
Midnight Light

The ride back to the building is full silence. Luhan and Sehun were too tired due to their shopping while Minho and Sulli were thinking what Minho just said. In M.I.S, it is all about loyalty. Sulli knows perfectly about this. But upon hearing to what Minho just told her, her trust and loyalty seem to lessen. Sure, she still wants to be a part of this big family, completing task to save her own country. Siwon stopped the car all of a sudden making Sulli to get out from her deep thought. All of them hop off the van and walk into the building. Minho places his hand on Sulli's shoulder. "Don't worry too much, it will make things worse." Sulli nods and lets out a sigh. Minho ruffles her hair before joining Luhan and Sehun for another round of video game. 

Sulli sits on the chair and stares at her computer. She moves the cursor around and sulks in the chair. She takes our her diary she kept in a box and started writing things MInho told her just now. It makes no sense for her. If God wants to make another system, why don't he just tell the members of M.I.S and starts a new program with them? On top of that, if God kicked out Ji Suk, what is the reason to make him one of the member of the new program? Sulli places the pen down and leans back. Her eyes scan around the room as she swivels her office chair. She noticed a small note sticked onto the back of her door. She is sure it wasn't there earlier. She walks to the door and takes off the sticky note from the door.

Don't worry. Be happy. :)

Sulli's lips curve into a small smile after reading the small sticky notes. She places the sticky note in her diary, wanting to treasure it. Sulli traces the dried ink on the sticky note with her hand. She remembers how her father would do the same when she is tired or stressed out. He would write a letter to her and send it to their house address. She remembers how her father would always end it with a smiley face. Sulli picks up her phone beside her computer and presses on the icon for contact. Her finger stopped when her phone screen display the number of her father. She wanted to dial the number but one small part of her is stopping her. After enough courage, she pressed the number and puts her phone beside her ears.

The phone was picked up after a few rings. "Hello?" Sulli can feel the tears pooling up in her eyes. It is just a simple greeting from her dad but she can hear the difference of his voice. His once happy and loud voice has turned into a soft and weak mumbles. "Hello?" he repeated. Sulli gulped before answering. "Appa." she answered with trembling voice. Silence took over their conversation. A light chuckle came out from her father's mouth. Sulli felt amaze at her father's sudden voice. "I thought you don't remember your own father." Sulli chuckles with tears flowing on her cheeks. Neither of them spoke but both of them knows that they need each other. "Appa, is everything okay at home?" Sulli asked while wiping off the tears with the back of her hand. 

"What can happen to this old house?" Sulli can't see but she can feel the smile that crept onto her father's face. She smiled too. "When are you coming? Is the hostel okay?" Sulli hears some footsteps. She guessed that her father is walking to the couch. "The homework is piling up here. I will go for a visit when I am free, okay? The hostel room is quite big, it is really comfortable too." her father hummed, quite satisfied with her answer. "Don't stress yourself, okay?" her father's tone softened again. "Arraso." Sulli said with aegyo. Within her father's hearty laugh, she hears noises of keys. "Your mother is home. Do you want to talk to her?' Sulli's heart sank upon hearing to the word 'mother'. "I still have work to do. I will call back next time." Sulli rushly said. Her father lets out a sigh. 

"She missed you. She stays up late at night so that she can picks up the phone in case you called." Sulli feels tears again. Without her knowing, the phone is passed to her mother. "Hello?" her mother asked in a gentle tone. "Omma." Even though she isn't there, but she knows her mother's eyes are filled with tears. "Is everything alright at the hostel? Did you eat on time? Is your roomates friendly?" Sulli chuckles at her mother's sudden quiestions. "Omma, you are asking too many quiestions at a time." her mother lets out a sigh. "I am worried." Just three simple words but Sulli felt happy to hear them from her mother. She smiled before answering. "Everything is fine. The cafeteria is on until 11 at night so my stomach is always full. The roomates are really friendly. They helped me a lot too." her mother lets out a sigh of relief. a

"That's great." Sulli hummed. Silence took over again. "I guess you want to talk to your father. I will pass the phone to him." Within seconds, the phone is passed back to her father again. "I can see both of you had a good conversation." Sulli smiled. "Appa, I still got things to do. I will call you as soon as possible, okay?" Her father sighed. "Alright. Don't overwork. Stay healthy, okay?" Sulli hummed again. After that, the phone was hung up. Even though it was just a small phone call, Sulli felt her heart at ease. She picks up the family photo she had beside her bed and traces her finger on the frame. A small smile crept onto her face. "Someone is in a good mood." a deep voice echoed. Sulli turned around and saw Minho leaning at the door frame. 

"I called them." Minho looks at her questioningly. "Who?" Minho teased. He knows how much she missed them. Sulli tsk-ed and gave her a dirty look. Minho smiled. "Let's go." Sulli raised her eyebrows. "Where?" Minho grinned. "Chocolate milkshake." Sulli's jaw dropped. "Again?" MInho shrugged. "It's fine if you don't want. It's not like I am forcing you." Minho turns around and walks out the room. "Who says I don't want?" Minho smirked.

Yoohoo~ I am back! I didn't update for a long time, right? Sorry..There is no reasons...JUST ME BEING LAZY Anyway, hope you guys enjoy ! ^_^

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goodxxd #1
Chapter 15: authornim another story please! you have great more story with s'more s'more romance..
fieminho #2
nice story dear author
nana4ever #3
Chapter 15: You are wrong my dear ... I read the author's note :) Do not be so hard on yourself. The end was fine... And perhaps we would have like more romance, but this is your story and your ideal. So ... No worries.

Thank you for your effort ... Some times like now its 7:30 in the morning after reading my brain isn't working to well to comment lol. It's not a reflection on your story ;).

Have a great day !!
AveAstrea #4
Chapter 15: Oh... I'm so sad... I really thought that this one will be along story. Honestly, I really have high expectations on this one. I really thought there will be MinSul moments and there will be more mission. So, I think this ends here. Thanks anyway for this story. I love this story, sincerely. I think I've gone too far for I've anticipated and expected so much. Anyway, take care always.
Chapter 15: Are you kidding me thats the best ending ever u female potato. Tata off to write my story *harggs yiu*
Chapter 14: Sometimes when you leave cliffhangers, it makes me want to eat my own hand and throw rocks at you. Nice chapter you cookie. <3 OKAY AND THE 'HEIRS' KEPT REMINDING ME OF THE MOVIE,
Chapter 14: It's like you write 'heirs' into the story after watching The Heirs. :D and I like it. The Heirs is so freaking good. Like seriously ;)
Ssulbias #8
Chapter 12: Sehun show no interest to Sulli. Update soon.
havu94 #9
Chapter 12: wow double updates. AWE to the SOME author-nim. :)