
Midnight Light


Sulli looks at her own refliection in the mirror. The emerald green dress she is wearing is perfect. It stops above her knee, showing her perfect legs. Sulli glances at the mirror again before leaving the bathroom. They had been told to dress up for some kind of special mission. Sulli tied her hair into a messy bun so that Victoria can apply make-up on her without the dictraction of her hair. Victoria brought a big box into Sulli's room and puts it down on her bed. Sulli frowned at the box. Victoria asked Sulli to sit in front od the desk so that she can apply the make up on her with enough lighting. Sulli obeyed and sits on the chair. Victoria opens the box and takes out some of the make up and places them on the desk. Sulli looks through the small compacts on her table. The colour is mainly green and dark blue, to accompany the colour of her dress. Without waiting any longer, Victoria starts her task given by Tiffany. 

Soon after, Sulli's makeup is done. She looked at the small mirror on her desk and was surprised by her look. It looks good but not on her. It is too mature for a teenage girl like her. "I look old." Sulli stated as Victoria is keeping the makeup into the box. "That's good." Sulli raised her eyebrows. "The party is going to be a reunion for some companies. Your role is to play as the heirs of ARY. You can't look 17 to be an heir, right?" Sulli nods her head knowingly. "What is ARY?" Sulli asked. "It is a makeup brand. Their main colour this year is green, that's why you are so greeny today." Sulli lets out a small chuckle. "ARY's CEO was found dead a few weeks ago. He didn't have any relatives to take over but his business partner wished to find out the murderer." 

"The murderer is at the party too?" Sulli asked as she wears the necklace Tiffany gave her earlier. "That is possible. Sehun will be your partner tonight." Sulli choked on her saliva. "SEHUN?" Victoria nods as she closes the box causing it to make a loud noise. "Why him?" Sulli sulked, not happy with her partner. Sehun is colder than the Antarctica, and Sulli is total oblivios of how to communicate with him. "Don't worry. You will be alright. Sehun is a phycologist, remember? We need him at the party tonight. Minho is controlling the CCTV and Luhan needs to get ready in case anything happens. I don't think you want some old man to be your partner." Victoria grinned. Sulli smiles at her joke. "Well, Sehun it is." Sulli hopped down from the chair and walks to her closet to find the perfect shoe to match her outfit. Victoria joins her as she tries on a pair of white flats. 

"Are you serious? Flats?" Victoria asked. Sulli nods sheepishly. She can't find anything more comfortable than that to wear anymore. Victoria shakes her head and picked out a pair of black satin heels with a diamond in each of them. Sulli shakes her head. "You need to. Bear it for a little while." Victoria puts the heels on the floor and Sulli wears them unwillingly. "The diamond is big like hell." Sulli complained as she tied the black strap around her ankle. Victoria chuckles and pats her back. "Come on, the party will start soon." Sulli nods and follows Victoria out to the living room. Tiffany checks on her right after she lands her eyes on Sulli. "Dear, you are beautiful." Tiffany smiles lovingly. "We need to fix your hair." Tiffany annouced and leads to another room. Sehun is sitting on one of the chair. It looks like a mini barber shop, just that it doesn't have hairdresser. Sehun looks at her for a few seconds before returning his gaze to his phone. 

Sehun's hair is slightly pushed up. To be honest, it looks really good on him. He is wearing a black suit accompanies by a pair of leather shoes. "Let's see." Victoria looks around the room. She unties Sulli's hair and starts to curl the bottom of her hair, making it half straight and half curl. After curling, Victoria pins some hair pins around to make the hair stays on their places. "You are ready to go." Tiffany clapped her hair as she looked at Sulli's reflection in the mirror. Sulli liked it too. Her new hairstyle didn't make her look old, instead, it make her look more lively. "Sehun, we got to go." Sehun stands up and straightened his suit before leaving the room. Tiffany started the engine after Luhan and Minho made their way into the van after Sulli and Sehun. "Be careful not to mess up." Tiffany said as she passed them some black thingie. Minho passes one to Sulli, who was looking at it with amazement. 

"It's an earpiece. Put it into your ear and cover it with your hair." Minho explained as he puts one of them into his ears. Sulli did as told. It feels really weird but exciting at the same time. "Sehun, take good care of Sulli." Tiffany said and looked at him throught the rear mirror. Sehun hummed and continues scrolling his phone. Minho pats Sulli's hair. "You can do it." Sulli nods her head before going down. There are two guards at the front door. One of them has an iPad on his hand while the other is talking with a walkie talkie. "Name please?" the guard with iPad asked them as they made their way to the front door. "Oh Sehun and Choi Jin Ri." Sehun annouced. Sulli smiles when the guard makes an eye-contact with her. The guard replies with a small smile and scrolls at the iPad. "From?" he asked again. "ARY." Sulli replied in her sweetest tone.

The guard continues to scroll until he found their names. "Good evening, Mr Oh and Miss Choi. The party is starting in five minutes. Have a nice day." the guard opens the door and scoots aside so that they can go in. "Sulli, ou are doing good. Sehun, smile, for God's sake!" Tiffany's voice can be heard through the earpiece. Sulli looks down at her feet to hide her smile. Sehun sighed in frustration but it was quickly turned into a small polite smile when a man approached them. "Are you from M.I.S?" the man asked. "He is the business parter I was talking about just now." Tiffany voice can be heard again. Sulli smiles and nods her head politely while Sehun just remains silence. "Thank God. I wish you can help me out." the man smiled at Sulli and stretches out his hand for a handshake. Sulli gladly takes it. Pictures of wine and ladies flashes into her mind. Sulli shakes it off immediately. The man leaves after giving Sehun one last glance.

"Walk around. Look for someone suspicious. Stay low. We don't want attention." Tiffany said again. "Got it." Sehun said while covering his mouth with his hand by acting like he wiping something off his face. Sulli was quite surprised by his intelligence. She didn't even care to cover while replying. They make their way to the end of the ballroom where varies type of food are placed on the table. Sehun takes two plates and passes one to Sulli. Sehun picks some food while looking around for anyone suspicious. Sulli looks at the food Sehun placed on her plate. "I think this is enough." Sehun said and she nodded. Both of them placed the food on the table and starts eating. "Sehun, turns around a little, I can't see." Minho said and the sound of keyboard typing can be heard. Sehun walks around the table a little. "That's good. I have a good view." Minho said again in between the sound of typing. 

"Good evening, miss. Say, I haven't meet you since. Where are you from?" a guy approached their table shamelessly. "Tell him you are the heirs of ARY. Your father was found dead a few weeks ago and you just found out that you are the heir of the company in his will." Tiffany said immediately. "Ah, good evening. I am Choi Jin Ri, the heir of ARY." the guy nods his head slowly. "There is a rumor saying that Mr.Choi has no wife or children. It is such a surprise to see such a pretty lady as her daughter." Sulli smiles and bowed at his compliment. "My father likes to keep his profile low so it's normal that many people thought he didn't have any wife. I got the information about me being the heir a few days ago too. It was really surprising." the guy nodded again. "And about this young man here?" he asked, referring to Sehun. "Say that you are Sulli's fiance." Tiffany said. Sehun bowed slightly before wrapping her body around his hand. 

"I am her fiance." Sehun replied with a small smile. The guy nods again. "Well, I will see you around then." he places his hand on Sulli's shoulder. Images of newspaper of Mr.Choi, the CEO of ARY flashes through. "Is that him?" Sehun asked. Sulli shakes her head and continues eating. "Not the one just now." Sulli looks up with her eyebrows knitted. "The guy on your left. 4 o'clock direction." Sehun said before taking one glass of wine from a waiter's tray that passed by. Sulli turns around slowly and her eyes meet the guy's. He is wearing a grey suit with a blue necktie. "He is too young." Sulli said as she smiles at the guy. Sehun shakes his head. "His face expression when the old man approached you just now. Hatred and jealously when you said that you are the heir of ARY." Sulli's eyes widen and she looks at Sehun. "It's him." 

Ello~ Hehe, Imma back after a lazy week. Cliffhanger, hehehehe. I am so bad, right? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :)

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goodxxd #1
Chapter 15: authornim another story please! you have great more story with s'more s'more romance..
fieminho #2
nice story dear author
nana4ever #3
Chapter 15: You are wrong my dear ... I read the author's note :) Do not be so hard on yourself. The end was fine... And perhaps we would have like more romance, but this is your story and your ideal. So ... No worries.

Thank you for your effort ... Some times like now its 7:30 in the morning after reading my brain isn't working to well to comment lol. It's not a reflection on your story ;).

Have a great day !!
AveAstrea #4
Chapter 15: Oh... I'm so sad... I really thought that this one will be along story. Honestly, I really have high expectations on this one. I really thought there will be MinSul moments and there will be more mission. So, I think this ends here. Thanks anyway for this story. I love this story, sincerely. I think I've gone too far for I've anticipated and expected so much. Anyway, take care always.
Chapter 15: Are you kidding me thats the best ending ever u female potato. Tata off to write my story *harggs yiu*
Chapter 14: Sometimes when you leave cliffhangers, it makes me want to eat my own hand and throw rocks at you. Nice chapter you cookie. <3 OKAY AND THE 'HEIRS' KEPT REMINDING ME OF THE MOVIE,
Chapter 14: It's like you write 'heirs' into the story after watching The Heirs. :D and I like it. The Heirs is so freaking good. Like seriously ;)
Ssulbias #8
Chapter 12: Sehun show no interest to Sulli. Update soon.
havu94 #9
Chapter 12: wow double updates. AWE to the SOME author-nim. :)