than just wanting to treat me dinner to thank you me. Then again he might really want to show his gratitude for helping him that night.

“Ok but can we go during the evening because I have work until the evening,” I replied.

His face immediately brightens up and smiled at me, this made me wanting to smile too as it was a different smile to the one he gave me that rainy night and day I knew who he was. Every time that I saw him I have thought his smile was very gentle but had very sad and lonely eyes. 

“Then I’ll pick you up at 7:00pm tomorrow at the….bookstore?” Aaron grinned.

I nodded whilst giving him a smile.

“Hey, hey, hey did I just hear someone’s going on a date tomorrow?” Jiro smirked.

My cheeks immediately flushed red. Before I could answer Jiro I noticed the time on his watch was 4:00pm. Okay, Cynthia going to be mad at me. I quickly finished the last bite of my strawberry cheesecake and everyone was looked very confused.

“Cal, I’m sorry but is it alright if I leave now?” I pleaded.

“Why?” Calvin pouted.

Awww, he’s so cute whenever he does that but still I had to leave.

“I’m really sorry but I promised Cynthia earlier that I would spend time with her shopping later,” I pouted.

“Hey no copying,” Calvin moaned which made me giggled.

“Hao la…then I drop you off.” “Okay,” I smiled and turned to the guys.

“I’m sorry but I have to leave and it’s very nice meeting you guys.”

“We’ll happy too finally getting to meet the heroine,” grinned Jiro.

I really didn’t understand why he called me that, or why Jiro and Wu Chun has been calling me SPECIAL person for the whole time, is this an inside joke?

“Gui Gui hope we get to see each other soon again,” smiled Wu Chun.

I smiled and turned towards Aaron “Bye Aaron I’ll see you tomorrow,” and started getting off my seat, ready to leave.

“Wait, last time you got my number but I forgot to get yours,” Aaron gave me his phone.

“Ohhh,” I took his phone and started dialling my number into it. After returning his phone I waved goodbyes to them and left with Calvin.

 [Aaron POV]

“Aaron it looks like you’ve got competition,” Jiro smirked slyly.

I looked at him confusingly. “What do you mean?”

“You know what he means Aaron, his talking about Calvin,” Wu Chun answered, playfully nudging me.

I took a bite of the cake and asked half-heartedly “What about him?”

Jiro sighed heavy and said “You like Gui Gui don’t you.”

I stopped eating the cake and eyed both of them. “How can I…I only met her four times.”

Although I told Jiro and Chun that I wasn’t really sure about my feelings. Both of them raised their eyebrows at me.

Wu Chun placed him hand on my shoulders and said in a serious tone “Why can’t you then? It’s not like Gui Gui’s a hard person to fall in love with.” “She an ideal girl to anyone, she is gentle and caring and not to forget she is selfless.”

“It seems like both of know a lot about her after just a few hours spending with her,” I said.

“We do but not just because of today, it was mostly from what you’ve told us about her,” Wu Chun stated.

The words that Jiro and Wu Chun said kept repeating in my head. Have I really fell I love with her but I couldn’t be I just got dump a few weeks ago, didn’t I love Qiao Qiao a lot? But why was I feeling irritated when I saw how close Calvin and Gui Gui was and depressed when she didn’t call me?

Wu Chun breathed out heavily and patted my shoulders while grabbing another piece of plate “You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to.”

I looked towards Jiro thinking he wasn’t going to let go of this topic and say something but to he was smiled and starting eating his pudding. Although I wasn’t 100% sure about my feelings for Gui Gui but I still wanted to tell them as they have always stood by me and care for me.

“I’m not sure about my feeling towards Gui Gui but think I’m interested in her as you guys have said she’s gentle, caring and selfless. She is very different to all the girls I have met so far.”

Wu Chun smiled and replied “Don’t worry in time you’ll know if you have feelings for her but I’m sure you do already.”

“Hey if that’s the case don’t we have trouble then?” Jiro looked at both of us seriously. “Doesn’t Calvin also like Gui Gui?”

Before me or Wu Chun could answer Jiro’s question someone already answered for us.

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update soon :)
update please!
kambelin #3
uuuuuuuuuuuuupdate please
iLoveStitch #4
update soon! =3
kambelin #5
keep writing the storie
AaronGuiGuiforever #6
please continued the story please. i realy love it :D
Yes. I really like this story. Please continue.
Please update.
Aw~ That was so cute but I could not
imagine how Aaron could do that in real
life but after all this is a fanfic.
OMG! I can't stop smiling this is way
to cute and sweet!

Please update soon! ^o^